1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's amazing how fast Reddit went from my favorite place to be online to a trash heap

With the amount of time spent talking about Reddit on Lemmy that's not too big of a surprise

I wish I could find a TV for sale that isn't a Smart TV. It's not necessary and you get issues like this down the road. I'm sure it isn't too long until the other TV manufactures do the same thing.

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Agreed. It took me a few tries to get into Mastodon. What helped me was discovering that I could follow hashtags of topics that interest me. That opened the door to interesting people to follow.

Because they don't have too be. Most people are so dependent on social media that they'll keep using a service even though they hate it. Like a drug addict who keeps using even though it's killing them.

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Honestly the issue isn't Reddit, it's just people. Most people are decent to great, with a smaller group of bad to horrible. With more people on Reddit the pool of bad to horrible is bigger, and they tend to be the loudest of the bunch.

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Not at all. Honestly getting rid of Twitter and Reddit has given me more free time that I didn't realize I was wasting constantly scrolling. There's less to see on Mastodon and Lemmy so I usually just run through it in the morning on my way to work and a bit at night if I'm bored (like right now.) I've gotten back into reading books a lot more and getting off the computer for a lot longer.

Honestly getting rid of Twitter and Reddit has improved my life if anything.

More and more of these communities are going to see the grass is actually greener on the other side once they’ve had enough of Reddits nonsense.

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Debian 12

Like a lot of people here have already said, I think a different space is being created for those that are more in the know. The average person just isn't as invested or versed in what's going on to move to a different platform when the current is working fine for them.

Reddit has so many people on it it behaves like society. If you're in a bad neighborhood (sub) you're going to deal with bad people.

Lemmy seems to be working out fine for me. Reminds me of the old days of Reddit.

I have a friend that complains constantly about Twitter, how its going downhill and he doesn't agree with what their doing and all that. Yet, he insists on using it everyday. I've suggested Mastodon and he said that "everyone is on Twitter" and then complains about it. Couldn't believe that I deleted my Twitter account without a second thought.

People are strange.

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No, and honestly don’t really miss it. Lemmy is fine for what I need it for. Sometimes if I search for an answer I’ll get a result that happens to be on Reddit so if that counts then so be it.

Anti-virus software is like a condom. If you don’t go sticking your computer in places it doesn’t belong you won’t really need one.

I recently realized, while dealing with some screen flickering with the most recent Nvidia drivers, that I had never used Linux without a Nvidia GPU. I’ve always had them in my computer so I always installed the driver. Lately I play mostly older games so I decided to remove the GPU and let my i9 sort out the graphics.

When I say it was a NIGHT AND DAY difference in overall quality I’m not kidding. Everything was buttery smooth and any lingering thoughts of missing Windows faded away. Honestly felt like I bought a new computer.

Now I’ve decided to sell my Nvidia GPU on eBay and either grab an AMD card or be bold and pick up an Intel Arc 750.

So in short, to echo Linus himself, fuck Nvidia.

I deleted my account the other day actually, once the backup was complete. I'm sure most will stay on Reddit but honest Lemmy is better off. Sure, there isn't as much content but most of the content on Reddit isn't really worth any one's time anyway.

New communities are popping up all the time here and it's great to see.

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N.O.M.A.D. This is such a great DOS game that I invested so much time in back in off and all all through the 90's. Open world, space exploration, trading, combat, different alien races, great humor. Was such a great game that I never heard anyone talking about then or mention now. The game is abandonware now if anyone wants to give it a go.

I use it as an acknowledgement at work, and to be a sarcastic asshole with my friends. Context is key.

Not to long ago I would of said Fedora but recently I've switched to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and I'm really enjoying it. Still learning the ins and outs though.

I feel a lot of the times you get better answers here if only for the community being a bit better in quality. However, way more questions have been asked and answered on Reddit.

I agree 100%. I tried Lemmy and Mastodon not very long ago out of curiosity and now I'm in the process of deleting my other social accounts. I didn't realize how little I actually engaged with Reddit and Twitter until I started doing so here.

Just Reddit. You can request you data from them. For whatever reason it takes a few days (up to 30 from what they say) so I had to wait for it to come in.

Completely agree, and I fit all three on the list. While a lot of new users have come in recently, the fediverse isn't as mainstream as the centralized services that everyone knows about. Also, young people will sign up for services they're friends are on.

That’s an interesting setup. I really like vertical bars but haven’t figured out a solution for the clock that I like yet. This might work!

This is pretty interesting. Might have to get my old Xbox out of the closet.

I've noticed smaller groups work really well. Once they get too large they start to devolve into in-fighting causing smaller sub-groups within the main. It's almost as if we're just not designed as a species to communicate with this many people all at once....

I would say yes. For me it's nice not having to buy random games for my kids on the Xbox that they may or may not keep playing. There's such a large library on Game Pass for them to mess around with. For me, being able to stream games to my phone/tablet and PC has been a game changer. I usually don't play faster paced game so the occasional signal dip (only on my phone and tablet) doesn't bother me and I can play the same save across all devices. And if I'm being honest if I'm on a decent connection the gameplay is perfectly fine mobile.

I agree with you of course, proven by where we are having this conversation. However, I have my doubts about the majority of Reddit users switching, at least currently. Most people don’t understand what is going on and are even more confused by the alternatives.

Sort of just seems like math too me. If a basket has apples and oranges in it, but far more are apples then oranges, it's safe to assume you'll see more apples when you look in the basket. Doesn't mean the oranges aren't just a good as the apples, there's just more apples.

A variety of reasons really. Privacy concerns, not having full control over my system with Windows, ads being pushed on my computer that I can't turn off easily, Linux is more fun to use and learn about in general. Last but not least is community. The community around Linux is fun to be a part of and makes me want to learn more so I can contribute in any way I can to the projects that I like. Once you start really checking out Open Source software and what it represents it's hard not to care about it.

So many hours spent playing this game when I was a kid.

Thank you for all the hard work and transparency as always! Everything is running perfectly knocks on wood

I can throw in a vote for Debian stable as well. I've recently installed Debian 12 and I've been blown away by how great it's been compared to my recent Fedora 38 experience out of box.

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Genuine question, and I don't mean any disrespect, if down votes are intended to mean people disagree with you, and you don't know these people, why did you care so much that you won't share your opinion on things again? I've never understood this way of thinking. Maybe I'm just weird but I for the life of me can't imagine caring that much about what strangers think.

Dropbox works pretty well for me, however I'm planning on building my own home server with nextcloud setup as soon as I can.

That culture is human. If there are going to be humans on Lemmy, then you're going to get the exact same pros and cons.

This is my daily driver tower.

  • i9 10850k
  • ASUS TUF Gaming Z590-Plus
  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER

I don't use wifi however it did work out of the box. The only thing that required additional setup was the Nvidia card but the driver was available in the repos.

If you do end up testing it out on a laptop let me know how it goes. I have a Windows laptop lying around here somewhere that could use some love.