0 Post – 221 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

YouTube -- Website -- Pixelfed

Let me know if you want to mod any communities I've setup here on, thank you.

No thanks, I've had two videos get strikes and removed by them. One was a video that showed people how to remove the FireStick stock launcher and replace it with Wolf Launcher so you could use a clean, ad-free launcher like Simple TV Launcher. And the other was just a video that walked people through using ReVanced Manager. I mean, I get it, it's their platform and they can choose what gets broadcast on it. And I'm also not entitled to them hosting a video that walks people through cutting out their revenue stream. But I read the policy they cited me breaking, and you would have to apply a very vague interpretation to say I broke it.

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  • Scheduled Jobs
    • script to update subdomain ( E.g. with external home IP address
    • script to run snapraidrunner
    • script to check docker services and report healthchecks
    • script to update and clean kodi libraries
    • script to backup with borg
  • Snapraid on 4x8TB
  • NAS - Samba shares
    • backups
      • computers
      • phones
    • public
    • media
      • music
      • tv
      • movies
  • SSH Tunnel
  • WireGuard (primary way to access services away from home)
  • Print server
  • Docker
    • Server 1 (ThinkCentre M93p, Intel i5-4570T 8GB RAM)
      • healthchecks (monitors services and makes sure scripts run otherwise notifies me)
      • smtp_to_telegram (most services support email notification, this is a way to use the built in notfication of most services but be notified instantly)
      • trilium (notes with tree structure organization)
      • pinry (image board, think pinterest)
      • portainer (GUI to manage docker services)
      • adguardhome (DNS adblocking like pihole but better in my opinion)
      • rustdesk (remote admin software, think remote desktop)
      • ulogger (what I use to map my motorcyle rides)
      • dozzle (docker log viewer)
      • mariadb (database for services that require mysql)
      • postgres (database for services that require postgres)
    • Server 2 (ThinkCentre M93p, Intel i5-4570, 20GB RAM)
      • omada-controller (controller for my tp-link router/switches/aps)
      • home assistant (control smart devices, setup automations)
      • airsonic (stream my music)
      • airsonic-refix (an alternative GUI for airsonic)
      • paperless-ngx (searchable document archive, I keep manuals and some receipts and tax documents)
      • redis (dependency for some services)
      • lidarr (manages music and auto downloads monitored artists/albums)
      • jackett (manages torrent trackers and can combine them into one query for things like lidarr/sonarr/etc.)
      • openbooks (download ebooks for my paperwhite)
      • sabnzbd (client for usenet downloads, integrates into lidarr/sonarr/etc.)
      • sonarr (manages tv shows and auto downloads them)
      • esphome (makes flashes firmware on devices easier)
      • agendav (web calendar, integrates with baikal or any caldav service)
      • baikal (keeps my calendar and contacts)
      • photoprism (photo manager, prefer over immich until immich has better read only integration)
      • stash (nsfw)
      • deluge (torrent client, integrates with lidarr/sonarr/etc.)
      • portainer (GUI to manage docker services)
      • dozzle (docker log viewer)
      • nginx proxy manager (use it to set subdomains for the services… E.g. arisonic.home.lan)
      • wallabag (save webpages for later viewing, doesn't seem to work on a lot of sites so I usually just use SingleFile and save to a folder on the NAS instead so I might down this)
      • syncthing (mainly use it to backup all the photos and /sdcard/ dir on my phone, but also keep some configs synced between laptops/desktops)
      • adguardhome (backup to the other adguard dns)
      • nginx
        • Homer dashboard (my favorite dashboard, but been looking at homepage lately)
        • DokuWiki (favorite wiki, prefer the classic styling)
        • minimalist-web-notepad (very fast and easy notes for quick and temporary notes)
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It's interesting you're proving your point by your own post being upvoted right now.

The initial number of 42% isn't that far off of reality. My own garage/shop is 36% right now. And I will at some point add onto it. Right now it is 25'x32' and I would like another 20' on it. Then it would be 25'x52' and 48%. And I live right in town, on a regular 1/4 acre lot.

There are defintely houses in Wisconsin here that are at 60%. I can go on right now and find properties with large pole sheds and garage spaces that account for 60%.

I don't see any claims of majority, just that it can happen. And it definitely does, unless you don't consider steel frame buildings and pole sheds, but why wouldn't you? Here is one example, and another example, and another example, but I could find plenty of others. Just go on search Wisconsin and set garage spaces to 3+ and maximum home size to 2250 sq feet and you will see plenty of examples of 60% and even greater.

Another one. Another one. Okay. I'm done now because I'm starting to get garage envy looking at some of these.

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I remember watching Takedown back in high school, though my file was titled Hackers 2: Operation Takedown and that was my introduction to Kevin Mitnick. Saw him a few years later on TechTV, maybe The Screen Savers spoofing CID which led me into learning about Asterisk and IP PBX and FreePBX and other VOIP technologies. I had CID popping up on XBMC running on an OG Xbox back in 2009 before cable companies even had CID showing up on their boxes. It would even pause my media as the call came in or I could set it to DND and it would relay a message to the caller that I would call them back in %time_remaining_in_movie. So Kevin Mitnick inspired me in my younger years to learn about the technology that surrounded me. I don't know much about the man, but I know that much, so I have a fond memory relating to him. RIP.

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I agree, Nicotine+ and Soulseek is the way to get music these days.

And for those saying using streaming services is easy and affordable so they don't bother, I would remind you, it is... for now.

Look at what has happened time and time again with all these companies and how they just slowly squeeze their users over time or just flat out kill the service entirely. As someone that is really into selfhosting, and prefers to be in control of my data and privacy I would urge you to move away from those services. Setup Airsonic, Funkwhale, or some other streaming music service and control it yourselves.

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I think we will eventually see tooling for data-poisoning, and it will become a valid counter-measure for maintaining privacy.

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For real, most of the comments are about the scalpers but this is the only thing that stood out to me. The IRS has consistently shown they would rather net the little fish that can't fight back than take down the whales. Another example of being beyond the law in this country if you have money.

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Unless you need to share/provide services for a public, then you shouldn't be setting up reverse proxies or cloudflare tunnels in my opinion. All you need is WireGuard for you and the handful of users that might be using it.

I have two ports open for:

  1. WireGuard

  2. SSH Tunnel

Both of these services will only accept key based authentication.

WireGuard is the main way that my wife and me access the services away from home. When our phones disconnect from our home's SSID, Tasker automatically connects to the WireGuard tunnel so we never lose access to services.

The SSH tunnel is just a fallback in case I get behind a firewall that might be doing DPI and blocking VPN traffic. The SSH tunnel operates on 443 to hopefully appear to be SSL traffic and allowed through. I've used it a very limited amount of times to get out from strict corporate firewalls.

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That's not true, it didn't work that way. You could set it for individual notifications and even have custom colors. I would have it orange for K9 emails and green for text messages and red for a missed call... it was extremely versatile and much better than screen always on which I always disable on my phones because it looks bad and is a distraction in my opinion and it uses more battery.

Revanced Manager for phones. SmartTubeNext for TVs.

No problems on desktop with Firefox and uBlock Origins and no problem on my TVs with SmartTubeNext and no problems on mobile with Revanced so far. I have yet to encounter any ad blocking messaging or ads themselves.

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I've managed to keep my KeePass database for almost 20 years going back as far as when I was a dumb teenager. Back then it was as simple as having a couple extra copies on usb drives and Google Drive, but now I keep proper backups.

My take is, I'd rather control it myself, I am responsible enough to take care of my data, and I actually wouldn't trust someone else to do it. That's a huge reason I selfhost in the first place, a lack of trust in others' services. Also, online services are a bigger target because of the number of customers, and maybe even the importance of some of their customers, whereas I'm not a target at all. No one is going to go after me specifically.

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It depends what command arguments you give it, but by default the file will be overwritten with the older version.

I'd recommend looking into --update and --ignore-existing if you want to change that behavior to better suite your end goals. And test it out with -n which is a dry run for testing.

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Abiword is FOSS and would be my choice over Wordpad anyway.

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I agree, some of these users in Sync threads are just straight up fucking annoying. Not even with their opinions that Sync is the best, that's inconsequential in my opinion and fine, but I've had to stand up to a few really ignorant and a couple of really dumb takes regarding FOSS recently. I'm a FOSS advocate, but I believe in using the best tool/app/option firstly and I generally avoid recommendations unless they are sought after, but I just can't stand by when inaccuracies and hypocritical takes are being thrown around regarding FOSS.

I had someone essentially arguing for security through obscurity with this comment recently:

FOSS brings a whole lotta good - and more good than bad - but it’s also pretty damn vulnerable because a bad actor could just look at the source code and then figure out what exploits and vulnerabilities a FOSS app might have.

Another user with another bad take:

Why would I invest my time and energy into a FOSS app that may go defunct in a year or two, when I can just install an app that does the same thing, looks nicer, does more, is easier to use, and has the backing of a company that is likely going to stick around for a while?

Like hello? That proprietary app just got killed by a proprietary platform, and was saved by a FOSS platform. And backing of a company? Also might want to check out

With that said, Sync is really polished, it's been in development for a long time now so it's going to have that advantage over other clients. It has by far the most customization I've tried, which I absolutely love, and it runs smoothly. Right now it has a major glitch with comment sorting by top, but once that is fixed, then it is worth $20 for ad-free. And annoying Sync users aside, that's how I feel about Sync.

I also support Jerboa, and have sent them money. And in all honestly, even though Jerboa doesn't have the customization that Sync has right now, it runs just as smoothly and the defaults align with my wants and needs so it doesn't need the extra customization for me personally. When Jerboa adds a default comment sorting option, it's going to be my preferred client.

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This is also a beneficial list to us:

I don't go out of my way to throw shade at LTT, but I unsubscribed a few months ago, and there are multiple reasons.

There were a few topics over the last few months that just were either poorly researched or I assume misrepresented purposely to appease the YouTube overlords. These topics were on Android TV boxes and also blocking advertisements. I mean, I get it, don't bite the hand that feeds you, but I really hate they have such a large audience and then misrepresented things. Just don't cover it. Their coverage of anything Linux when it involves Linus himself is also, absolutely atrocious. That entire Linux gaming PC challenge was so badly done. I think Jake and Emily were the only two people who I respected on the channel when it came to a tech opinion. Then there is the, "don't discuss pay," policy.

I realized that I never learn anything from it, and if anything I disagree with it quite often. And it also lost the entertainment value for me, when is the last time they have done something fun like one of those build-offs? Seemed like most of the videos before I unsubscribed was just Linus adding stuff to his house. Anyway, I haven't missed it since unsubscribing.

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I felt like there were a lot of blowhards on reddit and many highly voted comments would get it wrong. It happened enough times in areas I'm knowledgeable in so I almost never trusted a comment without others validating it. Maybe without the numbers lemmy doesn't have as vast or varied of a knowledge across its users but I'm actually more trustworthy of it so far.

Seeing so much misinformation upvoted on lemmy the last couple weeks. It's a shame, there was a brief moment of time when I could trust comments here, but unfortunately that time passed by rather quickly.

Edit: Removed AMP link for the direct link as pointed out to me in a reply below.

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It only makes a difference if the server is capping the speed per connection. If it's not then it will not make a difference.

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Every time I've looked into doing a trade-in they were only giving like 1/2 the market value of the phone, so I would just end up selling it using my fake account on facefuck marketplace locally.

I dropped it when they decided to get rid of SMS. I don't want to be treated like I can't be trusted to be responsible for my own privacy and security. I understand the difference between an SMS and an encrypted Signal message and was fully aware of which contacts had Signal and which did not have it.

In my opinion they should have disabled SMS by default and made it an option with warnings to enable in the settings. They had already been doing borderline questionable things with crypto and the stories that I did not want in a messenger app... this was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.

I'm patiently waiting for a decent fork of Signal with SMS enabled, or a decent open source RCS client... unfortunately I landed on Google Messages for now.

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Holy fuck. I'll never give LTT another view. Fuck Linus and his company. I hope the good people there get out and find success, but anyone that stays has no integrity in my opinion.

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Remember when they said the Rpi3 had 1Gbps speeds. That's when they started to lose me. Pine64 has had a far better competing board going back to the Rpi3, and they don't use scummy marketing practices like the Pi Foundation.

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Leave in your helicopter.

Disagree. I like it this way and have no problem with links.

Have you considered that maybe it's not that bad?

It is, but I really don't care to convince you.

but most people dgaf.

Most people are also dumb as fuck though.

You are definitely doing something wrong.

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I refuse to buy any smart devices that require online cloud services and I can't control locally.

You should not trust any provider that says they do not keeps logs unless they have been audited by a reputable 3rd party and then you are putting your trust in that 3rd party. Anyone can say that they do not keep logs so it's absolutely meaningless, there really is no way to know unless you admin the server.

The secret service used a honeypot VPN to successfully take down ShadowCrew almost 20 years ago. They have had the blueprint for 2 decades, so I wouldn't be surprised if half these VPNs secretly cooperate with them over higher profile cases despite their claims.

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I want to present my files - wherever they may be - to all sorts of different applications which let me interact with them in different ways.

Only some self-hosted software grants us this portability.

I'd say almost everything is already covered with Samba shares and docker bind mounts. With Samba shares the data is presented across network to my Kodi clients, the file browser on my phone, and the file browsers of all my computers. And with docker bind mounts those files are presented to any services that I want to run.

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I went with Emporia Vue because you can flash it with ESPHome and get rid of all the cloudware and have it connect to HomeAssistant locally.

This is what mine looks like after install:

And some screenshots from HA:


So, OP, just show your wife what I did, and let her know, it could be much worse, :D.

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None of those things are proof that they don't keep logs. You're proving my point, and trusting a company because they have said the right things.

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Still no default comment sorting :(. It sucks because Jerboa is my favorite client but it's unusable for me without it. Having to manually adjust sort in every single post I click into is too frustrating.

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If you had issues with search results then the problem is your indexers, Sonarr queries the sources you give it, if you give it bad sources then it's going to have bad results.

I use Sonarr and Lidarr with private trackers and usenet where usenet is the preferred download source. I also use Jackett to combine the trackers so I can make one query from Sonarr to multiple trackers. Previously, for the longest time, going back to 2007, I used a torrent client with an RSS feed to download new TV show releases. It worked, but Sonarr provides far more granularity. And it is wife friendly, she can easily go on and add a show by herself. I don't know of anything that works better than Sonarr, so OP... what would we have been using instead of it?

Some dashboards can do this, check out homepage as one example. Glances is a great tool if you want to create your own. Really you should not rely on checking status pages for health but instead set up monitoring and notifications.

I use and smtp_to_telegram to be instantly notified of SMART failures, storage limits, backup and other script failures, and if docker services go down. As with all selfhosting though, there are plenty of other options for both the monitoring system and the notification system.

I would tape a small printout of trollface over it.