2 Post – 239 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Had a guy tell me he was going to sue me, personally not the store, and financially ruin me because I told him to put on a mask in like April 2020. He didnt do either. I'm sure anyone who worked with the public during that time has some story lol.

15 more...

Isn't that exactly what said executives wanted? Wasn't fox news created to prevent a second Nixon not by making sure no crimes were committed by future republican presidents, but by making sure they could mislead the public into thinking they weren't crimes in the first place? I'm sorry but now that it's clear to the entire world what you built and why you built it you don't get to sit here and go "oh my how could we ever have known it would turn into this!" Like bitch you wanted this.

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Expansion of the surveillance state, you go uk.

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Is now? The crazies have been anti-climate change/global warming my entire life, how is now any different?

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Yeah until they don't anymore lol.

Did like none of y'all read the article?

4 more...

Fuck. Tankies.

Because the people who left reddit for lemmy are the people who left digg for reddit, mostly. So old Internet people. Hence old memes.

Edit: my phone decided digg should be high. IDK.

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Prager U is specifically named Prager U because they aren't a university and therefore can't call themselves Prager University. Let's not give them any more legitimacy than they deserve which is none.

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*gestures vaguely at everything*

I'm not even full on anticapitalist but come on that's just obvious.

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If you're familiar with Ubuntu you could always try Debian.

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How tf does that make sense?

Well spez did say he admired what Elon's doing with Twitter so...

Removing the do not recommend channel option would be the quickest way to get me to actually just stop using YouTube. Half the people I watch are on nebula anyway and the rest of the time saved well my wife wants me to read more anyway. Ive been a paying google play music/YouTube red/premium subscriber for 10 years but that'll do it for me.

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Your depiction of anarchism is literally just direct democracy.

Lemmy does show up though, you're just expecting a niche site to show up where reddit is. Also Lemmy is not some "rock and roll and motorcycle guy" he's fucking Lemmy and he's a legend.

This should be in memes tbh.

Here's the comment, idk how to make the link instance agnostic though.

12 more...

"I personally prefer the united states become an uneducated backwater because I didn't like public school"

I simplified it for you.

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Imagine cheering for monopolistic practices. Gross. In 20 years when everything is owned by Microsoft and Sony and games are $200 a piece or gamepass $40 a month don't complain.

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Oh please, Thomas doesnt take checks. He takes venmo.

Natural discovery needs to be worked on.

10 more...

Using my own instance I guess if it's getting ddos'd I know someone's mad at me specifically lol

I'm confused as to what you're referring to, lemmygrad? Nah I'm pretty sure those are just tankies and tankies are as I understand it basically what rightwingers think everyone left of Ronald Reagan is. Like tankies aren't just commies, they're fucking stalinists.

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Congrats, you fell for the scam. Don't worry, we all did at one point. To be clear, I'm not saying climate change is a scam, I'm saying "it's all your fault" is a scam.

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You think theyre all siloed off from each other or something? I'm literally the only user on my instance and there is 1 community with 0 posts yet here I am, on another instance.

The solution would be a path to being here legally but I suspect that's untenable for rightwingers.

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Something something not left not right forward something something

Wow, you're actually insane.

Edit: also it sounds to me like you straight up don't understand the point of education.

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I'm pretty sure they always were. I know when I was using I blocked a lot of lemmygrad communities.

26 more...

I feel like AliExpress and temu aren't really equivalent. Temu makes it seem like you're, well I guess the tagline is shop like a billionaire. Aliexpress doesn't exactly hide the fact it's a cheap Chinese market.

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I'm sure there won't be any negative consequences from that.

That will make them profitable for sure!

"Let's charge full on handheld console money for a device that can't function away from a PS5!"

This should be doa but it's a PlayStation, it'll probably sell 30 million.

9 more...

So sick of "just use Firefox" as if everyone has forgotten how the last company to bend the web to it's will using a browser didn't kill the very thing Firefox was born out of. Either google doesn't do this or it doesn't matter if you use Firefox, your browser will either comply or die like Netscape Navigator.

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Why would you do that to us?

NixOS enters the chat.

I mean it is in the same way Facebook is.

I was going to give you a real answer but I took a little trip through your history and I think I understand what you're saying now, this conversation is over.

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