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Joined 1 years ago

This is the consequence of the hatred that transphobes, garden variety conservatives and TERFs alike, have stoked. And the narrative that the media has gleefully ran with.

Being visibly trans or gender-non-conforming nowadays is genuinely scary in a way I think a lot of people don't fully understand. And of course when femininity is being policed, women of colour tend to suffer too, even if they are cisgender.

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Gamers have gotten quite lucky so far that the company that has been in the position to turn the screws and establish a monopoly has been content to only make gobs of money, instead of trying to make all the money like pretty much every other entertainment industry.

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Because it's not actually about the pronouns. These people aren't actually angry about pronouns.

They're angry about trans and non-binary people. They're angry that people are growing to accept these people, who they do not think should be accepted. They are angry that a group they don't think is normal, is being accepted as normal.

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I've had bedbugs before, they got into my luggage on an extended trip. And I just have to say screw bedbugs. They're absolutely miserable little things and difficult to get rid of.

At first it's not so bad. Just some itchy bites, nothing serious and they aren't a major disease vector. But they interfere with your sleep. And they mess with your mind after a while. Eventually it feels like they're crawling all over you whenever you're in bed, wherever your skin touches the linen, even if they aren't actually there.

So yeah they aren't the end of the world. But I'd do a lot to avoid them.

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I would have thought that such a feature would be completely uncontroversial. Really weird that some people seem resistant to it.

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These are critical chemistries that enable modern day life

Then maybe we need to examine "modern day life" with a more critical eye. Some sacrifices may need to be made, because they are worth being made.

There are also measures that lie between "ban" and "use freely". If we cannot eliminate the use of these chemicals in chipmaking, then we need to reconsider the disposability of these chips, or we can even consider if less effective processes result in less damaging chemical use, and accept a bit of regression as a trade-off.

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Oh it did make everything crystal clear. If one isn't gullible.

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The line dividing working class from owning class is not their monthly salary. It's their relationship to capital. Do they work for their living, or do they own for their living?

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Bloody hell yes. I have to select text on my phone all the time and that little hovering Android context menu is utterly atrocious. How that passed any UX process is completely beyond me.

  1. It hovers over text, rather than appearing in a predictable location like every other context menu in the OS does.
  2. The menu just doesn't appear sometimes. Usually when the selected text is large or near the edge of the screen or the screen is zoomed in.
  3. It's unstable. Every time you bring it up, the context sensitivity might add additional options. That context sensitivity is good, but it also means that one has to scan the menu for the desired option every single time, no matter how proficient one gets.
  4. It's uncustomisable. One of my most-used options requires me to select the text and wait for the menu, tap the three-dots to open the second layer of the tiny little context menu, scroll that tiny sub-list past a bunch of less-commonly used options to the option I use all the time, then tap on that. The menu is sorted arbitrarily, not even alphabetically, and is completely unmodifiable.
  5. And what is given sort-priority over my actually used context menu items? "Share". I can share text with two taps, which I will never do, but the action I use dozens of times a day requires three taps and a scroll to find it.
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Weirdly enough, it might be. There are videos of people deliberately testing hypoxia. I've seen one where the person controlling the test told the participant "you know you are dying right now, right?" and the participant responded "Oh" with a big smile. Now maybe the participant was more chill because they knew beforehand that they weren't actually going to die. But they were still completely non-phased watching their brain shut down in real time.

I'm opposed to the death penalty. But if I had to choose my own way out of this world? Hypoxia is probably top of the list.

Wild how he doesn’t even mention the possibility of voting for a third party.

Why would he? The US voting system makes third party candidates an impossibility. It's not a viable option.

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And how do you differentiate between this and say, a shop, or a doctor? Do LGBT people not "have the right to the labour" of those services?

I disagree with that framing entirely. But I'm curious to know how you would differentiate.

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Of course, none of this actually matters in the slightest unless those ethics violations have consequences.

I just don't understand. At some point the greed became self-defeating, a point passed a long time ago, and yet still they demanded more and more and more. The ultra wealthy already have the best the world can offer, at some point there is nothing more to spend one's money on. Jeff Bezos even said exactly that, that he has no real idea what to spend all his wealth on. The endless greed now only serves to remove potential from their lives, through the destruction of the environment. Instead of enjoying wealth on a healthy Earth, they would seemingly rather suck it all dry and hide in a bunker.

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Not the OP, but if you are soliciting opinions...

For me it's the fact that nobody really believes us when we talk about our issues or even the things we personally experience. Even well meaning people, even friends, immediately assume that we are exaggerating or imagining things when we talk, or assume they know better about what is or is not harmful to us.

Like the obvious hateful transphobes are one thing. But getting that attitude from people one knows personally is tiring and more than a little scary.

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Except if you have enough money, it's not even gambling anymore. The only way you'd lose is if everybody loses.

And that's completely ignoring the fact that enough money lets you influence the rules of the game to tilt the odds in your favour.

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Good. Student welfare and learning environment comes first. More places should refuse to enforce conservative's ridiculous crusade.

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Why is it that whenever someone says "Nazis are bad" there are always weirdos crawling out of the woodwork to say "what about communism?"?

It's like clockwork.

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Doing literally nothing to reduce fossil fuels would be better than the thing we are currently doing, which is subsidising them. Really puts into perspective all the climate "promises".

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As it turns out, "winning the moral victory" is still just losing.

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Yeah seriously this is a basic safeguarding concern. Don't out people. If the child wants their parents to know, they will tell them as and when they are ready.

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As long as their livelihood is dependent on labouring, they're working class. You should show some solidarity, rather than trying to divide the working class.

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Steamdeck 2...
Steamde... Uh oh...

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writing in an order that “petitioners have not clearly shown a sufficient threat of irreparable injury absent injunctive relief.”

Basically every piece of research we have done on the topic over the last several decades has pointed in the same direction: That timely gender-affirming care improves, and often saves, trans people's lives, both adults and children.

And it's worth pointing out that a blanket ban is not based on clinical merit. A blanket ban doesn't allow the specifics of a patient's case to be considered. It is a statement that gender-affirming care is never appropriate. It is purely ideological, and it will lead to the suffering and death of trans people.

These people have blood on their hands. I hope, one day, that they are held responsible for their actions.

She gives a remarkably classy and well articulated answer that shows she has actually thought about the issue. And the AU news headlines it as her "floundering".

Propaganda. That's what that original headline from the AU article linked in the PinkNews article is.

When you have a net worth measured in the billions of dollars, it's genuinely impressive to be able to lose money. With that kind of sum behind your name, you could just do nothing and out-earn most people on the planet with just interest alone. To actually be able to lose money? Now that takes work!

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... in the wake of recent claims that some justices have fallen short of required ethical standards.

The single most indirect, passive, and euphemistic way to say that conservative justices have been caught accepting extravagant gifts from people who have stakes in their rulings, while failing to declare that conflict of interest.

Hardly surprising. Watching the same grocery items increase in price 3 times in 6 months, sometimes to over 150% of the original price, it was clear people were going to be in trouble.

Pair that with skyrocketing rents, especially in the landlord's paradise that is London. And the fact that even getting into a rental often requires a lot of money upfront. The cracks are widening.

A lot of people were barely holding it together before. It's only going to get worse unless drastic changes are made.

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Every conservative accusation is a confession.

If I were a child now, I would potentially be pushed to be trans or NB.

No that's not how that works. People aren't "pushed" into becoming trans, let alone into a medical transition. Trans people, especially trans youths, usually have to fight tooth and nail to have their identities taken seriously, and even harder to access healthcare.

especially because at least certain segments of the trans argument seems to hinge on enforcing gender roles.

This is just such tired nonsense. I have never met a community more supportive of people breaking gender norms than transgender and non-binary people.

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You are just going to have to live with the fact that you're the weirdo on this. People do not see Nazism and communism as similar or comparable. Nazism has discrimination and extermination of the "other" as core tenets of the ideology, communism is an economic model that simply does not have those elements no matter how desperate you are to assign them to it.

Authoritarianism is bad. But communism is not authoritarian. Governments calling themselves communist have become authoritarian and committed atrocities. But as much as weirdos like yourself like to deny it, governments capable of genocide are also capable of lying about being communist.

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Of all sad words of tongue or pen,
The saddest are these:
Stallman was right again.

It strikes me as wild but so much of the opposition towards LGBT rights in Japan is, effectively, a paperwork issue. Backed by bigotry, but fronted by paperwork.

The koseki system, or family registry system, basically cannot handle same-sex couples or parents. The system only allows for one male partner and one female partner, one male parent and one female parent. So Japan can't register same-sex marriages or parents.

But this might also be why sterilisation is required for trans people. Because the requirement for recognition of gender isn't actually just to be sterilised. The requirements are to be unmarried, have no children, and be permanently sterile. Because anything less than that could lead to a system where a marriage involves two same-sex partners, or a child has two same-sex parents. Which is impossible using the current paperwork, so it is forbidden.

So trans people have to be sterilised, and if they have children already, they can never be recognised by the current system. Because bureaucracy.

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It also explains "magazines".

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I can't really relate? At least on my desktop. The software manager integrates with Flatpaks and upgrades them at the same time.

For most apps I'm going to prefer the usual way of doing things. But there are some apps that I actually kinda prefer as Flatpaks. Like Calibre I'm happy to install as a Flatpak. The updates are faster and it doesn't add a whole host of dependencies that only it uses to my system.

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I won’t allow my young kids to be given

That's a page from Gender Queer. Which is a book for 18 and up. Nobody is trying to give it to young kids you absolute spanner.

This is a display of power, and dominance. It's a taunt.

To "clarify" by both denying the claim and doubling down on the claim at the same time. To state that people taking the words as a threat are snowflakes, while immediately threatening them again. And to do it twice over, reclarifying his original threat with another one.

He knows that makes no sense. But words don't have to make sense under fascists. Only power makes sense. He knows he can get away with it. That's the point.

The journalist should have drilled him on the spot.

I didn't say they didn't work. I said that their livelihood isn't dependant on labouring.

I don't know what you gain out of gatekeeping the working class. The whole invention of the middle class has been a tool by the owning class to separate the working class.

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And I hope the community disobedience continues in response. If they replace the superintendent, just completely refuse to acknowledge them, shun them from every aspect of life these parents have any control over.

I know it's not simple. But I think it's time people start to make enforcing their nonsense as miserable and resource-intensive as possible.

The real issue is an inability to agree to disagree.

That's not a fair representation of the people you are talking about. We can agree to disagree about a lot of things. But not about the humanity, dignity, and freedom of people.

We will never agree to disagree about other people's humanity. Being willing to do so would make us monsters.

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