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Joined 1 years ago

I'm looking forward to this one. Hopefully, it lives up to expectations on release.

You're absolutely right!

Yeah, totalitarian states aren't really fun for anybody in the end. It just devolves into a paranoid scheme and murder web for survival.

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I didn't say that. I said they needed to denigrate other women to justify this woman's attractiveness. I didn't say there aren't straight men who aren't assholes about women.

The person in the Tumblr image. It seems that there's more going on there than whether or not the woman in the show is attractive.

Uh... I'm the user at the top of the thread and I'm not confused at all, lol. I legitimately don't think that the original Tumblr poster is attracted to women. That's my opinion based off the post. I could very well be wrong, but that's how it reads to me.

Naw, look at the actual cost of the fee they are complaining about and the total cost of the bill. If they want to get on America's level, they need to get those numbers up. That's rookie shit.

The change they should be supporting is "don't."

I'd bet dollars to donuts this person is not even sexually attracted to women.

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No, because they reduce a woman's physical attractiveness to "big booba and I see some o' dem!" That line of thinking is only ever heard from people who aren't themselves attracted to women. Trust.

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Yes, and? The writer brought up other women unprompted. Frankly, the whole post reflects rather poorly on the writer more than any of these supposed people they are railing against.

Overgeneralizing what? This post is clearly from the perspective of someone not attracted to women. Another dead giveaway is the fact that they have to denigrate other women to justify this woman's attractiveness. The writing gives it all away quite clearly.

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Lol, I suppose I'll have to take your impassioned explanation of the finer details at face value as I haven't seen the show, and I don't know who any of these people are.

As a man, I'd never even consider dating a woman on the right, and there's far less at stake for me than a woman dating a conservative. This idea that decent people should enter into relationships, romantic or otherwise, with shit stains is absurd.

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A third of those predate gen z. The complete nonsense words are definitely on them, though.

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A white terrorist group filled with members of a white terrorist group? Truly shocking!

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Fuck Israel. The world should be making them a pariah state.

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I am really impressed with how this guy is able to tell the most outlandish lies, with a straight face, and continues to double down when outed. The details are crazy too. Why is it two Chinese guys, specifically? It's just really wild shit with no discernable purpose other than to lie for the sake of it.

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Zero sympathy. You ride with fascists, this is what happens.

My father in law was the target of these type of shitty lawsuits. He is a farmer who got tired of buying seed every year, so he bought a local seed company. He just sells to the other farmers in his region. They asked him to set up a website so they can order from there. Not even six months after seeing up the website he gets sued in federal court by a blind guy living in New York city for his website not being ADA compliant.

I looked up the plaintiff, he had dozens of these suits, all targeting small seed businesses that sell primarily to farmers. He had the same lawyers on every suit as well. Highly unlikely a guy living in NYC is doing a lot of farming. This was just using the courts to extort small businesses.

Now you have a similar scheme targeting small hotels that could erase protections for those that actually need them, all to extort money.

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Damn, a former president is banned from entering more countries than I am. That's fucking wild and make me feel slightly better about some of the places I'll never see again.

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Some this has to do with shelf life. Beverages containing alcohol have a long shelf life. A restaurant is not going to take losses on having 50 kinds of juice or whatever on hand. Another angle to this is that a lot of the drinks on the alcoholic menu are cocktails, so just combinations of other shit they have. Finally, what adult is just drinking milk? Have some water, it is good for you.

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I can't afford to be complacent, I'm not white. I'd rather die with a gun in hand than in a camp. Some things are worse than death.

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Why is there no attempted murder charge? They shot a man in the fucking head. The sentences better better be the equivalent of life for crimes this egregious.

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Why are some people so determined to be pieces of shit?

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That was a pretty simple question, too. The reason he won't answer, though, is because if he says yes, he pushes away the Maga morons (though they aren't voting for anyone but trump) and if he says no, he pushes away the establishment assholes.

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The language is so broad that a majority of popular internet media should just block out Kansas. It wouldn't be long before the shit heads back track. Unfortunately, major media will probably just cater to the censorship like the cretins they are.

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Thank you for your purchase.

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Maybe don't do that.

It is incredible how racism is injected into every system or process in this country.

Missed a step between 7 and 8. Become an amphetamine addict and marry wealth.

The incoherent writing and paranoia make more sense.

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Sorry, bud, but we've gotta help some white colonists genocide native brown people. I'm sure you understand.

Not funny at all, actually. I got a DUI a month after turning 21. Fortunately, nothing terrible happened. There are many countries that either consider a DUI a felony (Canada) or just don't want you endangering their populace (Japan). There's quite a list, but it's less than 37, lol.

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I worked with a trashy white woman who was mad that we had pride stuff up for June and Juneteenth stuff up on the 19th because of Father's day (what?). So the whole crew decided to troll by having fake conversations in her presence about how father's day should only be celebrated by gay black fathers. We were all happy when at he was every eventually fired.

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They also called it hate speech.

Fuck that Karen ass lady, the new york post, the owner, and any other shit stain promoting this shit.

Israel is a colonist apartheid state actively committing genocide. Down with Israel and its supporters.

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The crazy thing is, they have a lot of head room to increase pay before it starts to meaningfully impact the quarter trillion in profits they make annually. They're just fucking greedy.

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I don't have all the details, this is just my understanding. Fortunately, my father in law had a good lawyer and a sympathetic judge. The lawyer had him pay a guy $300 to make the website compliaint, then they presented the changes and story (father in law has glaucoma) to the judge who agreed that the results should satisfy the plaintiff. I do know that my father in law sent a sample of their most popular seed products to the plaintiff after the case. Most are not suitable for "home growing," lol.

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The larger issue here is that our society idolizes the military in the first place. I find that much more concerning than "stolen valor."

Fuck journalists that try to paint trump/republican voters as misguided or uninformed. If you vote for the racist fascist party, fuck you. If you support the state using its monopoly on violence to terrorize minorities, fuck you. If you try to legislate your religious beliefs, fuck you.

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You know what? Fuck it, let's do it. We helped create these problems, let's help solve them. 67% of Gaza's population is under 24, so any money we spend, we'll like get back in tax dollars. We can set up a Palestinian relocation bureau and start a voluntary exodus. Set aside relocation into our empty ass states, with some condition that they must maintain permanent residence for 5-10 years in that state. Have a jobs program and generate a great surge of skilled labor. We might let in a few extremists, but a third of our population is already there, so a couple thousand more won't really impact our status quo too much.

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