Executives who helped create Fox News say network has become ‘disinformation machine’

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 743 points –
Executives who helped create Fox News say network has become ‘disinformation machine’

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Isn't that exactly what said executives wanted? Wasn't fox news created to prevent a second Nixon not by making sure no crimes were committed by future republican presidents, but by making sure they could mislead the public into thinking they weren't crimes in the first place? I'm sorry but now that it's clear to the entire world what you built and why you built it you don't get to sit here and go "oh my how could we ever have known it would turn into this!" Like bitch you wanted this.

Man labeled as "Fox founders" shoots a man labeled "truth." In the next panel, he asks why Fox News would do this.

It's just not Faux News either, MSNBC, CNN almost all the newspapers and political sites.

Please don't "both sides" this. Fox News was created explicitly as a propaganda arm of the Republican party. The others are basically centrist news organizations.

To be fair, none of those other sites have ever had to say "we aren't actually news and no reasonable person would take anything our hosts have to say seriously" as a legal defense.

You're absolutely right. And though they're missing a ton of nuance to make that statement really cogent. They aren't exactly wrong however. The media all of it. Not just stuff on one side or the other is horribly biased in the United States and much of the West unfortunately. But Fox News is its own special circle in hell. For sure.

The difference is that we know Republicans are working hand-in-glove with Fox news; the Dominion emails show exactly that: it is effectively the propaganda faction of the GOP.

MSNBC and CNN are driven by profit, not ideology (except where the two happen to align). Even if there are cozy relationships between hosts and members of government, the final editorial consideration is usually profit. With Fox, the propaganda is the entire point.

Corporate media is certainly a problem, but it's not really the same problem as Fox's. Fox was complicit in the coup.

You also can't forget that CNN's coverage of Trump helped him win the election. It was all about the ratings, not about what's best for the country.

Even MSNBC cutaway from a live candidate speaking to an empty podium awaiting Trump. They played their part as well. Simply repeating what was being claimed regardless of its veracity just for views and clicks.

Exactly. Anyone saying "both sides" has never watched them... They all have one thing in common, greed. If it makes more money, they'll televise it.

Your statement is non sequitur. You say they aren't the same. But then flip to explain exactly how we were implying the same. Or at least exactly how I was implying they were the same. Though I assume the other person intended similar. I think we agree far more than we disagree here. And that this should just be marked up to another example of the wealthy poisoning democracy and discourse. Making people feel a reflexive need to always be on defense than not able to legitimately criticize. Because let's be clear. Even if we often find what CNN and MSNBC do to be more acceptable or less damaging. They're still doing it.

Where did I disagreed with you. All I was adding is that fox is in it to push dangerous ideals and greed, MSNBC and CNN are in it for greed.

They can do that, and they will. Why wouldn't they? You even said yourself that the network exists to lie to its viewers. So it makes sense that they'd lie to their viewers about this too.