
13 Post – 45 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Odd seeing so many people prefer Bitwarden specifically for the polish and UI. Those are the reasons I chose 1Password. Both work! Both are actually pretty good solutions. But after using Bitwarden for quite a while for work, I set up 1Pass for my personal stuff. It's just nicer and easier to manage, imo, even as a tech savvy user.

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Was literally thinking as I read the headline "Ok... how did Lemmy's numbers fluctuate after the initial burst?"

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Are people really going to sign up for another Meta site? I'm sure as shit not. I finally deleted my Facebook account a couple weeks back, and I'm feelin' free!

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We're still doing this, huh? Smartphone fanboying? Pretending like one side is clearly superior? This shit is so tired.

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This is partially on these companies for failing to provide an equal experience to Steam on their platform. I bought Witcher III in GoG to support the devs, and my reward was a lost save by the time the DLCs came out, because their client didn’t have cloud saves. So guess where I bought their stuff from there on? Sure, they added these features later but for some people the damage is already done.

Thanks to any and everyone involved in putting out these server fires. It sucks, and it's often a thankless job. Keep up the good work, but don't kill yourself trying to solve all problems at once :)

Yeah, I do. There's just more content there. More articles. More questions. More discussion. Not all of it is good, but a lot of what I use reddit for is taking the temperature on things... games, movies, books, general opinions on news articles, etc. I like Lemmy, but it doesn't have the userbase to make this my only "front page of the internet" for now.

Fyi, the fixed update has been released.

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I'm trying, lol. Just followed a bunch of accounts on Mastodon in an attempt to make my homepage more interesting. Loving Lemmy, but while I don't necessarily want the absolute deluge of bullshit like reddit has, for my taste the fediverse still has a lot of growing to do (and I hope it gets there!)

Speaking personally, I'm trying to replace that "Frontpage of the internet" that Reddit used to be. Lemmy is great. I'm actually really liking the communities here. But there aren't enough posts because there aren't enough users yet, IMO. Maybe what I actually need is to stop using a single place for all of my news/pop culture watching, but... that's where I'm at.

This is the way to do it. Autocorrect is doing 90% of the work in either case anyway, lol.

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I haven't looked at the PR, but if it's really that simple, that doesn't seem like the full solution. I don't particularly want a sub with 10 users popping up on the front page after 3 upvotes just because it got to the top of that sub. Sub weight, as mentioned in the top comment here, should probably be taken in to account.

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I like that one, but a little misleading if it's an IAMA. Maybe Lemmy Answer Anything? Though, LAY has a better ring to it than LAA now that I think about it.

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That's fine, but if someone is making something actually interesting for a community I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be able to share it, provided that's not the only reason they're around. That gets harder to moderate, but if we're talking "perfect world", that's what I would want.

Playing bits and pieces of a lot of stuff and nothing’s really sticking. It’s frustrating, haha.

Replaying Control because I never got around to the DLC back in the day, and I want to play it before Alan Wake 2 comes out. This is my main game right now, but I’m just slowly picking away at it.

Diablo IV - omnipresent side-game for me. It’s grindy, and repetitive, and the end game and itemization need work, but I enjoy the combat so it’s been a good podcast game.

Dave the Diver - Great game, but where I’m at currently it’s become more mission-focused than I’d prefer. Still liking it, but my progress has slowed quite a bit.

The Rift Breaker - Picked this up in the Steam sale. It’s fun, if a little confusing sometimes. The UI could use some work.

Yet Another Zombie Survivors - Despite the terrible name, this one’s actually pretty fun. I’ve played an absolute ton of these things and some are more interesting than others… being able to add 2 members to your squad, as well as some of the abilities and stuff, make this one stand apart a bit. At least for a couple hours of mindless fun.

Voidigo, Revita, Crab Champions, Dropsy, and Going Under (among others, honestly) are some more that are rotating in and out as I try to find something that I’ll stick with for a bit, but nothing’s scratching the itch so far.

Just because it probably won't kill you doesn't mean it doesn't lead to debilitating health issues, which we could solve for if we simply vaccinate against it. Let the anti-vaxxers take their lives in to their own hands, but don't stop medical advancement because of them, for fucks sake.

I misinterpreted your original comment. We agree, haha.

Kinda how I feel. I think it's probably bad to be subjected to what everyone is thinking all the time, particularly when paired with anonymity. But... I liked it. Not gonna lie, when I hit the end of my Lemmy feed I still load up reddit in the browser. But it's already gotten so much less useful, it's crazy! The blackouts have really fucked it up as far as looking up information via reddit. As well it should, fuck them for ruining a good (or at least decent?) thing. But it was always nice having so much of the internet in one place.

People think "Reddit" is their friend for some reason.

As pointed out above, individual use of Firefox doesn't really do that much. Especially when Firefox already doesn't work properly for some sites. Plus, lots of people (myself included) need to use Chrome for work. This shit sucks.

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D2 is still fun! Not in the ways that D3 and D4 hit, imo, but for a slower, more measured taste of ARPG-style goodness, I think D2: Resurrected is actually really good. I played it a couple months ago and had a lot of fun (granted, I was a fan of D2 at release... I'm old.)

Mostly for reference later on down the line. I’ve used threads like this several times to see what people are saying about more recent games, and it’s nice to have the date in the thread title to more easily contextualize the comments. Just a suggestion in case anyone else uses these threads like I do.

So... by "users MUST not", you mean you'd prefer if they didn't.

For sure. I set my father up on Bitwarden because he gets a lot more out of the free tier, and it’s hard enough to convince him he needs a password manager, let alone one that costs anything, lol.

As a somewhat recent Chicago tourist... I didn't care about the bean either, lol.

I have since confirmed that Nova Lands is, indeed, exactly my shit (much like Forager was). Thank you, and go fuck yourself lol.

Uh oh... this looks like exactly my shit.

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I'm going to play it eventually. Already bought it, just waiting to be in the mood to get started. I am curious though... how hard is it just to figure out where you're going? That is often my biggest hurdle in these older games, even though I grew up on this kind of stuff haha.

I mean… ok. Doesn’t change my experience.

It depends, but... mostly yes. I don't agree with most big companies ideologically speaking... I'd have a hard time finding work if I limited myself in that way.

This is exactly my experience. Always liked CRPGs, but I've literally never finished any of the classics, or any traditional CRPG for that matter (closest would be Disco Elysium or Dragon Age: Inquisition for me). But BG3 is really hitting for me. I absolutely love it, and I want to give more of these a try once I finish it.

Doesn’t stop them from showing up via All and Local, which is what I want to do without having the completely block these communities. Just my preference.

I was in Iceland a few months ago and stopped in there for a couple beers! Cool place.

Could we add a date to the titles going forward, rather than numbering them? I was attempting to start this weekly discussion myself, and have been posting it on Sundays for the last few weeks, but I'd be happy to cede to this thread from you if you'd like, @quinten@lemmy.world

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It's not that complicated, but it's not presented particularly well imo. I'm still getting used to it, and it took a minute to realize how content is kind of brought in to view, if that makes sense.

Killing off third party apps was the straw that broke the camel's back. I still browse Reddit, not gonna lie, but I don't contribute anymore. And my mobile browsing will likely stop entirely once Apollo stops working tomorrow. I'm using Lemmy as a substitute, but also using this whole thing as a general opportunity to use social media less... less time mindlessly browsing reddit, more time doing things I actually enjoy.

This game rules so far. I really like the dialogue and notes system. Plus, I honestly think it looks pretty nice for such a lo-fi style. Lots of QOL stuff for a game of this type too. Definitely check it out if it looks interesting to you!

It copies artists styles? As artist already do. Artists always copy other artists, it’s how art work since forever.

What AI does is take artists' hard work and directly uses it to generate something using their style(s), without their permission.

Not trying to stir shit, just genuinely curious what you have a problem with in Lemmy's UI? Seems fine to me so far.

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