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Can somebody explain me exactly how defederating them would give us a different outcome?

I'm genuinely curious.

Meta couldn't give less fucks about 100k users on lemmy, they are targeting people that isn't and will never use nor understand what the fediverse is.

You keep them out, good. They don't care, they just want to fill their own bucket with stuff that is outside anyway

Twitter people going to threads is completely independent from anything in the fediverse. Those people won't even notice any difference if they are federated or not.

They are in for the brand and the fomo, not the content

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I don't know what people are smoking, maybe it's too much heat, but air conditioning is very common and normal here in Italy too.

I don't know what a cooling center is, but there is AC everywhere, and when there isn't it's a choice of the owner to avoid installing it.

Also it's not the first time we reach similar temperatures sadly. We get around 40°C basically every year. The south of Italy is clearly on a very high and uncommon peak, tho.

The situation is different in other countries like Germany, northern France or England. Until a few years ago they never needed AC at all so most homes don't have it and it's not even that easy and immediate to have it installed

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Depends on how the code was written, it can vary between "a few days of work" and "it's easier to write a new one"

You suggested them to read Nietzsche and from it you got he mourns the decline of religion through all of his works? Maybe you should also get a re-read.

The decline of religion is stated as a fact, killed by men's rationality and evolution. As any evolution it has opportunities and risks, in this case the bigger risk is the loss of morality.

But the only thing he clearly advocates for is overcoming religion and God because they are not needed anymore. The new Man should make its own meaning and rules.

It's the whole concept of the übermensch which is the single central point of his all system.

The quote is not supposed to be his opinion (not directly at least), it's a character in a story.

It's like taking the stance of Cephalus in the Plato's Republic and say it's Plato's opinion, while it's clearly just a tool to let Socrates speak.

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That specific word in Italian has multiple meanings, one of which being something like "excessive/useless detail or addition, especially when done for the cool factor only" and another being "gayness".

Without the full context of the sentence, it's very hard to say what he meant or what he was saying.

Of course the word is still originating from the slur and shouldn't be used by the pope, but it's technically possible that wasn't even used in relation to any minority (just as much as the opposite)

Unless I missed some extra info or source that has the full context, it's hard to say

There are a few technical problems with that. First of all, the cost of each instance would become quickly unbearable since everyone has all the duplicated data.

Second problem, a malign entity could just come, create its own instance, spam everything and everyone with ads or whatever and suddenly every instance is full of that stuff. Also, how do you handle defederating in that case?

What has been proposed before instead was to make some kind of mega communities that gather all posts from communities with the same name across instances

After WW2 italian socialist and communist parties where between the strongest ones in non USRR europe (if not the number one), but let's just spout random nonsense for no reason

While the extreme right wing never disappeared, they were as much as a niche as the extreme left.

The country stayed between the left and the center until well into the 90s when a moderate right became more prominent and started to be closer to a 50/50 split

The general right wing radicalization we're seeing now is way more recent and it's hardly a phenomenon exclusive to Italy.

I totally agree that the current Italian government is ridiculous and that this problem with extreme right wing populism is becoming very serious in most western countries, Italy included.

But comparing this to a culture ingrained love for fascism when fascism didn't last for even 1% of Italian history and culture is just asinine and ignorant.

This kind of attitude is ironically very similar to the racism you're trying to criticize

Never. Not being started is its definition itself

Unless you make it relative to something else. Now is the future of before, and before was the future of a earlier before

Castrato is just Italian for castrated or neutered, even used with animals albeit mostly used referring to males. Sometimes it's even used figuratively. It would still work perfectly with your example, I think

They became gay, of course

You're totally right, the content of your posts is not considered personal data (because it isn't) It's more about profiling data that can be connected back to your actual person

I would say I wouldn't go back.

But realistically if no alternative becomes big enough, eventually with time people will start going back, and so would I.

I mainly used reddit for specific things and not much as a general time waster, so in the long term I'll have no choice if it stays as the main community for those things

I completely switched to lemmy for my random scrolling. But the main community for a game is still there so sometimes I keep lurking that subreddit only (exclusively from pc)

The problem is that this doesn't change the outcome.

To use your example, if we federate people will join the meta instance, if we don't federate people won't even know the instance exists, and even if they do they would still join the meta one if it's bigger.

I totally agree with the sentiment, but I yet have to understand how not federating can change the outcome

The only way smaller instances can thrive and make a strong federation is by making the average person start to care more about privacy.

But you can't do that if you can't reach them in the first place

That's not really how it works. If someone can evolve the standard he's totally free to do it and nobody would object. Standards are by definition collaborative, they can be evolved.

I think the matter was around forcing a proprietary cable, which was also worse and expensive

They explained the situation very well, and it's not exactly as you described it.

Thread is outside the fediverse now, so there is literally nothing to defederate.

And they already basically admitted that in case of threads federating, they would defederate.

It was one of the few instances (if not the only one) to put down exactly what practical problems federating would cause instead of simply taking an ethical stance or regurgitating the usual nonsense EEE argument.

But people wanted an immediate, strong and ethical stance (which is also understandable), so they didn't like the wait and they didn't care about an objective analysis of pro and cons

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To be exact, there is a difference between insult and defamation

I'm not too sure about the technicalities either, so I'm not sure if insulting is also a problem.

But declamation requires saying something false to ruin the other person's reputation, and it's actually a crime even against normal people

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Stated as a fact with no emotion or judgment related to it. So that excludes mourning for it, which was the point I was making in my reply which was more than clear enough.

And I'm sorry, but I find it incredibly ironic how you're the one saying reading comprehension isn't that hard after failing to understand both Nietzsche and my comment.

That's good, but people are proposing it as a defense against an eventual EEE, that's what I don't get

Yeah, but the admin clarified in some replies that the moderation problems and possibility of receiving ads are already enough to choose to defederate. They didn't give the absolute certainty but basically made their intentions clear.

But I agree with you, most people wanted to get a clear message against it and not just a "if that happens we will very likely defederate".

I still think both approaches are fine, it's good to decide by ethics and it's good to wait and decide by rationality too. No wrong choices, it's just a matter of preference

Well, context definitely matters. We don't know what you did, how you did it, if she was with her bf, how sane was her bf etc etc. I don't want to negate your personal experience but I doubt it was just normally casually "talking to a girl" that got you in trouble in a normal situation.

Also 2015 is almost 10 years ago, it's not really accurate to define it as the current situation.

As for my source, I'm white, my wife is Korean, my ex was Korean, and I hang out alone with female Korean friends a lot. Some very old grandpa may be not very happy about skinship in public, but that's all. Never to the extent of being attacked or harassed, it's usually just looking at us a bit with a grumpy face.

This being said, it's not all perfect. Some families may be less open than others in accepting a marriage with a foreigner (old generations, young people just think it's cool usually). And not only about white people. The mom of a friend was grumpy about her son marrying a Japanese girl, for example (even if he lives in Japan) But even so, nowdays is rarely open hostility.

Of course idiots are everywhere. So I'm pretty sure there are young guys saying "white guys steal our women!1!!" and getting angry.

Also, an important note is that these days the fight between "feminist" Korean women and men against them is getting bigger. This can influence especially the mind of young men. I was approached by a Korean boy asking me about how women are in my country because all Korean women sucks and are terrible. In that context, I'm sure some guy will use dating a foreigner as an excuse to say how shit and easy Korean girls are.

Anyway, exceptions aside the average population is pretty much fine with it, especially in big cities. It's not like Korean men don't like white women too, after all.

Sorry if this is too long, but we're all here to share knowledge about those countries anyway

Right, even if I got it reset randomly a couple of time. Other than that works perfectly

Italians where also the ones that invented the republic, so what?

Fascism was and will always be a disgrace in Italian history, but maybe you should research Piazzale Loreto to see how much people ended up liking fascism in the end.

Of course there are extremist idiots in Italy like in any other country, but Italy official position on it was made very clear.

Even making a fascist group or association is literally a crime in Italian law.

This doesn't change that the current situation is very bad of course, but right wing populism and fascism are not nearly the same thing, even if one could lead to the other

Thank you, I didn't notice the typo!

Don't know about the rest, but the South Korea part is simply complete bs

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