2 Post – 168 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Because our society is profoundly corrupt

Never use anything hp branded if you can help it

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Fuck hollywood.

This would be good opportunity for people to start new film studios and such, founded on more equal profit sharing. Let greedy pieces of shit shrivel and die without labor to exploit. There is no negotiating with those kinds of people as they will just try to find ways to force and manipulate people to do what they want.

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i would rather have video go black for the duration of ad than watch that filth

if they patent this, it could be slightly good thing because it might prevent other companies from doing it

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i wonder when denuvo starts claiming these mods are "cheats"

ubisoft should get comfortable with people just not buying their crap at all.

"you will own nothing"

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When something bad happens to your people, why should anyone else care?

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greed is mental illness

white house threatening that it might actually protect its citizens from corporations

If they ended up adding him him in any way, he should be just removed. That piece of shit parasite shouldnt get any recognition anywhere. Not even negative.

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Current america reminds me of america under british rule before independence. Or at least how I have seen it being portrayed.

Meta can never be trusted for anything. This could very easily be them trying to make tools to snuff out our "rebellion".

phone marketing would be more apt job to scare kids with. It brings nothing of value to society and its awful for the worker and those being bothered. Or just skip pointing fingers at any job and just tell the kid they will end up being exploited if they are left with no options.

Free speech cant flourish under corporate rule

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Its probably not even about productivity at this point but asserting control. People might start getting dangerous ideas like unions if they arent properly suppressed.

if they want to make great games, maybe they shouldn't do business with sony

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How can they "force" anything if you dont sign? By not agreeing to new terms.. you dont agree to the terms. Wouldnt having it any other way just be insanity? Like i could write "contract" here that by viewing it you agree to it and if you dont agree, i could still claim that some part of it applies because it reads so in the contract. Or I have some other contract that is agreeable and someone signs it, then I change the terms and other party can't reject them all because of something in the first contract.

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I wonder how the game was at first if this is what they consider "fun"

Its like israel was going through geneva convention just for purpose of violating every part of it

Time for dropbox users to upload all kinds of crap for ai to "learn" from, all within tos of course.

I bet there are many kinds of ways to make your files poison the ai learning data. Its going to be fun for those ai guys to sort which files are probably safe and which are not. I think even if ONE user manages to slip something that corrupts the training data and its not noticed soon enough it might cause problems for them. Though someone who actually knows something about the subject might want to tell if i'm talking shit or not.

I'm not against ai in general, but if its trained with data that was obtained from unwilling people, like this, then its makers can fuck off.

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still, others will have to pay for it which might reduce how widely its used.

Sometimes i wonder if it could be worth it to invent shit like this and patent it just so no one else cant do it themselves

None of us will never be truly free as long as they exist

Stuff that has been sweetened by it kind of taste like there is something wrong. Yet still it tastes decent enough and much better than stevia. I would rather have option to drink stuff that just outright hasnt been sweetened at all.

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I wonder, what actual benefits are there in publicly traded companies for society as whole? Benefits that are good for you, me and everyone else equally.

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Why would they ever do that? Only reason they would even consider such thing if if they are forced or if it somehow directly benefits them short-term. Maybe not even short-term because not doing so helps keeping people suppressed and lessens any threats to them.

Israel is the last country one would think that would do things like this to other people, considering their history. Its like they want to create validation for bad things people have said about them. Though i hope its same situation as in russia, regular people dont want to do those things but are so apathetic and fear their leaders so much they dont dare to rise up. Though in this situation they are likely also so well misled and manipulated they think they are doing the "right thing". Eitherway, current israeli leadership should just go, like previous german leadership. I really dont want to think majority of their country supports this.

This shit will likely be one of the catalysts for the next world war, at least it feels that way.

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I just use it to get ideas about how to do something or ask it to write short functions for stuff i wouldnt know that well. I tried using it to create graphical ui for script but that was constant struggle to keep it on track. It managed to create something that kind of worked but it was like trying to hold 2 magnets of opposing polarity together and I had to constantly reset the conversation after it got "corrupted".

Its useful tool if you dont rely on it, use it correctly and dont trust it too much.

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What if we edit the comments slowly, words or even letters at a time. Then, if they save all of the edits they will end up with a lot of pointless versions. And if they dont, the buffer will eventually get full and original gets lost

Maybe not in small enough quantities, but what happens when your body accumulates enough of it? Maybe its completely inert but it will build up inside us like dust builds up on devices and eventually it might start clogging something critical, like extremely small bloodvessels or maybe some badly understood cleaning mechanism on brains.

trusting your consciousness to some corporation would be like trusting your soul to the devil

Only way epic can compete, even with bloody ubisoft launcher, is to remove competition. Improving their store just isnt part of their business plan, if it was they would do it.

Wasn't lobotomy almost like "fashion" treatment around that time too(1900~)? I recall reading some comment or text saying something like that, but cant remember where.

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Does anyone anywhere have anything positive to say about ea?

So only good billionaire is someone who is not a billionaire.

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if microsoft bought valve, i would radicalize pretty badly. Not much else to do after ones only real hobby goes up in flames.

Obviously they wont "let" them. Why would they ever do that? They have to be made to do it. But I hope i'm wrong, we will see.

I already moved to firefox, this made me think about stop using google drive and gmail too.

Technically I would be fucked if google decided to just block my account and they have demonstrated they will do it if they feel like it

(the case in 2022 about someone sending picture of their own baby to the doctor and was automatically flagged for it. google blocked that persons account and didnt unblock it even though it was proven he did nothing wrong. The pictures werent even sent via gmail, i think, so google just scanned their private photos.)

I have separate account for youtube, but I worry in the future they might connect it to my main account and start threatening to ban it if i continue using adblock. Now i'm also kind of worried if google decides in the future that something is unacceptable, like making comments against corporations or something.

Popularity and by extension, money, will corrupt and ruin everything.

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