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Joined 1 years ago

Reddit refuge

Don’t kid yourself. Reddit was valuable to pretty much all of you or else you wouldn’t continuously shitpost about it.

Also I know you’re a former redditor because you’re parroting the same tired-ass old line that is top comment on every thread about something bad happening to someone or some thing they don’t like. Get some new material.

EDIT: Speaking of getting new material, I should try not to be as snarky. Get the alien out of your head, my man. We don't need to do that to entertain ourselves anymore. I apologize to, and I take that shit back. I hope you got a laugh out of it as intended, even though there was no real way to tell it was supposed to be a bit cheeky.

It did still frustrate me to see all that knowledge just hand-waved like what happened was no big deal. I guess "couldn't have happened to a nicer boardroom" or something would have clicked better lol but I'd imagine we're probably on the same page about it at the end of the day.

Anyway, let's all be cool, Lemmy fucking rocks, we're nice here, save the sarcasm for mocking actual malice instead of eating each other. I'll try to be better.

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“The past” - you know, back when they were much younger and didn’t know how the world worked, so they made up a bunch of assumptions in their head and got mad whenever anyone told them they were wrong because it was obvious they were right since they’re brilliant and they came up with it.

My brother in Christ, if you have Shelly why don’t you just run HomeAssistant which controls them locally?

Why would you ever hand some server on the internet control of your own fucking home?!

Join us !homeassistant

Great, and they’re going to try to federate? Hope it doesn’t go well for them.

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Since the late 90s, school admins have become increasingly “police state light”; multiple vice principals with walkie-talkies, metal detectors, 3 hour after school detention, saturday detention, in-school suspension (you go sit in a room in silence for literally the entire school day), and zero tolerance. Imagine getting punched in the face and THEN being expelled for it. And I’m not even talking about “rough inner-city schools” or whatever; this shit happened in the Berkshires.

Of course, all their security theatre commands a budget increase and attempts to instill a sense of fear of the state into students.

We’re worried about school board meetings being taken over now but the administrations went full right wing fascist 30 years ago.

“We’ll pay you!” - Guy famous for not paying Twitter bills

Literally not how federation works.

“We don’t know who struck first - us, or them - but, we do know it was us who blocked out the sun…”

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The thunk and all the silverware and glasses rattling lol

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I mean, he’s not the one designing the rockets, building the pads, etc. so I feel the same way. Elon is just “the money guy”

Trollops and scallywags

I think originally when Twitter was created, the idea was that it would also be accessible via SMS and so the limit was imposed in order to allow a a tweet to fit into one SMS message.

We’ve had Twitter since SMS cost per-message on most plans.

It might not be a good idea to create a device that sucks all the oxygen out of an enclosed space meant for a human during operation 💀

Probably this

A significant investment from The Kingdom Holding company itself, who previously had zero control over Twitter and who wouldn’t really like another Arab Spring to happen.

Of course there isn’t much more evidence than that, but what do they get out of the deal? Why would they be interested in throwing down that much? Did they really think Elon would turn a profit when the whole world could see the writing on the wall as this all went down?

Yeah, the theory they want to tank it is a bit tinfoil hat, but as conspiracies go it’s really not that far fetched.

They did chop a guy into pieces for his reporting on them and their business; is it really so far fetched to think they’d do something like this?

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This guy’s taking a screenshot of a thread on r/HomeAssistant looking for advice on how to reverse proxy multiple services at their gateway router so they can access their self-hosted HomeAssistant and NextCloud from different subdomains at the same IP address.

Pretty sure they’re a technical user.

But yeah in general it sucks but I’d consider Reddit a dead resource at this point. But, if you do find content there that is useful, REPOST IT HERE. Let’s make this place useful for nontechnical users!

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This is the correct explanation.

I thought we weren’t going to be Reddit-brained over here

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Just one small problem, Ben. Where’s the heat from the condenser going to go?! FUCKING AQUAMAN?!?

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Anyone who doesn’t believe Elon is taking Twitter on purpose is a fucking moron.

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Yeah they make leftist ideas look really bad. Fuck tankies.

No one saw “S1m0ne” 20 years ago because they thought it was too far fetched.

And yet you’re still here

Don’t buy any of those toilet tank tablets. They often will corrode and wear down the tank valve over time, and your toilet will start to run on its own (or could even break).

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To make an n-turn, you’d need to star from the other side of the street, drive forward, and then back up while steering around the bend.

When creating traffic laws and regulations, this was deemed too dangerous, so they went with “u”.

(You should have seen the options when they were using a serif font…)

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This. I love the science SpaceX is doing. I love the EV momentum Tesla created (even if their own products are proving to be less than stellar, no pun intended).

Musk is a huge tool though.

Processes that run on the same system can run as different users (including kernel) which is used for privilege separation. This can still allow a program in userland to peer into otherwise restricted system processes or the kernel. Every system is a "multi-user" system, even if there is only a single human user.

Yeah what the fuck? It’s literally the exact opposite of the title.

And here you are baiting, strawman after strawman

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Also, if you have AliExpress Prime, you get one free non-recurring sub per month.

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Also close enough to the Xorg logo to be trademark infringement

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Yeah, seems Dave’s always had a problem with misreading the room. Still does, just is bitter about it now

The most poignant thing I ever read from a 4chan greentext:

“Ironic shitposting is still shitposting”

Do with that nugget of information what you will.

You think you are old? I was there at the beginning of All Your Base

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I forgot my password to a local government site once and they emailed me my plaintext password. Wtf.

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Remember to use the tuning fork, not the salad fork.

GIMP is great but sometimes you don’t need a woodworking shop, you need a butter knife.

Webauthn looks cool

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Hey 🤨 you guys smell that? 😏it reeks of desperation

I didn’t even realize this was a thing already. The apps need to add this ASAP, seems like a pretty vital part of making the experience smooth.

See, this is why we can’t have a discussion. First, there’s your claim that we “don’t want nuance” here.

Then you immediately go to “racist liberal communist school teachers are brainwashing white youth to hate themselves” talking points. Sure you watered them down a bit, but that’s because they were watered down to make them palpable to you.

Great Replacement Theory. You’re pushing shitstain fascist (mainly neo-Nazi) propaganda; whether you realize it or not.

So maybe you should shut the fuck up until you gets your head in order.