2 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Apple might turn evil? They have always been evil, and goole is evil to. Try a free android distro like CalyxOS, GraphineOS, LineageOS or /e/OS. This is not a complete list.

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Ubuntu: For shilling all kinds of profrietary garbage by default. If I wanted that I'd be on Windows.

Also the changes they make to GNOME make it worse, they take away what makes it good, the flow.

This tied my stomach in a knot, ive never felt that before, im gonna go throw up.

Get a bug zapper with a UV bulb, even if its branded for outdoor use it'll work fine inside.

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superpowers are s-tier by definition, if one were b-tier it would have to just be a power

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Personal use of proprietary software in the 2020s. Or running a company to be completely dependand on dozens of unreliable and expensive proprietary software vendors.

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People who think their dialect or language style is grammatically correct and others are wrong, because they don't personally known the grammar rules of any other dialect or language. They don't understand that language is alive and evolving and that the purpose of language is communication.

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its strange because its not the disapproval that gets me, its not knowing why. I guess the lesson is that if someone did not even say why, its not really something anyone actually cared about.

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CalyxOS on a google pixel.

Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!

Easy installation, just unlock the bootloader and enable adb in settings and plug into a computer and run the installer.

CalyxOS is set it and forget it. It will update itself seamlessly unlike other free Androids and unlike stock Androids. No maintainacnce. Support will likely continue after the manufacturer kills off your device.

Automatic updates and one click installs from f-droid. On calyx its even easier to install free as in freedom apps than it is to install the garbage on Google play.

You can still run your shitty non-free apps from google play (using the aurora store, a free as in freedom app to download google play apps from google play) if someone is forcing you to install their crap.

Thank you for your insight!

I'm a libertarian, leftist, socialist, and I'm strongly against digital copyright, politics and patents. I believe in freedom and free competition, and government investment in education, technology, and quality of life.

Libertarian: People are overwhelmingly good, and freedom allows the good people to reliability outmenuver the bad. People should have every freedom in so far as they are not encroaching on the equal or greater freedoms of anyone else. No technology is inherently bad, tech in the hands all results in the victory of the good. A notable acception is weapons of mass destruction, as any use against any population is very bad morally. In general when tech is outlawed the good loose the ability to use it against the bad or for the betterment of humanity, and the bad maintain access and use it against the good. When only the bad guys have Drugs, Encryption, Guns, The internet, etc ... the society is much worse off for it.

Leftist: When governments invest tax money into the common good of the people, via things like education, technology, and quality of life, then societies are healther, wealthier, more innovative, and the people are happier for it. No one wants to be homeless, sick, or stupid, or to be surrounded by people who are. Government investment stimulates the economy, and if money is spent domestically it lands right back in the pockets of working tax payers.

Socialist: When workers own stake in the companiess they work for, companies act in the interest of the workers (socialism). When companies are owned by investors, they act in the interst of the investors, usually against the interest of workers (capitalism). When companies act in the interst of the workers, wages are higher, workers are more free, and cost of living is lower. The people are happier. Governments does not need to be so big to keep the peace like they do today.

Digital copyright: the belief in the lie that copying and or improving upon an ethereal digital resource constitutes theft, is a massive detriment to society. It is clearly false because no one looses anything. It is defended by perpetuating the fear that it it would be harder to profit if information was free. It would be a different world, but you can still make a profit through art on a physical medium, and in other ways. The lie is used to justify unjust control of software vendors over their customers, and to justify fake sales in which the physical computer hardware is sold but the ability to actually control it is not part of the sale. And sales where a book or movie is sold, but the user is never given the copy they purchased. It is also used to deprive the poor access to educational material, and to justify the destruction of cultural archives for future generations.

Politics: Politicians are lower quality than ordinary people, because they are the people who wanted to rule, not the people who understand the impact of positive and negative of every singe decision. A monarchy has better chances of honest leadership because the quality if the monarch is random, instead of picked by might of advertising dollars out of a list of the worst people. The way to make a real good government involves a little lotocracy and a little meritocracy. My vision in short: a console, selected at random from the population, chooses qualification criteria for voting on a proposition, and a console is selected at random from the qualified public to make a decision.

Pattents: A temporary government issued monopoly on a process or mechanism. Patents were the single worst lapse in logic of our society, they are anticompetitive and slow innovation (the incredibly successful free software community, operating on very little time and money, is a glimpse of what a patenless society could be). A free market cannot coexist with patents. Arguments for pattens boil down to, if i invest as though i have patent protection from competition and i don't have it, my investment won't pan out. In a society without patents, companies build and improve on each others work, making R&D cheaper and faster. Sure, billion dollar research investments would not pan out, but they would also be completely unnecessary, because starting from scratch or waiting a decade would not be required to participate in innovation.

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I use an tracker blocker, because the way advertising is done today by google and similar is immoral, and its shocking that it is not illegal.

The way ads are put on duckduckgo, based on your search terms, or the way companies sponsor creators is great, that's the way advertising should be, and Iwant to support that.

But if you are going to be a creepy company (Google, Meta, ...) who wants to unconsensually track and profile me when my browser explicitly includes do not track requests, in order to manipulate my beliefs of purchasing habitats. As somebody who is aware of the problem, not using a tracker blocker like privacy badger would be wrong and immortal, because by allowing them to make money though abusing me, i would be supporting and aiding them in the evil they engage in.

Use a tracker blocker, don't help google be evil, and don't support anyone who demonizes you for refusing to support modern evil for their personal gain.

I think you meant to post on asklenny xD

AKA changing the topic to avoid learning anything.

Taxes spent well make a society more wealthy, the money in its use can produce knowledge, stimulate innovation, and get people educated. Then, even when its wasted, its not like its thrown in a fire, it goes into the economy and lands back in the pockets of the working people who paid the taxes to begin with.

For the purpose of the question, i think thoes count as computer languages. :)

OpenSUSE, awfull default software selection on desktop, and pushing users hard to use an "everything configuration tool".


What? people wont agree with me? LIES! (<-- that is a joke). I'm not offended, and i agree, i here, am a truth seeker looking for insight, thanks!

i understand that whatever repels them one year, if its used by enough people, attracts them after they get the chance to evolve, a couple years. Could be wrong, but my family in Maine said this happened first with the standard deep woods bug spray, then with a natural oil blend everyone started using.

I myself am interested in both, I decided to specialize in programming, but did take a linguistics class back in highschool, in the class we constructed a fantasy language, and i still wave and occasionally update the documentation.

Coding languages and constructed human languages are bothan designed system of communication, its just that the targets are different. Coding languages (usually) unambiguously define a means of communicating structure and function, whereas human languages elvolve or are designed to communicate experience, something a lot more ... nebulous.

Well hold on there, im not tryna praise them. I think we need a free and federated alternative. I only mean to say that an answer always has some verbal feedback on it.

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i hope/believe that the intent is rarely malicious, that its not really a significant thing at all on that side.

Beautifully said, especially in that last paragraph!

I love linguistics and the study of language, but i struggle exactly as you. Programming languages are a lot simpler to learn.

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You sound exactly like me, you've got to try a free as in freedom android distro like GraphineOS or CalyxOS (these need a google pixel since ATM these pixel phones are the most developer friendly, they just work with AOSP and so mostly just work with free disrtos). I can't say much for Graphine since i didn't use it. But Calyx has been wonderful, and its set it and forget it, seamless automatic updates, no manual maintanance. As for the glass a nice screen protector will help that, and as a bonus: if you drop it hard the screen protector breaks, spearing your screen.

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Thats pretty much what i was thinking. Also SNOO seems like a useful thing to have in the brain

Thank you, this is very helpful and well thought out

Good Take

a lot of it could be the no-face aspect, we where that a lot

Nicer to use than a Samsung, sure but not nicer than a real Android.

There was a time when it was true that using a non-stock android distro was hard, I use CalyxOS now, i installed it by plugging it in and running the installer on my computer, and i never had to think about it again, just installs the OS updates in the background every couple weeks.

As for the idea that an iPhone is more secure, thats very unlikely to be true since the code is secret, so its apple V. every govt and millions of other adversaries, their licensing makes them alone in that battle, security researchers are not allowed to help. There is no indication that one should place any trust in them and plenty of indication that it is foolish to do so. Apple products are statistically garenteed to be insecure in ways that Apple cannot yet see and that the public has no hope of seeing either. And they are surely insecure in ways that are profitable to Apple because well profit is the whole point.

I suppose willful ignorance is willful bliss.

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These are my favorites

Phonetics is my favorite. When i was a kid i tried to write out a phonetic alphabet for all English sounds. Then when i looked back after after learning the IPA and realized that i had assigned a single character to every double consonant and double vowel. But the alphabet did work and i did write things in it.

idk, it sounds good, but to me its a lot like getting a grade with no comments (for the sake of example)

they did remove downvotes on youtube tho :(

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Maybe it depends on the kind, because when we let mosquitos in and use the bug zapper, we dont get bit. It would have to be quite the luck if it was not attracting them one way or another. It certainly works on almost everything that flies and harasses you at night. It sounds like a controlled experiment is in order.

Eternal September

i genuinely love that i had to look that up, and i learned something! Thanks!

I disagree about SO, though I am not a fan of it for other reasons. Interesting thought about acting on convictions. Thanks.

lol that is a very good point