0 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm hearing first time that some of the adblockers require subscription... Like, there's ublock origin, the one and only god out there, why would you like to go somewhere else, even closed source?

Edit: damn autocorrect

uBlock Origin - the chaddest AdBlock of them all!

Why many words when few words do trick

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Self-signed certificates be like:

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Tldr: Trust me bro

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It doesn't block it, it doesn't even download them or even request them. There is no concept of ad in NewPipe.

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It fascinates me how they are getting almond milk.

Poor almond cows.


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I actually thought they invented those screws, thus linking them to their company. Glad to be enlightened

Uhhh, no. They are gonna shame others, but not themselves. Capitalism my dude.

Developer singlehandedly overthrowing corporation's decisions is my type of shit

Did somebody make a backup of all reddit posts? In case Reddit comes into total cesshole, I'd like those posts that contain valuable information after self destruction of said site

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Look up. That's the point you missed

Cool CPU benchmark

For real. One with .webp, one with privilege escalation, and now this.

I am just a little "programmer" (if I can even call myself like that), and I'm using Typescript. Sure, it has it's own shortcomings, as everything, but it looks better than plain JS (at least in vscode)

I usually watch educational content with a little bit of 3blue1brown and Kurzgesagt to name a few.

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For fucking real. It's like he's God himself, because everyone want him, nevermind the consequences.

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The one and only, my beloved 🔥🦊

For anybody curious, in another notation it's 0.(9)

I commend you for picture choosed

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You have a point

I was flabbergasted when I found out you can spell German B (can't type it without installing additional keyboard) as just "SS". My teacher didn't like that. I wonder why 🤔

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I'm scared of reincarnation. I don't want to live a second life no matter how good it would be.

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Today I was fucking around with this shit. I can't even update my distro, otherwise ecryptfs will go adios, and fingerprinting will be broken.

Hey Vsauce, Michael here

The only way to go honestly.

If you wanna get extra comfy, also Dark Reader.

That there's good and honest companies in this world.

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Same. I am between believing in souls or not, so this is a topic worth pondering.

The will to finish a sentence is weak with this one

As a certified windows user, can confirm, I do not have free will to install anything

His name is Steve

I am sober and I regret reading above comment

It is money made out of antimatter

I think Valve in on very early steps of enshittification. Maybe not everyone, but most companies started like that. I mean being nice to users. Counterargument to my claim is that they are already millionaires, which is true, but humans' greed may be limitless.

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I'm just wondering if souls exist. I hope they doesn't.

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That's a common way to reset password for the accounts, among osk.exe file replacement

With that I relate. I don't have knowledge, but only surface information about a variety of topics, because I fricking jump from one thing and the other, and this maddens me.

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Yeah, EU casually handing out demands for to anyone around. Kinda glad they do.
