1 Post – 78 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Damn as a neurotypical person reading this it blows my mind. Yes, my habits are absolutely automatic, to the point I daydream through them. Am I just misunderstanding something or are you saying every adhd person struggles to form habits?

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The cat will be voiced by Chris Pratt

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I remember the back story of this. The kid who recorded this left the tape in his a/V class which was then found by other students. He was then bullied to the point of having to leave his school, if I remember correctly. No real point that I'm making just remember thinking it was interesting

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CEOs now make almost 400 times more than the average worker

As someone who used to be obsessed with Jordan Peterson and had a similar 180 transformation, this is super familiar to me. I remember speaking up at work against critical race theory in a meeting. I look back on that now with huge embarrassment of who I used to be. I was actively working against the things that I stand for now. I'm super grateful to breadtube creators for pulling me out. I still have friends in my life who are like this and I can't seem to break them out. All I can do is try to be a better example

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This fascist shit is worldwide. I was just reading yesterday about Canada's Conservative party leader espousing antisemitic conspiracy theories. What the fuck

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I'm a millennial but this reminds me of when I first got into the work force and was stuck in an office full of boomers with me being the youngest. I remember the boss would take turns taking shots at different people during meetings, making insensitive racial jokes about people. I eventually got tired of doing the uncomfortable fake laugh so I just sat there stone faced during his jokes. He halted the entire meeting to a stop to ask me why I wasn't laughing. This is the extent to which office culture must be obeyed and how insecure they get when you don't go along with it. It's so pathetic.

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Rejecting my vacation request for stupid reasons and not giving me a raise for over two years. I had been there for 10 years.

Well for one, I wish I could tell people no when they ask me to social events without being interpreted as an asshole

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I used to have a high barrier of thought prior to posting but now I just post whatever bullshit is on my mind at that moment just so I can keep threads active. Like I'm doing now

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Memmy has been my favorite, although I wish it would go back to having updates. I understand they're taking a break though and I just need to be patient

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The examples you gave seem more like conversation starters (how are you, the weather) rather than signs that the conversation will be boring. When I think of boring conversation, I think more about people who only talk about themselves or go on long tangents about things you don't care about

Lemmy is so chill right now. Part of me hopes it doesn't get too big

I love how bright it is

Honestly, not that great. In Ontario, health care has been heavily affected by Doug Ford's Bill 124, which capped nurse's wages at 1% a year for 3 years, causing horribly long wait times and understaffing at hospitals

I'm not American but I've been reading up on American history. This is reminiscent of the propaganda that said slavery taught black people to be hardworking and discouraged laziness, which was in line with Christian values at the time. Is that correct?

You know what time it is. That's right. Malicious compliance time!

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I wanted to like this game but the story was just so uninteresting to me that I had to put it down. I know not everyone is like me but as someone who adored the stories in oot and majoras mask, I couldn't do it man.

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Pretty obvious but just plain being rude to one another. I felt like I was stepping on eggshells every time I posted on reddit, like whatever I said was going to be given the least charitable interpretation possible. Let's be kind and polite to each other here

Ohhh yeah, there was that too, I can definitely recall one of my male managers making comments about a woman's body when she wasn't in the room. So gross.

The smugness of that comment

That futurama episode was so masterful in its storytelling that I honestly believe it should be elevated to the status of a short film rather than just a TV episode

Doing the lords work

I will never understand how tucking in your shirt won out as the standard of professional dress. It's impractical and uncomfortable. Can we just like change this?

I remember when I'd refresh the front page and see posts from the day before. Now it seems like every few hours there's new content. This is a really happening place

I'm told I'm a talented public speaker and that I look calm on stage. Honestly I think I'm just better at hiding how nervous I am

No more tucking your shirt in. That shits uncomfortable af

Holy shit this is a work of art 😂

Two birds with one stone


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I love democracy

I'm curious to know if they'll be able to bring the full cast back for another.

That gave me a good laugh. I guess I never thought of myself as fortunate in that way, fascinating. But hold on, I have another question now. What about playing musical instruments like learning guitar? Wouldn't that constitute a habit that becomes automatic after enough practice?

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During the meeting my boss asked us our thoughts about a recent diversity/equality training session we just had. Everyone said it was fine and interesting but I took the opportunity to be insufferable and soapbox. Like I said, I'm entirely embarrassed about it now and glad they didn't really listen to me

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I got recommended to read Thinking Fast and Slow on lemmy and I've been really enjoying it, much of it is about hidden assumptions and critical thinking

All I see is hunter2

The first one had potential but felt short, hopefully this one is more polished

As you might already know, the "autopilot mode" we go into when driving is a common meme among neurotypicals. And yes, it still scares the shit out of me sometimes when I get home and wonder how I didn't run anyone over since I was mentally checked out the whole time.

What did they expect? Lmao

I steal company time, they steal by surplus labour value, we're even