
10 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's like they're actively trying to destroy the planet.

3/10 Americans are complete idiots.

Well, it took them 60 years to make Pearl Harbor...

When the GOP sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are convicted felons.

12 more...

It's working as intended for the forced-birth party. Not only are women in red states relegated to second-class citizens, but those states are going to have a population boom. Which means that they'll have even MORE representation in the House come the next census.

Human suffering is considered to be mere collateral damage as the GOP continues its pursuit of unchecked power.

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"Hollow and Untrue" would be a great name for a Trump mini-series.

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Me after reading the headline: "Haha, that's hilarious! Yes, Trump voters, don't worry about voting!"

Me after reading the article: "Well, that was disturbing."

Thank goodness for Firefox. Google is really doing their best to make the Internet unusable.

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A lot of it is familiarity. I begged my parents to cancel Netflix, especially since they complain about the programming (or lack thereof); I pointed out that they could try another streaming service for a month, and then if they really hated it, then they could just go back to Netflix. But they wouldn't even entertain the possibility. They're afraid of change.

And Netflix is making bank on that.

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The news subreddit is filled with people who are trying to force a black-and-white, "If you criticize A then you must support B" view onto the whole conflict. Reddit was never exactly known for nuance, but it's gotten worse since Rexit.

It's a shame. That recent picture of him speaking to half a dozen people in an Iowa drugstore was really inspirational.

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Well, fuck. This was the ONE social media site that I put my data on, and that was out of necessity (job hunting). I know it's not the same, but this sort of feels like the Equifax breach.

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"I beseech you to control him if you can."

This line is going to be EPIC when they make a Trump mini-series.

So they'll help to elect Trump, who's even more pro-Israel? Great idea! /s

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I use one every day. I could probably write an essay on why, but one reason sticks out: tactile buttons. It's great to be able to skip a track without having to poke around on a screen to find the virtual button.

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Don't blame it on COVID. Blame it on people being massive idiots.

"Trashing" is certainly an interesting way of saying "accurately describing."

Irrelevant man becomes even more irrelevant.

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I'm actually a bit shocked that the revenue is that high.

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It's very telling (and unsurprising) that Jordan's support didn't collapse because of his crazy positions or utter lack of qualifications for the job. No, his support collapsed when his crazy supporters started threatening other Republicans.

Echoes of "the only moral abortion is my abortion." The GOP is fine with craziness...as long as it's only hurting other people.

The best explanation I've heard is that it's similar to the stats for left-handed people. Way back in the day, almost no one "identified" as being left-handed. But once the stigma against left-handedness was eliminated, the numbers went up.

So in other words, yes, it's a reflection of LGBTQ+ becoming more acceptable, particularly among Gen Z. There could be other factors, but that's probably the main one.

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Remember when the GOP wanted Fetterman to resign because he checked himself into a hospital?

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One relevant quote:

Researchers found that one-third of Republicans support violence as a means to save the country, compared with 22% of independents and 13% of Democrats. And more specifically, Republicans who have favorable views of Trump were found to be nearly three times as likely as Republicans who have unfavorable views of Trump to support political violence.

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I love how the GOP is constantly whining about things like inflation, but do they ever actually try to address those issues? No, they just focus on trying to get university presidents fired and other kinds of purely performative theater.

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You want us to use Edge? Then stop sucking, and respect our privacy. Oh, wait...that's the antithesis of Microsoft's philosophy.

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And just for context, if you work 40 hours a week for $15 (well above minimum wage), your annual pre-tax income is $31,200.

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Gotta love how conservatives simultaneously:

  1. Think Hunter Biden is a horrible criminal who deserves the maximum punishment for the crimes of tax evasion and illegal gun ownership
  2. Want to defund the IRS and remove all barriers to owning a gun
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Reminds me of the old "Ted Cruz for Human President" website.

Edit: Thank you, kind stranger!

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Rounding, let's say that there are 125 million people in the Philippines and New Zealand. And let's say that for some reason they all decide to make a new Twitter account and pay for it in perpetuity. Elon paid $44 billion for Twitter. At this rate, this move would allow him to recoup his investment in...352 years.

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Sounds like a money laundering scheme.

This is why I laugh whenever people talk about the "sane" Republicans. There basically aren't any.

This is great news, but at the same time, I plan on enjoying my Brother printer for the foreseeable future.

Good. Fuck Twitter.

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Good. Fuck 'em.

The headline implies that they're indifferent to the country's welfare, but in reality, they're actively hostile to it. They're fine wrecking the economy if it makes them richer and/or leads to a Biden defeat in 2024. They're fine destroying public education if it lets them be "anti-woke" or push more people towards charter schools (thus further giving a leg up to people from rich backgrounds). They're fine ignoring the climate catastrophe if it makes their rich donors and dumbass voters happy.

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Unfortunately, no. That seat is lost to the Dems for the foreseeable future.

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I'd like to believe it, but based on recent evidence, the next decade is going to be defined by how incredibly apathetic the general public continues to be about matters that actually affect our lives.

Of course the right attacks him for the one decent thing that he's said.

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It's wild that there are so many charges, and in such a short timeframe. It feels like just yesterday that we weren't sure if he'd ever be charged with anything...

When I heard that this was the 3rd indictment, I found myself thinking, "Ok, there's the Mar-A-Lago case, but what was the first one? Ah..."

In the future there will be entire college courses dedicated solely to the Trump era.