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Joined 1 years ago

Actually it's simple. Work well done? Cool, the employee is working. This "monitoring" mentality needs to fucking die.

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I think there's some irony in Google getting fined for not storing ENOUGH user data lmao

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Bro who tf is stealing Payday let alone to play alone. What a waste of money and a fuck you to paying customers.

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I refuse to let companies take ownership of letters. They already have everything else.

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After the astronomical pricing debacle with Sync for Lemmy... I instantly bought Boost ad free! Thanks <3 Loved Boost for Reddit and I'm excited to keep using your app for Lemmy!

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Laws shouldn't be written to appease any religion.

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In a literal theft from the people sense? Yes. In reality? No, he's rich so he can do what he wants. Laws are to keep us poor in check, not to be fair.

It goes beyond Republicans. It's all the right leaning insecure macho men that struggle to prove their manhood. So, they result to trivial shit like dick size and fearing someone thinking they're gay. Losers.

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Rishi is an actual piece of shit.

Oh BEYOND out of their minds. Sync is certainly a great app. But like, I can buy a game for what they wanted. I was a Boost user on Reddit, had that labour of love feel to it.

Just about everywhere does that. People love throwing around the charge back option on the internet but it often fucked you over. Some companies use 3rd party payment processors so it can not only ban you from the company you charged back but also anything else using that processor.

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The Lemmy userbase is so small by comparison to reddit. I don't like subscriptions or ads but my god man's gotta eat. People get butthurt way too easily over this stuff.

/s on stuff that's so obviously sarcastic. The begining of that to me was a big indicator for how stupid the reddit userbase had become.

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No, X is a letter. But it doesn't matter what you call a shitty product, it's still a shitty product. I'll also keep calling it twitter.

B b b but... Think of the poor poor millionaires and billionaires :(

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Loading screens got shorter as tech improved. Now tech is too fast for proper ads so I bet there's going to be intentional delay time added in the future for more ad impressions.

I would add that in addition to this, the community could spool up another instance in a game of cat an mouse should anyone ever TRY to stop it. As the saying goes: piracy is like hydra, you cut one head off and two grow back.

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B r u h, what a petulant fucking child. Game developers tried the same shit for years and those still got cracked. This guy can go fuck himself.

overloaded with truth

Dayum Samsung, arbitrarily disabling the camera? That's some apple type shit.

Anything short of two life sentences would be completely unacceptable. Can't wait for that piece of trash to get suspended with pay. Homicidal scum...


In theory, sure. But, realistically I can't picture an economically feasible way to transport it.

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Nawh bro, gotta blame the guy for the actions of others for something so far back he wasn't even an itch on his father's nutsack. Like there's any shortage of bad things to say about the guy that he's completely responsible for lmao

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Well didn't they initially want carriers implementing RCS with interoperability between each other to sunset sms? But that didn't quite pan out. IIRC there was a time when Verizon had a limited number of devices that supported RCS but only on their network, similar story with Bell in Canada. Hell at one point even Samsung had RCS but only with other Samsung phones. Fragmentation was rampant so Google took matters into their own hands. Not saying I'm happy Googles at the helm but they didn't start out with that intention.

Better yet, Lemmy should get the much asked for ability to filter out keywords from our feeds. Musk, Twitter and reddit would be blocked immediately. I'm so sick of them.


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Old people. It's literally always old people that find them funny.

Apps you can't delete? Gotta be Samsung?

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Yeah how dare them try to make a salary out of their labour. OUTRAGEOUS!

I have to agree. I always preferred an A class voice actor for a character that isn't of celebrity likeness. Honestly hope this doesn't become the norm.

Edit: I'd also like to add that Idris Elba is a phenomenal actor and I'm excited to play the expansion.

Right? They try to make us the product by hard baking invasive telemetry into windows. Then want us to pay for it too? Nawh.

I think temporarily Starlink should be reducing their constellation ambitions, spread out the dishes and reduce throughput. The accessibility Starlink offers is a 11/10 win for the world. But the bandwidth and size should come after we have better mitigation for Kessler Syndrome and inference with observing the universe.

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I've legit already "boosted the rocket" in Boost for Lemmy. My issue with Sync was the fucking audacity to ask for 30$. My google opinion rewards will slowly funnel their way into rocket fuel out of mere respect for him being humble.

This damn near brought a tear to my eye. I no longer miss reddit at all.

To be fair that could be a lot worse. I was expecting injected webpage content. I think this is acceptable and serves as a quick way to compare multiple sources. I dislike that it's Microsoft more than I do the actual "feature".

Jokes on them, I deleted all my gilded content.


Right? The headline makes it sound like they actually did something.