Boss man said I have to listen to all the voicemails on the phone. to Mildly – 382 points –

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You know what time it is. That's right. Malicious compliance time!

This right here. You get paid either way. Since its just voice mail, there's no reason you need to sit in an office for this work. Go to the beach, the mountains, or forest with a second device to turn on some nice music. Bring a cooler with your favorite beverages and a picnic lunch. Kick back with your sunglasses on, and start listening to those Voice Mails.

Boss: "Where have you been for the past 3 days?!"
You: "Doing exactly what you told me to; listening to the voice mails. I even my notes sorted them into categories for you. There is apparently some really diligent people interested in letting us know about our car warranty."

This hypothetical would be way more at home on reddit.