
1 Post – 184 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A Sony mobile phone that couldn't remember the time when it was switched off.

True it's going back a while. But not so far that battery backed clock chips were uncommon.

What rules can we add that solve this problem? (I've tried DDG but didn't find any results)

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I think it's fair enough. If they accept your spam then they have to accept everyone else's spam too. No it doesn't make any difference that your stuff is free. Reddit subs are usually for discussion not marketing; there are channels to spunk your adverts down and you should use those instead of trying to insert them into discussions. No it doesn't make any difference that your free stuff means you don't have a marketing budget. We all know today's free stuff is tomorrow's subscription stuff, and yeah I can already see you're about to scream at me that you don't ever intend for that to happen. But the simple fact is if your stuff takes off then you're going to have to make more time for it but free stuff isn't going to pay your bills and you're going to have to start raising cash one way or another.

What you should be doing is to continue being a positive contributor, and put your promo stuff on your "about me" page. Anyone who is interested enough in you will look at your profile, see your stuff and maybe then consider engaging with your products.

Forget the 10% ratio, remember the rule NO MARKETING, and then everyone will be your friend again. The 10% rule is not intended to say "you can spam this much and no more", it's to allow people to talk about actual products they like (that others have made) and point to them without those pointers being misconstrued as promotion.

"...votes..." No, the rules are for preventing spam, the voting is to highlight high quality posts over the low quality stuff.

"...billionaires..." What an odd strawman. Business of all sizes from freebie shops like yours up to Microsoft are NOT ALLOWED TO SPAM chatrooms. You're likely to see more stuff about billionaire businesses simply because they're bigger, not because they have some privilege you don't.

I mean come on, there are enough fucking adverts everywhere without discussion groups being full of that shite too. Advertise in advert channels. Chat in chat channels. Don't mix the two. Of course you're proud of the stuff you've made and that's a good thing, but there is a time and a place for promoting it and that place is NOT a discussion group.

It's tot BUY SOME SHIT! ally nothi BUY SOME SHIT! ng to do BUY SOME SHIT! with th BUY SOME SHIT! ere be BUY SOME SHIT! ing way to BUY SOME SHIT! o many a BUY SOME SHIT! ds to ma BUY SOME SHIT! ke stuff wa BUY SOME SHIT! tc BUY SOME SHIT! ha BUY SOME SHIT! bl BUY SOME SHIT! e.

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Heh, I wonder how the ml tankies are spinning this one and what browser they're going to use instead of Nazifox or whatever stupid name they're using for it now.

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Don't Fuck With Paste - for all those stupid websites that think pasting my email address from my clipboard extender (Ditto-cp) is somehow unreliable.

Well it's only Windows that's complaining it can't install Windows 11 on my Windows 10 laptop. I'm not mothballing perfectly good hardware just because Microsoft is having a tantrum.

Phone got small screen. Computer got big screen.

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How does a CPU drop support for an OS? Seems the wrong way round to me. Is there a Windows 10 specific way of loading 5 into the accumulator or something?

Several things, but top of the list is guns.

The problem though is when they flip the "enshittify" switch and everyone, even you, then knows they're the wolf in sheep's clothing they always were, it'll be too late, and those of us that don't want to pay the Zuck tax or have ads shoved in our faces left right and centre is to start over.

But we're done retreating. They took Fark, they took Digg, they've just taken Reddit, and now they want Lemmy. Enough is enough. The line is drawn here and they are NOT crossing it.

If Meta's other sites were shining examples of the best then you might have a point. The only viable way to prevent Meta killing Lemmy is to nip them in the bud. And yes it seems mean because this is the stage when they're pretending to be everyone's best friend and giving us loads of stuff for free. But we know the playbook, we know they're at step 1, and we know perfectly well that Zuck isn't sniffing around here out of any kind of altruism but because he's after more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.

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Your best focus at the moment is your degree, including during the holidays. You can Linux fanboi all you like after you've graduated, unless you've got some really strong personal convictions that push you in that direction, and it seems you haven't otherwise you'd already be there.

Because back when the only way to listen to new music was to buy it, then find out a load of it was absolute tripe, then not be able to take it back.

So fuck 'em. I download first, then if I like it I buy it. There's quite a few CDs on my shelf that I first pirated. And no CDs that are full of lame filler shite.

Yeah but you're still interacting with the site, getting ad eyeballs and adding to the user engagement stats.

If you really want to fuck spez, get off Reddit! Lemmy's already way better.


You need to understand some history, and the bigger picture.

Ukraine isn't Putin's endgame. He wants to rebuild the USSR, which means after taking Ukraine he's coming for the Baltics and parts of Poland and Romania, and we now know his playbook: cause political instability in the area, replace the locals with Russians, then claim they need to be "liberated" from "Western Nazis"; that's what he's already done several times, and is also why Moldova need to be seriously concerned about Transnistria (I'm sure they already are).

The history you need to understand is that of appeasement. It was tried with Hitler. But it didn't stop his lust for more and more, and the millions of deaths from WWI and WWII were the results. Giving Ukraine to Russia increases the chance of nuclear war; it doesn't decrease it.

So Putin must be stopped in Ukraine. And he must be pushed completely out of Ukraine including Crimea because otherwise he'll just regroup and try again later. Which he might still do anyway, but he'll have had to deal with the fallout of the huge cost of the Ukraine invasion for zero benefit and the Russian reputation and economy in tatters. But appeasement doesn't work and doesn't stop wars.

We don't need to completely defeat Russia. We just need to push them out of Ukraine and hold them back. What Russians do in their own country is their business. And when they're ready to rejoin the civilised world we should be equally ready to welcome them back. We also need to strengthen our entire eastern flank: not aggressively sabre-rattling, just enough to make Putin think twice about launching an invasion or starting any funny business there.

There's a similar problem on the horizon with China, and Taiwan isn't Xi's endgame.

Main sources: Vlad Vexler, Peter Zeihan, China Uncensored.

Context is important. It's a song of imagined - and not executed - revenge. The writer is wishing that what happened to their kids also happened to the invaders kids. The Babylonians dashed Jewish kids against rocks, and the Jews didn't respond in kind - couldn't in fact, because the Law forbade it.

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Shouldn't the one at the top be East Ukraine on the same basis?

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Plan the things you want to do into your life. Drop the notion "when I retire I will..." If you can fit the stuff you want to do into your Annual Leave then that's a big win. If not then you'll need unpaid leave. One good time is between jobs.

Don't think I've ever had a proper FTS moment in my career but the closest was during Covid, before any vaccine had come out and the company mandated RTO. Did the science and worked out I had about 25% chance of DYING if I caught it. I was it wasn't going to happen, they said yes it was, bit of to and fro then they said "disciplinary" so I said well let's cut out all the unpleasantness and just go for a mutual agreement. Got three months pay and walked out at the end of the week, shortly afterwards landing another job with a substantial pay rise and 100% WFH.

I had a proper FTS moment in an interview, which the company failed with flying colours. It's a good job it was a mile walk back to the railway station because if I'd spoken to the agent before that walk (which took about 3 minutes) I'd have said something a lot ruder than FTS.

I think it's the fact that I can't see the errors on my vagina.

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It's jumps, not jumped, otherwise there's no S.

And I also prefer the sphinx one.

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Merge gives an accurate view of the history but tends to be "cluttered" with multiple lines and merge commits. Rebase cleans that up and gives you a simple A->B->C view.

Personally I prefer merge because when I'm tracking down a bug and narrow it down to a specific commit, I get to see what change was made in what context. With rebase commits that change is in there, but it's out of context and cluttered up with zillions of other changes from the inherent merges and squashes that are included in that commit, making it harder to see what was changed and why. The same cluttered history is still in there but it's included in the commits instead of existing separately outside the commits.

I honestly can't see the point of a rebased A->B->C history because (a) it's inaccurate and (b) it makes debugging harder. Maybe I'm missing some major benefit? I'm willing to learn.

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No. That's why Russia needs to be forced out. And the wider picture means that Russia has to be forced out of all Ukraine including Crimea, so that Russia can see their war was a massively expensive waste of time and resources.

That wider picture is that Putin's long game is to rebuild the USSR, which means that after he's taken Ukraine he's coming for the Baltics and parts of Poland and Romania, bringing him into direct conflict with NATO, but he's gambling that we won't have the stomach for WWIII. If we let him keep the bits he's invaded so far (aka appeasement), that's exactly the mistake we made with - OK I know about Godwin's law but this is directly relevant - that German bloke back in the 1930s. It didn't work then, won't work now and won't prevent the coming conflict; only pushing Russia back to the 2014 borders and getting Ukraine into NATO has any chance of doing that. And that means the USA and Europe must be willing to provide Ukraine with weapons not just to die heroically but to succeed in getting Russia completely out.

If Russia needs to save face then they can declare that they have "successfully deNazified and demilitarised Ukraine" at any time and walk away. Putin might actually be coming round to this way of thinking; he referred a few days ago to most of Ukraine's weapons as having been spent and they now mostly have NATO stuff. Maybe there is still hope for Russia, but it will involve abandoning their USSR plan.

I'm broadly in agreement with Macron's view that we shouldn't humiliate Russia, but if they insist on pushing into Ukraine at all costs then I don't see any alternative. Not humiliating them means they have to co-operate to end the war, but there's no sign of that yet.

Living in an Amess Paradise

I realise this is probably a joke post, but I thought the whole premise of the anti-pray-the-gay-away argument (which I don't agree with btw, just to be clear) was that sexuality is fixed not chosen. If you can "make" non-LGBT the minority then that suggests sexuality can be manipulated and thus validates the PTGA position.

uBlock Origin has a nifty Zap feature that works well on idiot web developer fads.

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Or sing "Wet Vagina" and see if anyone notices.

Would absolutely see all of these again: Austin Powers, Fast and Furious, I Robot, Hotel Transylvania, Pirates of the Caribbean, Police Academy, Spaceballs, Transporter.

It's what Lemmings say at the start of every level https://youtu.be/AuiyFXMjGxA?t=113

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I never end a sentence with

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If you want a scooter, get a bike instead. The bigger wheels make them more stable. -My Dad, not long before he was promoted to glory.

Mmm, but what's their plan to resist enshittification? After all, Google started out as "fundamentally different, user-centric." What will Kagi do when their market penetration peaks and the business managers demand more growth?

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I'm British, not American, so I use 7/22.

Maybe you don't need to. These are games, for leisure, not your job (ok unless you're a gaming youtuber or something). The completed game doesn't have to be submitted to your manager on Monday morning or else. Many games just get harder and harder as you progress (and even those that don't); just play until it stops being fun then move on. Save the stress for the job.

Donald Trump. I can't believe there are people who think he could actually get elected. The American people aren't that stupid.

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I'd be happy to upgrade my laptop to Win11 but Win11 doesn't like it. I'm not buying a new laptop just because of Win11's dick moves. Win10 works perfectly well on it.

Same here, 56M. Realised a long time ago that everyone's just figuring it out as they go along, and those stronger personalities that project "right" and "wrong" are just as much pretending as the rest of us.

A programmer's pet peeve is someone who says "why can't you just...".

But the fundamental problem with your plan, assuming it's possible at all - it's been said that if the brain were simple enough for us to understand then we'd be too simple to understand it - is that you're going to want to make your AI at least as smart as someone who's 30-40 years old, which by definition would take 30-40 years.