1 Post – 294 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

You should give a shit, because it means now the library has to waste its money cleaning it, instead of funding programs or new books. Libraries losing funding makes the world worse. These people made the world worse.

I'm on the extreme end. Any kind of "recommendations" are an immediate and complete turn off for me. Not just the obvious stuff like "sponsored" posts or "algorithmic social media" feeds. I abhor and avoid even things like Spotify recommendations, which most people consider useful.

Whether they intend it or not, these engines are built to funnel you back into the lowest common denominator, most broadly appealing stuff, because that's what the algorithm sees gets the most clicks from the average person. Sure, everyone likes oatmeal, but that's because its bland and inoffensive.

I want to find my own shit through my own idiosyncratic process.

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Send me your address and I'll come spraypaint your house. If you don't, you're complicit in the system and you like genocide.

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How about I spray "Free Palestine" into your fucking mouth? You wouldn't mind right? I'm sure you'd be talking about that.

Yep. This is one of those posts that should have just been a web search instead.

You know... under my clothes I'm naked right now!

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To reinforce the shift in company culture toward "empowering and rewarding every employee to find security issues, report them," and "help fix them," Smith said that Nadella sent an email out to all staff urging that security should always remain top of mind.

Yeah that ought to do it.

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Correlation does not imply causation.

  • People who spend more time online will be exposed to more scams, and therefore are more likely to fall for one. If you don't see any scams because you don't know how to open "the internet", you won't see scams you can fall for.
  • Gen Z could just be more likely to self report. Self-reporting fault or failure is less socially acceptable among the culture of the boomer generation. Entirely possible Boomers are just lying or not self-reporting.
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And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

He's a sinner.

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tl;dr $30 per claim

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Sports. I've tried to care many times, but its just so boring and pointless.

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Dumb take.

I'm in my 30s and working an office job is way less stressful overall than school was. When I'm done with work, I can go home and stop thinking about it.

With school, you can never study "enough", so its always creeping in the back of your subconscious. And good grades alone don't cut it - you've also got to participate in extracurriculars and turn yourself into a trained monkey to write an "interesting enough" college essay. Oh and if you screw any of this up, your entire adult life could be ruined.

Diligent students have it way harder than office workers. Kids need our support and sympathy.

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You're exactly the kind of person who would beg to shut down central park because someone got mugged there, just like he talks about in the article, which you clearly didn't read.

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Actual headline: "One guy regrets moving to Austin."

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Providers are free, of course, to not pass these fees through to consumers to differentiate their pricing and simplify their Label display if they believe it will make their service more attractive to consumers and ensure that consumers are not surprised by unexpected charges.

This official response is brillaint. "Feel free at any time to just stop charging bullshit fees."

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It seems like the danger here is correlation vs causation.

It might just be that parents who are more prone to producing children with developmental delays also happen to be more likely to put those children in front of a screen to manage their behavior.

I'm not sure the data supports the conclusion this article is making.

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Trump had nothing to do with this. All tech stocks dropped today. Shit article.

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Ah yes, the famous cancel culture that the Right hates so much. I'm sure they'll turn on Elon for this.

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I worked at an Abercrombie in college and it was just as exploitative as it sounds. We had to wear Abercrombie-only clothing to work and... you guessed it - they didn't provide it. We had to buy it. As if that weren't bad enough, it had to be "in season", which meant they forced us to buy a new outfit every quarter for the priviledge to work minimum wage retail. They claimed we could choose instead to wear "equivalent" clothing if we didn't want to pay. I once wore reef leather flip flops and they made me cut the 1cm rubber tags off before letting me on the floor.

They ended up getting sued for this practice and about 10 years later I got a settlement check for $7.

I have plenty of other crazy blood boiling stories from that job.

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Twitch builds and maintains the following infrastructure:

  • Website + web video player
  • iOS App
  • Android App
  • Fire TV app
  • Playstation 4 app
  • Xbox One app
  • Chromecast app
  • Apple TV app
  • Real-time chat backend
  • Search services
  • Distributed video storage backend services (VODs)
  • Content recommendation services
  • Account services (streamer accounts and viewer accounts)
  • Monetization services (subscriptions, bits)
  • Twitch Studio + Soundtrack apps for creators

All of this has to run at Twitch scale (140 million MAUs)

And these are just the technical teams. Then add on UX designers, marketing, product and business development, not to mention Business Intelligence data scientists.

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You're describing the poverty trap. Its very real. I'm wealthy now as well, but I remember a time when I took the subway 90 mins round trip to my job, and the fare cost almost an hour's pay. So I'd put in 9.5 hours to work an 8 hour shift and my takehome pay was for 7 hours.

The battle for Omegle has been lost, but the war against the Internet rages on. Virtually every online communication service has been subject to the same kinds of attack as Omegle; and while some of them are much larger companies with much greater resources, they all have their breaking point somewhere. I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease to exist, and in its place, we will have something closer to a souped-up version of TV – focused largely on passive consumption, with much less opportunity for active participation and genuine human connection. If that sounds like a bad idea to you, please consider donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization that fights for your rights online.

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Not just "all is right". They see this and think "this is what God wants."

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Women are livestock to him.

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"I never thought the leapords would eat MY face" says member of the Leapords Eating Peoples Faces party

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the entire system he worked for and upheld only produces violence

They all know that already - they just think its a good thing because the pain is inflicted on those they consider the "bad kind" of person.

The reality is that when fascists are confronted by their own violence, they aren't against the violence, they're just against it happening to them, because they think they are the "good kind" of person.

I'm from the PNW and I read this thinking "mmhmm yep I could see how that could happen."

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I never ever tip if I'm picking up the food myself. No service is being rendered.

I also pretty much never get takeout anymore because the grossness of being asked for a tip ruins the experience.

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Usually I spend 5 minutes typing out an angry reply. Then I realize I have no interest in hearing back from this person, hit cancel and move on with my day.

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WOTC can put the name "Baldurs Gate 4" on whatever they want. They could make a Farmville clone in 2 months and release it as "Baldurs Gate 4" if they want. They own the copyright.

It just won't be good.

And how many animals have oil spills killed?

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Who would EVER give business to a place that starts by trying to trick you?

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Please note that "KOMO", the "news" organization linked here, has a strong pro-police bias because it is owned by Conservative outlet Sinclair:

Make sure you're aware of the bias when you read this article, and seek out other, better sources if possible.

As tough as it was for your manager to lose you, you probably also did them a favor by giving them ammo they can use to fight for future employees. Now they can point to your departure next time they're arguing for a raise for another teammmate.

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Put the judge and police in jail for 36 years.

The people affected here aren't "Israel". They're just civilians trying to live their lives. Believe me I hate the Israeli govermnet and am very sympathetic to Palestinian soverignty.

NOTHING justifies terrorism. It's evil and the people who did this are rats

Edit: yeah downvote me you sacks of shit. They raped women next to dead bodies of their friends.

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They are Christians - is this the choice Jesus would make?

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