YouTube's ‘War’ on Adblockers Shows How Google Controls the Internet

Jure to – 349 points –
YouTube's ‘War’ on Adblockers Shows How Google Controls the Internet

Google's anti-ad scripts are breaking browsers and privacy plugins. It could get worse because Google controls the ad market, Chrome, and the extension store.


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No problems on desktop with Firefox and uBlock Origins and no problem on my TVs with SmartTubeNext and no problems on mobile with Revanced so far. I have yet to encounter any ad blocking messaging or ads themselves.

I'll add that ReVanced and FireFox + UBlock are working fine for me still, still need to install STN tho

I even recently dropped my Premium sub (when they ditched Pixel Pass) so I was kinda expecting retaliation for bailing on em but nothing so far

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Is revanced annoying to build? I've been putting it off for that reason since AFAIK there is no manager for it

It's easy enough. You'll need to grab an apk for YouTube so ReVanced Manager can modify and install it. That's about it.

There's a better one than revanced, it's called grayjay

I don't understand why people are calling grayjay a "better revanced" they have pretty different feature sets and solve different problems.

The only different thing about grayjay is the polycentric account instead of having your YouTube account other than that all the features are the same or even better. What is there not to understand.

Grayjay does not have sponsorblock. Grayjay does not sync my subscriptions across my other devices. Grayjay will not have YouTube features as they roll out. Etc.

Grayjay is basically newpipe (youtube scraper) + casting + centralized, unmoderated comments + other services.

YouTube Revanced is a patched, debloated version of YouTube itself.

Grayjay does a lot of cool stuff, but they are different tools for different problems. Youtube Revanced allows users to have a better Youtube experience on their phone without losing any functionality. Grayjay is asking users to change a lot about how they watch Youtube.

Nvm on building revanced! There is Revanced Manager, a couple clicks now to download and install, no need to use grayjay now.

It isn't better right now.... there is a subscription rate limit and a few other issues. Revanced is far more polished and reliable right now. Grayjay might mature into a better app in the future, but it is far from better right now. I'm subscribed to Rossman, so I tried it when he announced it on the channel... gave it a fair shake, but then uninstalled it. I'll check in on it every few months, but for YouTube specifically Revanced > grayjay.

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