An anti-affirmative action group is suing the US Military Academy at West Point over race-based admissions policies | CNN to – 173 points –

The US Military Academy at West Point is being sued for its race-based admissions policies by the same group that won a landmark case against Harvard University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the Supreme Court over affirmative action earlier this year, according to a lawsuit filed Tuesday.


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Yeah, they're really shitting on black people by taking race completely out of the equation...

Except their not. The biases and economic circumstances that created the need for this are still in existence. This is strictly about causing harm to black people.

Yes clearly. Everyone who is even slightly critical of "affirmative" action either in general or in principle or in practice is only strictly motivated by the desire to cause harm.

You definitely convinced me.

So fix the circumstances. Use federal funding to bring equality to the public school system and broaden SNAP to cover more disadvantaged people and provide them with a greater level of assistance.