1 Post – 367 Comments
Joined 13 months ago


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it would be “nonsensical to imagine the framers of the amendment, fearful of former Confederates returning to power, would bar them from low-level offices but not the highest one in the land” - commented the lawyer

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Was there actually anything stopping them before, other than some traffic cops with a grenade launcher, and some excavator operators frantically digging up the motorway?

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Nissan apparently collects "Sensitive personal information, including driver's license number, national or state identification number, citizenship status, immigration status, race, national origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual activity, precise geolocation, health diagnosis data, and genetic information."

I guess Subaru don't need telemetry to guess your sexual orientation.

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"We don't infringe copyright; The model output is an emergent new thing and not just a recital of its inputs"

"so these questions won't reveal any copyrighted text then?"

(padme stare)


He doesn't want a repeat of this image, huh?

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"The jury, he argued, was essentially allowed to conjure up damning evidence in their minds that may not have existed"

Well yes, that's exactly what the court will do if they find that you've been deleting evidence - they assume that whatever you deleted must have been damning to the case otherwise why would you have told employees to use "delete after 24h" communication channels?

easy to remember, as 9/11 was a couple of days ago.

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Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine plays on a stage in front of a backdrop with the word Nazi lives don't matter

Rage against the machine

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Admin access needed to change the clock, which was wrong. Missed a train because of that.

The reddit app is only marked PG and not 18+ in the Google Play store - maybe someone should let them know about the content that's not behind nsfw filters any more?

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If you click on a news link, even here, you are likely to get:

  • We "value" your privacy, please click "sure that sounds great" or spend some minutes in our opt-out game

  • Sign up for the news letter or click on "no thanks, I prefer to be ignorant"

  • How would you like to pay?

  • Sorry this content is unavailable in your region because we won't follow the euro laws.

If click through rates from social media are dropping, it's not just due to the social media.

"After the verdict, Giuliani said he didn't testify because he was worried the judge would find him in contempt, and complained that he hadn't been allowed to enter evidence that his allegations were true, despite his not having turned over any such evidence before trial"

Just wow. Guess there's a difference between what you're willing to tell a reporter on the street and what you're willing to tell the judge in court?

923 days, from doing a crime on live TV, to the police showing up.

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problem here was that Google was doing deals to undermine those things

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Wow, one of their examples/citations of a trial taking a long time was a Judge Chutkan case, and she just reminded them that it was because of the pandemic!

Another more successful operation in Rwanda and Ghana is delivering 1.8kg over 300km and dropped by parachute.

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You're usually not allowed to make the front out of hard materials or with sharp corners, at least in countries with safety rules (I realise this might not apply to their target region).

New space station was launched and has people living there.

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Someone tested the evil bit and found a selection of real-world networks that react to its presence

Newspaper: Hackers are announcing a trove of personal data leaked from [company] after a forwarded spreadsheet inadvertently contained more data than the sender realised.


'Top Gear racer Sir Michael Gambon, after whom a corner was named'

Public key in a pubic place?

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(Through expansion and cooling in the day/night, not like the start to a sci-fi horror movie)

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Not entirely convinced by this specific example - he lost the civil case by default because [people think] responding to discovery might reveal things that he doesn't want the criminal case to know about.

Deliberately incurring a fine in one case to try and avoid jail in another is a bit different than not being able to mount a defense.

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Or the data came from a Russian hacking group and just got put onto a random laptop for "evidence-laundering" (whatever the term is for that in this sort of situation)

too much of a ninja turtle?

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Move out of America quick, before a police stop that they haven't quite decided the reason for.

So Windows has an option to select a default browser. And then Outlook has an option to open links, where the two options are the default browser that you selected in Windows, and Edge. And it defaults to Edge without ever asking you. Seems a bit suspicious after the United States made them offer a choice of browsers.

Retiring somewhere where you can be burned by the pavement if you fall over? That's an interesting choice.

yes, the chinese space station (since named Tiangong after passing the trials) - it didn't seem to be well-known in the public consciousness here.

And how can autosuggest / autocorrect be so bad with so much training data

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I don't think that's just milk that Alex is drinking!

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I'm sure we'll be super prepared after this covid-handling inquiry!