3 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is not about petty politics and frankly I think your topic shift is completely out of place here. What this is fundamentally about is preventing any idiot with money and/or power from purchasing/capturing and then proceeding to ruin our townsquares like some wannabe totalitarian asshole. And some people will say that "it's ok, because it's a private platform and he bought/built it". Ok, now it's a million private platforms, he can go buy each and every one of them and we'll easily make new ones and move to the ones he hasn't bought yet.

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I don't see why this is a problem (apart from supposedly private data like email), it's not just Google that can do this, all this data is available to everyone for everyone who can use it to benefit. If you want to make Google pay for a publicly available good, tax them accordingly. That's the point of taxes: if you are successful enough to take advantage in any way from a country's public roads, education system, access to a labour market and a functioning society generally, taxing the massive profits from using that system is fair, not enclosing everything and holding access to the content we contributed hostage.

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It's the same as when he started talking about "landed peasantry", the projection is strong, aware or not.

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Because reddit is inundated with bots and trolls. You could see it during the gone private strike, people who can't think 2 steps ahead heckling the mods for wanting to be able to do their job voluntarily.

PS: see

Major reason not to buy ebooks from amazon: you can't lend, give, exchange, sell them and you may lose all of them if you anger the right people. They are not yours, you are not buying them, you merely paid for conditioned access to them.

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True, but if you wanted those things before AirBnB, they existed, they're called aparthotels e.g.:

with a kitchen, washing machine, etc. Very common in touristy areas for decades.

The main difference between an AirBnB and a generalized hotel is that the former is supposed to be inhabited by the owner most of the year. The others are hotels pretending to be something else.

Which reminds me: we need a leopardsatemyface community

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It's not so much a dark pattern, but an emergent property of the upvote system: usually the first commenters tended to have an advantage and late good comments actually would never get enough exposure to float to the top.

Karma farmers would just sit at "new", spam comments and get visibility for joke and outrage comments.

The solution may be to randomly order comments below a certain threshold and/or within an upvote range.

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No lemmy, no mastodon? Uuuhh...back to IRC, some forum maybe.

PS: Matrix/Element looks like a pretty good FOSS alternative to discord.

Oh, right, that's another factor: connecting gpt4 to the real-time internet creates those training loops, yes. The pre-prompt guardrail prompts are fixable and even possible to overcome, but training on synthetic data is the key here, because it's impossible to identify what is artificial, so on the collapse loop goes.

Can I just say that I'm really happy that so many yt alternatives by people who aren't morons are starting to appear? At some point, all I saw from friends and reddit was all bitchute and voat and they tried to stick this alt-right tinge to the fediverse, but alternatives to big corporate are starting to become more normal again.

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I only disagree with one thing on that: youtube is not a social media platform. It is horrible for discussions, topic discovery and organization, the comment sections and chat are worse than 4chan. It is a video diffusion platform, but not truly social media.

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Meta: this post needs to be a community.

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It's a paid service where you can enter a premium link or torrent link to it and it will generate a direct download link. This is very useful if you visit premium sites like Mega and RapidGator where if you don't have an account, it enforces limits such as:

Slow download speed (e.g. max 1MB per second while downloading)
Maximum number of downloads per hour (e.g. 1 file per 5 hours)
No resume support
Unable to download if file is larger than a certain amount (e.g. no more than 5GB per file allowed for non-premium users)

more on the old site:

Yep, first is always best, like my CRT TV.

I think it is a combination between interest rate hikes from the free money paradigm that propped up startups and the gig economy and the AI hype train driving the capture of public data (think enclosures 3.0) at the expense of strong communities. This somehow reminds me of when post-dot-com bubble companies like google had to become "profitable" so "don't be evil" went down the drain and they found ways to monetize their users' data.

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I still think you're giving him way too much credit. Either way, he ain't getting out of this without looking like an idiot who should stick to what he is good at: hype and marketing.

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Can anybody explain to me why it is so hard to make a proper transparent display instead of these monstrosities? We already have LCDs, polarizers, faraday rotators, optic fibre multiplexing, piezoelectric materials...what's the catch?

E.g. Wikipedia is community-driven because people contribute individually without a lot of coordination and without anybody telling contributors what to do, same for game mods. I guess by "corporate-driven" you mean there is a hierarchy and people whose job it is to do what management says e.g. Wikipedia foundation runs the infrastructure that hosts the community content and the same for most games. I'm not sure I'd call it "corporate driven" unless it has board members and investors demanding a profit such that they influence the decisions downstream, like reddit.

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It wasn't that bad, gold just signals that the comment is good (intensity), but some of the other awards made explicit the way in which it is good (hue/flavour) e.g. funny, informative, creative, sarcastic...I actually liked the award system (even if I always was a bit suspicious of who was giving them and what their intentions were)

The point of federation is that there are thousands of instances that no monied asshole can just buy and ruin for everyone. If you like that, Reddit,twitter,FB,tiktok are just there...or just join one instance and pretend it is the only one. What is the problem exactly?

Wait, what? Have you ever heard of longtermism? "Your stupid peasants' suffering today matters little if we can take humanity to space^TM^. Don't hold back progress." If this is not enslaving humanity and shitting on the poor, I don't know what is.

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I remember, it was fun. And it's actually important in the age of silomania. Heh, the internet's not dead yet, turns out.

Lol I'm 40% sure this is a joke, but in case it isn't: if you place conductors in the microwave: sometimes it's a spoon, sometimes it's the silver lining on a plate, or you can go overboard and throw actual aluminum foil in there for good measure...the microwaves drive a current in the conductor **, which creates sparks from lots of tiny arcs...lightning indeed my friend :D

Suggestion: Forks are particularly spectacular too

PS: the foil should act as shielding against the microwaves, so I predict that the content won't warm up, but maybe the hole is enough to let it heat it a bit :)

** If a conductor is not convex (e.g. fork, crinkled aluminum foil), each crease acts as a capacitor, so when the microwaves drive (through resonance) a current and overcharge the capacitor plates, they short the dielectric (the air in this case) and create the arcs.

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Thought experiment: burn a fuel, now how much energy do you think you have to use to go capture all the CO2 molecules from the air and turn them into a material? At best, you're going to need twice as much energy to recapture the fuel as what you got from burning it.

But you say: "the energy to power CO2 capture will come from green sources". Yes, but these require energy to be produced and you're encumbering already lower density energy sources than fuel with reversing CO2 debt, when we need those energy sources to power everything else.

It's a good way to kick the can down the road and say "we'll fix it later, when we have lots of cheap energy that we can afford to waste."

The answer is, broadly in this order:

  • Don't cut old forests, these are the best at absorbing CO2 and keeping it in the ground.
  • Minimize forest fires with strategic multi-species tiling, spacing, having grazers eat biofuel
  • Reduce energy consumption through mass transit, home, agricultural and industrial innovation to improve efficiency and reduce waste
  • If you are already not cutting forests, plant trees (takes them centuries to become efficient), grasses and seaweed where adequate (e.g. Scottish highlands) and try to sequester them in swamps, mines or furniture.
  • Move to 100% green energy sources
  • Use emission-neutral vehicles
  • Invent batteries that can store surplus energy for baseload power and shut down nuclear powerplants (if you must..).
  • If there is any surplus green energy left, capture as much concentrated CO2 with algae at CO2-intensive exhausts like natural gas plants and test with artificial methods to see how they compare with plant-based capture.
  • Artificial direct-from air capture with whatever unused energy we have left after all these steps <-------this is this article is right here at the end, once all the other mammoth problems have been solved
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He's going to make a big announcement...but given his history, it may actually have to do with some artifacts he wants to find down there :)

How are fediverse admins currently funding their instances?

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I'm justs enjoying what we have for a fleeting summer of joy, before zuck, gptbot floods and federation fracturing inevitably ruin everything again :/

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Ooh, that's less than 5c/user/month, this can totally work without overloading with ads.

Clumsy. Did they at least pick them up on the way out?

What I read before is that the plan was for facebook to introduce cheap instance hosting at the expense of making it a "franchise" they can control, monetize, monitor...somewhere between a self-hosted instance and a reddit sub.

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Thanks, I have another question: what kind of web hosting tier do you need in order to have the functionality needed to host an instance? I was fiddling with infinityfree and found that there are all sorts of minor functionality you need beyond just a catchy name in a domain that won't have a bad reputation to host an instance. I mean, besides electricity costs, labour and some old hardware you have lying around to use as a server, how much is that hosting expected to cost?

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"Don't look up" also has those "and this is why God sent the flood" (aka what is this shit, start over!) vibes.

Karma still exists even when you don't see the number, because it is used to sort posts in some way (by number or upvote percentage). Upvotes are important information to the community in principle.

Anybody know where they're going? I've seen some in mastodon, some in substack, some just on linkedin...but other than rss there is no easy way to follow a larger crowd of posters from different sources.

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Negative interest rates do funny things to capitalism.

It's a bit like the whole "infrastructure ain't sexy" argument. As the chief executive administrator, you're paid to "strategize", when sometimes, you just need to keep the engines running and the bills paid, but in today's society that's not praised. You need to capture people and investors' ADHD-span, make megalomanous plans that can't possibly ever come true or be some guy who fires everyone to attempt to grow profit margins.