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Joined 12 months ago

"That's the most beta thing you can do. That's the weakest thing any man can do," he says.

Ah, it's the same idiots that follow andrew tate and the like.

how is this even legal? I don't think this would ever fly in europe.

14 more...

I moved from android to iphone 2 years ago. As soon as this piece of crap dies, I'm moving back to android.

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no mention of kagi yet? Son, I am disappoint.

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i think the answer is pretty simple, they dehumanized palestinians to the point where this is like shooting game for them - a hobby.

I mean... it was elon's idea after all.

Coercion into having kids due to government pressure or social norms seems a whole lot more wrong to me.

as someone who does not want kids and is constantly being pressured into it by inlaws, thank you for saying this. Every time i see my screaming, trantrum throwing nephews my belief is more reinforced.


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This article is such bullshit - every single paragraph is the same "vpn protects you against this but there's this fringe case where it does not so you don't need a vpn". Corbin, you shit the bed on this one.

Not really building infrastructure for the masses

telling me you've never been to switzerland without telling me you've never been to switzerland.

that's just because they don't interact with cows. Cows are fucking adorable derps, if you throw them a ball they will get just as excited as a dog does - at least that's been my experience as a kid being raised on a farm.

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ugh... self checkout here in switzerland works like a dream - it's not the self checkout idea that's problematic, it's the customers.

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and its a molten salt design, which I think(?) (source: my ass) means that the fuel would at worst leak into the sea and immediately solidify back into some inert state.

tmsr design has a freeze plug, a part of fuel that has to actively be kept below freezing temperature and if something goes wrong it melts and the fuel is dumped into a separate container where the reactivity drops to zero. It never leaves the system.

they only want unwanted children, daaa!

this is how you "accidentally" liquidate shorts.

Mach number depends on the (local) speed of sound, which depends on the temperature of the air - therefore on the altitude.

I was among those worrying about range until I spent 5 minutes thinking about what I actually do on a daily/weekly/monthly basis.

I was too - that was until this year when I've had to do multiple 800km long trips and I've found out that mentally I can't really do longer than 200-250 km without a 20 min break. With that in mind, most of the EVs would be perfectly fine for me.

thank fucking god.

I am genuinely curious if kim et al. actually believes this "norh korea is the main enemy of south korea and the world" or is it just propaganda and they are aware that the world doesn't give a rat's ass about north korea, as long as they leave us alone.

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maybe instead of focusing on trying to make bitcoin work in that placed they should fix shit like this that actually matters...

i never heard of russia, is it a dish or something?

looking forward to being able to have separate volumes for notifications and ringer again... "#/(%)&#)$%&

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try real wagyu beef

for what it's worth, you can get bad wagyu beef - it literally just means a particular breed of beef, but nothing about the quality of the meat. What you're probably thinking of is A5 graded wagyu beef. And you definitely should try it!

As someone who switched from android to ios two years ago, I'm still frustrated with just how much of a shit the user experience is. Going back to lineageos as soon as I'm able and throwing this iphone crap in the trash.

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I hope more advertisers decide to leave so this shit can finally die. (also those sweet, sweet elon tears)

because his intelligence hurts somebody's bottom line

let's not pretend that what he did is not theft.

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Like I said, the same self-checkout machines work wonderfully in switzerland. 🤷‍♂️

also the only one with the balls to build a TMS prototype reactor 💪

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bitwarden has a cool takeover option which my gf has, in case I would lose access, and vice versa.

Why are so many other nation’s CEOs so selfish? Why do they need to make more money than they already have?

because their investors expect them to. Welcome to capitalism and building shit with borrowed money.

ooof, who hurt you?

happens to the best of us :)

honestly, the shitty user experience might make me chuck it into the trash before it actually dies.

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you are still paying for search, you just don't know it (yet).

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They could have made it stream wirelessly from your MacBook

yeah, no. People really don't understand how much bandwidth you actually need to stream even normal 4k 60hz video, let alone something like this. For reference, when I was figuring out how to dump my pc in the basement and have the monitor in my office, I had to run 12-strand fiber cables to do it.

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for one, it drives me nuts that I can't have separate volumes for the ringer and notifications.

you need about 20 gigabits per second for 4k 60hz. Or more, for higher resolutions and refresh rate - which vision pro has, compared to ~6 gigabits per second, that you need for your quest pro's resolution. That's why they make these.

And having compressed video streaming to a VR device sounds like my worst nightmare.

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No, molten salt fission reactors.

your sarcasm detector might be broken.

The technology never worked on a commercial scale and it's doubtful it ever will.

I guess the chinese think differently - we will see.

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why won't anybody else flush endless amounts of money down the drain for a white elephant?

wait, are we talking about nuclear fusion?

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Most of the models I have used also have a self-cleaning feature that will have the nozzle rinse itself (they still do need to be actually cleaned periodically of course)

this. the geberit toilet that I have will automatically clean the nozzle before and after use.