7 Post – 200 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Social media. It wasn't until very recently that people started to realize just how harmful it actually is.

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What is their fixation on this? Why does this issue matter out of all the other issues that they could be bringing up right now?

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Linux phones are getting closer and closer to usability every day. I don't care that they'll always be less polished than iOS or Android, I want a Linux phone.

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Good. The rule is stupid and deserves to be worked around. Water is essential. I hate when I go to these kinds of public places and they give you no option to get water other than bringing it yourself. Poor logistics on the part of the event organizers.

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For me it was growing up around drug addicts. I wanted to know why so many people in my life liked them so much, so started using drugs around the age of 13.

It started with abusing inhalants, huffing ether spray for small motors, and even huffing gasoline at my worst.

I started associating with troll groups online at the time, and a lot of them were drug users as well. They knew I was a dumb kid and got me to stop huffing and move onto abusing my prescriptions, which included adderall and xanax. I would switch between the two based on what I had on hand. Crushing up the adderall to snort it, taking multiple pills of Xanax trying not to black out.

I did this for a year or two and stopped as I learned about "research chemicals", which I could legally buy online. I tried all kinds of psychedelic drugs such as 2C-E and nBome. I was lucky I didn't die, since those drugs were extremely intense on my body. I ended up going to the ER after talking too much nBome, which resulted in my legs turning a completely pale white. They felt cold and numb, which told me it was vein constriction, a known risk of the drug which can easily result in death or limb loss.

I'm about 19 when that happened, and Silk Road was kicking into high gear, so I figured I should just start using that to buy real drugs, which I did. I started buying absurd amounts of weed and acid, spending basically all my money from my first job. I didn't have to pay bills or rent as I was living with my grandparents. I don't even remember most of this period of my life, as it was just a constant stream of psychedelics, alcohol, Xanax, and marijuana abuse.

In 2016 the weed and psychedelics weren't doing it anymore, and for whatever reason my grandpa had managed to collect enough unused Xanax prescriptions that I got my hands on HUNDREDS of pills. I quickly became addicted in the span of about a month, which I knew because I started to wake up feeling stabbing pains, cramps, extreme lethargy, and depression.

The next 6 months were the worst period of my life. I would take xanax multiple times a day just to get through the day. Even with that, I was having awful withdrawals that included dry heaving even though I wanted to throw up, strange memory loss (both short term and long term), intolerance to light and sound (even the wind was enough to make me want to vomit), cramps, stabbing pains, insomnia, and so much more.

Eventually I ended up buying heroin, but luckily my friend at the time put his foot down and threatened to leave me if I didn't accept his help getting off the drugs. It took about 6 months and lots of checking in, but eventually I tapered myself off the Xanax and got rid of any heroin I had. Unfortunately however the taste of heroin I got was enough for me to start seeking out opiates. Luckily between the high prices and extreme risks that fentanyl was posing at the time, I never got addicted, but even to this day I wish I was able to use more, and often get obsessive thinking about how nice it would feel to use them again.

From that point to now I've been able to stick to weed for the most part, but looking back on all the time and money I wasted just makes me sad. I am lucky my experiences were benign compared to what could have happened at least.

To anyone who may be considering using drugs for the first time, just don't. Yes they feel good, but living life feels better. With drugs the pleasure quickly goes away and you just end up using them to cope. It's a stupid, worthless cycle that just leaves you feeling empty.

Sorry this comment was so long.

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Voat died because they took a max free speech approach, even allowing racism and stuff. Lemmy does not have a central administration that can make decisions like that, as each instance gets to decide if they federate with another instance or not.

There's no doubt going to be a banlist that gets shared amongst the biggest, most popular instances to get rid of the trolls.

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Ext4 came out 20 years ago.

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At least they took a stand. Thousands of other subs who got the same ultimatums just gave in no questions asked, no malicious compliance.

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Lawns were a mistake

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Reddit was full of racists even back in the early 2010s. /r/Coontown was a prime example of that.

You can't vote people into office who are younger when your only viable choices are people who are all over the age of 65.

Good. I'm a conservative Wisconsinite myself, but the state senate acts like they're royalty, continually ignoring they will of the people and saying that's what we actually want.

See: Marijuana reform. We have millions, possibly billions in taxes going to other states and state republicans claim the people aren't ready for it, even though something like 70%+ of the states population is in favor of legalization.

Meanwhile we have almost all of the top 50 counties in the US for alcoholism. But ignore that, weed crime is the real issue apparently.

We need the state congress to accurately represent the people, not this corrupt bs we have now.

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People really don't take the fascist threat seriously. It's like just because Trump isn't president and fascists are banned on social media, people seem to think fascism isn't growing and spreading. Out of sight out of mind.

Like it or not fascism is growing and has been at an alarming rate over the past decade. We can either ignore the problem and mock them or realize they are a serious political threat that has lots of political power already.

When people get offended on behalf of others, especially when their stupidity harms the people they claim to be offended for.

Case in point, the Hogwarts Legacy situation. It made trans people look unhinged by association, even though the seemingly vast majority of them were cis progressives.

And if I as a trans person mention how I don't feel represented and don't appreciate what they are doing? Suddenly I'm a Russian troll or something. So stupid.

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Tumblr is still alive, but it's a shell of what it used to be. Given the behavior of Spez, it's only a matter of time before Reddit ends up the same.

Imagine the kinds of fuckery that will happen when Reddit has shareholders.

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This bill bans local ordinances on water breaks, but there are still federal (and likely state) laws that still require it. You can see right on OSHA's site here.

OSHA Standards require an employer to provide potable water in the workplace and permit employees to drink it. Potable water includes tap water that is safe for drinking. Employers cannot require employees to pay for water that is provided. An employer does not have to provide bottled water if potable water is available. See OSHA's sanitation standard for more information.

Why can't people report on GOP bills objectively, rather than misconstruing them as hard as possible?

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Gee. When both the GOP and RNC are pushing shitty candidates no one wants is it any surprise that populists like Trump and DeSantis pop up?

It's not just young voters who are upset, it's everyone who isn't over the age of 70.

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And thanks to open source software, we will just remove it if they do. Politicians really don't understand how this all works do they?

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Not to put a damper on, but it's more like 50k who started posting on lemmy in the past week for a total of 110k. We basically doubled the user count, but still are an order of magnitude away from 1 million.

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The design of the activity pub protocol (of which lemmy, kbin, beehaw, mastodon, etc. are built) is such that there could never be a central authority that controls the entire fediverse.

Consider the world wide web, which is the biggest federated service in history. There is no central administrative body that can exist for all websites because anyone can set up their own web server and host whatever they want on it. The same is true for lemmy instances.

The beauty of this system is that people who want a more curated experience are free to use instances that ban the kinds of behaviors or views that they find problematic. Compare that to Reddit where hate subs get removed only when they become a financial liability.

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Let me guess, they're coming to groom the children into leftists while they're at it.

Post them on /r/RedditNoise

Edit: Reddit admins are removing videos posted to /r/RedditNoise. Post them in long abandoned subs like /r/TrueVideos, /r/Videoz, /r/Videos2

That is certainly alcoholism. You don't sound dumb, you're smart for being able to recognize it. Many people just ignore it and pretend they aren't addicted.

Everything you post online is public, even if services claim its private. Just remember that and try to be anonymous so you blend in with the background noise.

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This isn't malicious compliance, it's compliance with the law to the very letter. Good job.

Gnome devs have a nasty habit of "rethinking" things while ignoring tons of usability issues. I'd like them to stop rethinking things until they addressed those first...

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True, but when you already know what the doctor will suggest and don't have $250 to pay the copay, it makes it far easier to justify.

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By being the first major social network to adopt activityhub, it means they have an advantage when/if activityhub takes off.

I don't even watch him but if he makes an episode about Reddit it'll be worth watching

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On Reddit I was not above petty arguments and down voting. Here I feel like things are more personal and I would rather discuss than simply consider the other person to not be worth engaging with. It's been very long since I've felt this way online. Hopefully lemmy does not outgrow this.

No. They killed bacon reader so I no longer post.

If Reddit is in the search results I'll click, but that's it.

Why only sexual abuse? This is a problem for survivors of child abuse in general. By the time we realize we have legal recourse it's usually too late. You get like 2-5 years after the incident depending on your state.

My abusers will never face justice simply because I was too young and poor to file charges. I would like to see these extensions given to all child abuse victims, not just sexual.

Expect this to happen over and over. His legal team are going to stall any and all trials as much as possible, hoping that they can be dealt with after the presidential election.

I say don't try. One of the problems askreddit and other subs like showerthoughts had was that you had to follow an extremely restrictive set of posting guidelines to even have your post stay up.

I think we're better off just letting the community upvote/downvote to maintain quality, rather than trusting powermods.

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Some people would rather ignore Japanese culture and push their views on others. It is so strange to me that the west cannot tell drawings from reality.

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Crazy how focusing on what fundies want rather than trying to bring back manufacturing jobs or improving infrastructure means you lose votes.

Who could have possibly seen this coming.

Get all these geriatrics out of office and put age limits on all public officials. This is such a farce.

Sounds like back pedaling.

I know and agree. People will tell you characters like Tatsumaki from One Punch Man is "minor coded". Rev Says Desu has great videos on these people freaking out over nothing.

The sad irony is that organizations that deal with actually helping stop actual predators have to tell people to stop reporting drawings because it's flooding their tip boxes.

I'm a CSA survivor myself and the virtue signaling people do around this topic triggers me almost as much as abusers themselves. I don't like people speaking for me, especially when they can't tell the difference between a drawing and an actual person.

Aren't republicans the ones who say things like "taxes are theft"?