
8 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is the part that caught my attention:

Privacy features like user-agent reduction, IP reduction, preventing cross-site storage, and fingerprint randomization make it more difficult to distinguish or reidentify individual clients, which is great for privacy, but makes fighting fraud more difficult.

And we do those things, not because we're fraudsters, but because we're trying to protect ourselves from the likez of YOU!

YOU did this, change your model and maybe it'll be better? Oh! But! Mooooooooney! I forgot. Stupid me.

This is the fucking bully telling the nerd that if he doesn't just HAND OVER his lunch money, that he'll get beat. It's YOUR fault! Not OURS!

Edit: Formatting and added about bully

Edit 2: fixing the formatting of the formatting edit. :-D lol

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He'll spin it like it was sone master grand plan and his zealots will eat that shit sandwich up and ask for poop nuggets for a side.

Good for him, if they can actually pay. And I thank Kick for letting me know that I have 0 interest in that platform. xQc's content isn't for as I'm an adult that isn't a complete asshat. Only partial, but xQc is far too toxic for me.

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My 6 year old and I play Minetest all the time. The basic Minetest is more of an engine, you really need to mod it, but they build the mod loader and search into the game. It's great imo.

If you like that, also check out Veloren.

There are also other free and open source games that are quite good as wel.

At this point just get a rasbperry pi, or some similar device, and run it as a regular computer. Firefox, ublock origin, don't worry about ads, and turn it into a machine that is capable of soooooooo much more. Hell, any PC will work. Steam Deck, NUC, that old laptop you have laying around? Been running little NUCs on my TVs for years and so happy I don't have to put up with that nonsense.

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Beatings will continue until morale improves!

The king is replacing his minions with more acceptable minions. So most likely inept as well. Can't sew how poorly this'll go.


Use tech and services outside the big tech. Just Fedi over standard social. Use Peertube instead of Youtube.

Run Firefox.

Set up your own servers for yourself or start a community. Matrix, Mastodon, Lemmy, etc.

Run SearXNG as your search or help others by hosting.

If you can work of free and open source code that helps decentralize and give the power back to the people or create something new. Even if you can code, learning a project and helping others with it or helping create docs, etc.

Spread the word, but don't be annoying. Help less technical folks get decentralized.

It's very difficult and can be disheartening, but you don't have to cold turkey all of it. Each drip in the bucket helps until we're all united and become a tidal wave.

When all the power is centralized that's when those central players think they can do whatever they want.

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I use GoToSocial with Sempahore for my microblogging (alternative to Mastodon).

Also Owncast as an alternative to Twitch.

And then I watch tilvids.com and other Peertube instances for videos.

And of course Lemmy. :-D

Oh and then there's Funkwhale for audio.

It's all in different states of usability, depending on the communities involved.

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Wife is a nurse that works at a hospital and when she'd come home from her shift, when Covid was raging, she'd derobe in the garage and run to the shower to wash. We had a 3 year old and 6 month old at the time. And she risked all our lives to help people that didn't take the issue seriously and some that even yelled at her that she faked their bloodwork because Covid wasn't real.

Thank you for trying to help others, even when they don't believe it's real.

Invidious still wotks great for me.

There's also Piped.

Peertube is also gaining traction and I personally enjoy that, just needs more content creators to stop worrying about chicken and egg and start protecting their content.

I've been around long enough to see many projects be extinguished.

To your first point, these companies essentially have infinite money compared to you, me, everyone combined on Mastodon. They can and will figure out a way to track you across servers and they will figure out how to exploit that. Cookies weren't supposed to be used for tracking they way they are, but the money hoarders figured out how to exploit them. Browser fingerprinting wasn't a thing, but it can now be used to track you. How you type and how you speak online can be used to ID you.

If you think that Facebook is willing to share anything, I just don't agree. Facebook will create Threads, they'll put it on the Fediverse, they'll align, then eventually they'll start building features that Mastodon, Lemmy, etc refuse to or literally can't or won't have the time to do, and then they'll start selling how they're so much better and you should come join them, or they'll say they're more secure, or they'll just smear the others. People will flock to the new and better, because hey it's still on the Fediverse and open, eventually they'll close it off and strangle the life out of the Fediverse. I'll still be on the Fediverse, but these platforms are all about content. If people stop showing up, they can still exist, but they're basically useless. It's happened before, it'll happen again.

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NO! No bugs! Be perfect!

Seriously though, I've seen way dumber shit in "production" ready code.

I won't use Bluesky, but this happens all the time. I also don't see the issue.

I've told folks before, once and last time in front of developers (they didn't find it funny) , that all code is shit. Not because they're bad at it, but because it's impossible to account for EVERY possible factor. They always make a better idiot. US: "Here's this square." Them: "I cut the corners off to fit it into the round hole and it no works!"

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Peertube has RSS. I hope this pushes folks to Peertube. I personally recommend and love TILVids. You can set up an account on TILVIDs and even follow folks on other instances. Or spin up your own Peertube if you're brave enough, I could never figure it out but I plan on trying again some day. :D aNot that I want the alt-right stuff, but if they go on their own server everywhere else just DeFederates them and I never have to see it.

But yeah, LBRY was all in on the Crypto BS. Honestly kind of hoping this is just the tip of the iceberg for the crypto companies playing in the arena.

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Mother-in-law works at one. Under educated, under paid, not enough help, everyone is forced to go there and sees it as a watse of their time so the "guv'ment" can "steal" your hard earned money. At least in thd US.

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Please NEVER stop asking questions. As other have said, there really are no stupid questions.

If someone else acts like it's a stupid question, then it's their issue and not yours. NOTHING is easy until you understand it. The only way to understand it is to ask questions.

I've told numerous folks at work that before they do something if they have a question then let me know, because I'd rather answer a question then spend an hour or more fixing something broken.

I ask a LOT of questions. So many questions that when I first started in IT I had a lead that got used to me being in the office 2 hours before him so he knew I'd have a million questions and before he'd even go to his desk he'd stop by mine and ask if I had questions, which I always did.

Please please please please please ASK QUESTIONS.

I have been in IT for 12 years now, I have been on Linux for 16. Before this post I literally was in another thread and asked about BTRFS. I looked it up and it wasn't making sense to me, so I asked a question. You can NEVER know EVERYTHING. And when you start to get comfortable that's when something new comes out or you start digging deeper and have more.

Didn't we already fund this shit?

Time Warner Cable reported 97% profit on broadband before. They don't need anymore money.

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According to OSM, they're complementary and they kind of work together:


Smart homes in centralized hands, such as Google? Nightmare.

Smart homes controled from your home, like home assistant? Awesome. I have home assistant and done some lights, water sensor, even my security cameras. It's a lot of work, but it works so well it's crazy.

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As someone that watches Twitch through MPV, I can confirm watching "Ad Playing" is preferable to actually watching an annoying ad.

Found a PCMag article indicating this:


So OP did indicate it's from 2021. That's a long time though in tech. So while interesting to see, who knows if this has changed in 2+ years.

"In essence, the accuracy is entirely dependent on the difficulty of the test."

AKA doesn't work for shit. Don't bother with it. And even if it did work, it'll be an arms race and right now the deepfakes have the nuke and Intel has a musket.

Some folks have stated in other places that Odysee is a separate company, but I remember when Odysee was launched by LBRY. I mean, maybe Odysee will still be around, how are they going to make money without LBC?

I noped out of LBRY when they started down the conspiracy nut route and really stepped out when it was clear they were more interested in crypto than content.

This isn't a converstaion. This is comments be slung back and forth. I argue you can't really have a conversation on these kinds of platforms and at this pointit's pandering at the best and downright insulting any other way as every step the mods attempted to speak out and they ignored everything including forcing them open back up.

Honestly i understand how these folks don't want to walk away fron communities they helped build, but how bad does it have to get before you do walk away?

Sadly communities rise and fall faster than the tide on the internet. Find something for you that you control and contribute to that, no some douchebag exec that sees you as a dollar sign.

Also there were no answers or conversation there. Just 3 comments from the admin, 1 saying he'd take the feedback on the lowest scored post and then 1 refuting something and the last pointing to that refutinf post.

Not the first time, won't be the least. GET AWAY FROM THE ASSHOLES! Stop giving them your attention and power by building around them. You owe them NOTHING!

They gonna include my perspective that Google has helped foment discord in society and has helped strip away any type of privacy we had online while attempting to turn us into mindless addicted drones that just click and buy so they can make another cent?

No thanks.

Guess me as an end user for Fedora should stop contributing my time and energy to identify and fix bugs, or get Fedora's name out there, because I FIND NO VALUE in giving Red Hat my FREE work.

One thing while I worked at Red Hat, they will under pay you, they will push you beyond the breaking point, they will under value you, because "we will change the world." And apparently you change the world by all those things I just mentioned.

This isn't Proton-like, this IS Proton. Proton is what Valve call their WINE version. Codeweavers actively build WINE and give it away and they've looked at the Apple code and it IS WINE.

You're welcome Apple! Assholes. Least you could do would be to contribute, but then the magic is taken away from your dictatorship isn't it? Can't have that.

Sadly this. I yelled at MIL when Roe was overturned and a 10 year old made headline news. Her response was "BUT THE MEXICANS!". They literally don't give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves and blaming absolutely EVERYONE else.

While I think she's missed too much, she's quite old, and I think she should be replaced (though I'm not in her area so this is a moot point really), did anyone here actually watch the video?

This is a confusion in procedure and happens all the time.

Here is the video, go to 53:40 approximately:


Good news! Save it for 20 years and read it again! 😁

I've seen code. I want nothing.

We already have people getting implants and companies leave the space for go belly up and you're stuck with a useless piece of plastic in you. No thank you.

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Firefox FTW here.

Nothing stopping Vimeo from plumbing in ActivityPun amd joining the Fediverse. It's open and the only reason no one does is because the data is valuable and they don't want to share and play nice.

These walled gardens were not how the internet was imagined.

Project Gorgon 20GB. Very old school, skill based, slow paced, made by 2 indie devs that worked on things like Asheron's Call, Star Trek Online, etc.

Understandable. But it's the chicken and egg problem. Creators don't want to create content, because there's no consumers. Consumers don't want to sign up, because there's no creators.

So are you the chicken or the egg? :-D

If you're on one you don't like anymore you could always change instances and watch videos there. If you're worried about losing comments, well you can comment from other Fediverse servers such as Mastodon or GoToSocial and they show up on the page for the video. :-)

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So if the work they used to train it isn't a copyright violation canthr things it creates be copyrighted? I hate copyright. It doesn't protect the people it should. Public domain everything that these AI create, companies will stay away, and we support creators directly.

Yeah, it's a LOT of fun. I always liked the Steamworld style for games. And I enjoy that they always try something new.

It has a great feel, the art is great. Apparently the demo ends before you get to the tower defense type mode. But I think they nailed the Anno feel while keeping it less complex and more interesting for me.

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You know that all western countries aren't the same right? Like how lots have universal healthcare, better social protections, GDPR, etc right?

I feel awful for anyone in this situation that feels they have no other choice.

I'm not a doctor, nor do I have any medical background, but sacrificing a healthy life for something that isn't doesn't make logical sense to me, but again I'm in the US, fighting in the US, and posting in the US NEWS. Not other western countries.

I also find it suspect you lump in all western countries as if that's easily defined and the laws are easily molded together as if they're all under 1 law structure. Even in the States alone that's not feasible.

And did I say this was due to Roe overturned? If you don't think we'll see more more stories like this, then I wish I lived in your world.

Should be a cautionary tale to protect your data. Especially when it comes to your health information thrown over channels you think are "private".