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Joined 12 months ago

This will continue happening if the jail sentence is only 30 days...

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If someone assaults you for not wearing religious clothing, they are oppressing your freedoms and need to be dealt with accordingly.

Violence is preferable

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Developers who lock the FOV of their games have no idea what they're doing.

Looking at you sea of theives...

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Anyone else think it's odd that vehicles have tv services in them?

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They want everyone to use their shitty app so yours forced to see the avatars of other posters, thus subliminally making you want an avatar to "fit in"

When I used infinity all you saw was the username of who made a post or comment, and the content they posted itself. You don't need avatars for reddit, its an anonymous website(for now)

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That's just what they want. Engagement on their mobile app

Wait, common!?

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Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on fifa in 2021, just for them to shut the servers down 2 years later

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It's littered with warnings, at what point is it the consumers fault?

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I don't think ISP's have any duty to prevent piracy, or anything else for that matter. Their business is providing internet to their customers, not policing each and every action

He's a comedian, he makes fun of people. If you don't like it then you're not the target audience. There's plenty of comedians out there making fun of other groups

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It's obviously the knife manufacturer, and whatever retailer that sold the knife's fault!

I don't understand why some publishers of singleplayer focused games are against modding.

I understand that it could impact other players experiences in a multi-player setting. And I support any game developer segregating modded clients from vanilla. What I can't wrap my head around is why some try to ban modding all together. If a player ruins or enhances their experience with mods, it's on them, not the developers.

Man. Just imagine being 25 and shooting anyone to steal their car, let alone an 80 year old lady.

Carjackers are a big enough scurge to society, there's no room for the degenerates that stoop even lower and do it violently

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UBlock origin extension, and while not necessary, I also recommend Firefox browser

I agree. While this sounds great on paper, there's a chance for it to get abused. And we all know that it will end up being abused.

Probably because carrying and owning firearms is a right, turns out it's pretty hard to restrict people's rights.

The same law would get blocked if it banned free speech in public

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I agree. I'm not going to advocate for public transportation if I take the risk of running into a weirdo like this, or even worse.

At least in my car, I'm guaranteed to not run into weirdos or gross conditions caused by ill adjusted members of society.

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Doesn't matter. Those scumbag degenerate theives shouldn't have robbed him. They are a fucking drain on society and got what they deserve

Wholesale customers buy in bulk. I'm sure the customer could get a discount for buying in bulk as well but they would end up spending way more money

Let reddit users stay there, a lot of us are on Lemmy because we don't like the direction reddit is headed.

It doesn't impact us if reddit gets good traffic.

That being said, I'm rooting for reddits downfall and it's very entertaining seeing the backlash

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Those other options also put you at a greater potential for being harmed yourself. Your goal should always be to not get harmed

Point out the part of my comment where I said that

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Most technology problems would be solved by people having basic problem solving skills. I don't feel bad for people who don't "understand" technology while at the same time not putting in the slightest amount of effort to understand. Some people get thrown off by 2FA, and every single 2FA I've ever done has had easily followed instructions. People just don't put in the effort.

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Good. Those theives got what they had coming. Won't be doing it again, and hopefully deter any more degenerates from doing the same thing.

Society is a little better now

You got any sources for that or did it just spill out of your ass?

Yes, even in self driving cars the driving is expected to pay attention in case they need to take control in unexpected events

If we take the series s as the baseline in development, we'll get games that don't take full advantage of the better hardware. They shouldn't have to make their game run on potato grade hardware. I think they hit a great balance, it runs great on most modern gaming pc's, and the series x and ps5 will have no issues running it either.

They can choose not to litter?

I'm all for debilitating fines for littering. I can't walk ONE single street without seeing garbage on the side of it. These people who litter need to be held accountable, and if they get fined so be it. Maybe they'll think twice next time before being a garbage human being

Look at the entire sea of theives community.

I've had my posts deleted from the steam community forums for simply asking who else wanted higher than 90 fov

Why is it that my guns are the problem here? I'm a law abiding citizen and yet people think taking my guns away will stop mass shootings?

I fail to see any logic here. I'm not going to give up MY freedoms when others can't behave properly. You'll never catch me shooting at innocent people, so why is it that all these politicians want to restrict MY guns?

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Bg3 makes you feel like your choices matter. I havnt progressed very far (10 hours in and mostly exploring) and there have been points in dialog or exploring the open world when I pass a "point of no return". This is where I can tell there will be a consequence (good or bad) to my choices, but perhaps it's not immediately seen. I havnt had most of these choices pay off yet, but it builds anticipation and makes me want to see how this will play out and wonder if it will come up further down the line when I least expect.

I'm all for this. You have no idea how many I catch inadvertently with my dash cam!

One time, some lady driving in front of me threw a deck of playing cards out the window one by one!

I have 32 gigs of ram and this shit is going to make me switch to Linux as well.

I do not want an OS that demands half of my processing power just to run in the background. I see absolutely no reason for an OS to demand 2-4 gigs of ram, let alone up to 16

Wow, can't believe you're defending this animal. He was a convicted felon on trial for a different felony, any normal person would pass judgement

I've had a problem at self check out recently when I was buying a birthday card. I scanned the card, and placed the card and envelope it comes with in the area where scanned items go.

The kiosk, correctly, thought I put an unscanned item in the area. It was just the envelope the card comes in, so no need to scan it. But an employee had to come over and verify themselves before I could continue.

I don't see the anti theft measures as being an issue, you need to protect your merchandise from theft to run a successful business. But, it should be made a little smarter, to know that if you scan a card, there is very likely an envelope that comes with it.

I'm the same way now, I used to use reddit daily.

Now, I only use it when I have question, I still google "my question" reddit.

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Yeah, they're really shitting on black people by taking race completely out of the equation...

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Perhaps the problem is the people making senseless regulations then?

I was mad at reddit