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Joined 1 years ago

You should 100% treat people different depending on their beliefs.

Yeah, it's not that Gen Z is cringe. It's that any and everyone who is between the ages of 10 to 16 are cringe.

It happens with every generation. It happened with everyone before Gen Z and it'll happen with everyone after Gen Z.

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Go to any online community full of incels and you'll see they're all conservative - and that their conservative ideals have a huge impact on how they treat women.

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My family became very Anti-Vax during that time. My wife and I had just had a newborn about a year in to the pandemic and demanded everyone get their vaccines before they got to be around the baby.

My parents didn't get any and didn't see the baby for a while.

Then when we did start seeing them, they had completely lost their minds. Blatantly racist, blatantly homophobic. Even when it wasn't things political, it felt like they had forgotten how to properly talk to people in an appropriate way. My mother made comments about my DAD having relations with my wife and that the baby wasn't mine.

I know they watch Fox, I know my mother watches a bunch of far right-wing YouTubers. All of it has led to them barely being functioning adults.

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I had an 8 year old account with a few hundred thousand karma, deleted it on July 1st once BaconReader went down.

Switching to Lemmy makes me want to participate even more and hopefully foster more people to join.

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It's because it's summer and students aren't using it to cheat on their assignments anymore.

When I was a teen I worked as a waiter at a dirty smokehouse/bbq place.

One of the kitchen staff there would make sexual comments about me. Say things like "You're lucky you look good because you're so stupid." And would ask what kind of underwear I was wearing.

I told my parents about it, and the advice they gave me was "Deal with it. You need a job."

Within a month that kitchen staff member had started to grab me and sexually assaulted me.

I don't talk to my parents anymore.

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States Rights had always been a smoke screen.

Even during the Civil War Southern States were trying to implement laws that gave them power over other states to give slaves.

States Rights had always been right wing propaganda designed to hide their true motive. Same a "protect the children." Same as a racist hiding behind "free speech."

Food isn't scarce.

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I feel like I've seen a lot more posts in just the past few days since I've started coming here.

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We live in a post scarcity society. It blow my mind that more people aren't screaming that from the top of their lungs.

We could have automated trains delivering food to every corner of this nation - but instead billionaires launch cars into space and build death tunnels to nowhere.

I feel like a lot of people might think miniature building/painting could be easy - or at least quick.

It isn't.

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People post links to those places here. That's what this person is asking.

"people starve because CEOs want an 8% return on their capital" doesn't change anything about this.

But they don't protect individual freedoms.

They have taken a hard stance against body autonomy, free speech, individual identity - all in support of corporate and state control over the individual.

This is the same argument as saying conservatives are fiscally responsible. It's just something people say with nothing historically supporting it.

Yeah. All the Reddit news is new news. So of course it's going to be trending - it's happening right now and people are talking about it.

Why are you asking me? Did you read what I said? Ask the incels why they repeat conservative positions in their communities.

The only way for someone to make money in crypto is for someone else to lose it.

Crypto is a scam.

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This is a bot isn't it?

Capitalism is an economic system with as little government intervention possible.

Doesn't the bolded part make it a political system then?

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Highlight of your day?

do not use to clean fish tank

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Because he's ancient. He's a half century older than the majority of the voting population.

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Haha, yeah man. I totally agree with this.

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This guy gets it!

Definitely. The more comments the better!


The only options aren't capitalism or total anarchy.

What's racist about it?

Because they're put in an economic system where if they aren't - they starve.

That's how it worked for me.

When I started college, I thought Steven Crowder was a smart guy (only because I was a complete idiot back then.) I would watch his debates and think he was so clever debating unprepared college students. Which led to debates with Vaush and Destiny in them. Which then led into deeper breadtube.

Now I'm more leftist than Destiny or Vaush from watching Noah Samson and the like. Noah is my favorite breadtuber right now.

A VAST majority of BLM protests had nothing to do with this organization.

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Saw a news article recently that a person fell for an AI FaceTime scan that was imitating one of his relatives. He lost something like $40,000.

Edit: Found it. It was actually over $600,000.

Hate towards beiefs is fine, and I think you'd even agree with that. Would you agree it's bad to believe that a subset groups of people should be removed from the world? I would hope you agree that that is a bad belief and doesn't need to be accepted.

But it's also missing the point. Being gay isn't a belief, it's just the way someone is - just like race, just like gender. It's not a belief like a political stance is.

They're two different things and it's not hypocritical to treat them differently.

It also describes a lot of the US' police system.

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Probably because some of those websites are a part of that specific organization.

That doesn't change anything I said.

That's a myth. Bartering wasn't really a thing as it's presented in most lower level history classes.

Most civilizations dealt in community sharing before currency was invented.

It wasn't a case of "I have 3 chickens for your 12 loafs of bread." It was more like "I grew more wheat than I need this season and my neighbors goats are producing more milk than they need. If we put it together, we both have a nice meal."

I deleted my 9 year old account once Bacon Reader stopped working for me.

Good thing phone cameras aren't the only cameras.

The world is constantly under monitoring from hundreds of different groups. At least one of them would have produced a video is it existed.

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That's a very individualist way to look at a national decision.

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And with how easy it is to look things up, it could just take moments.

There's a lot of people who are actively avoiding being wrong though - they know they'll be wrong, so they never want to look into anything.