Right-Wingers Already Have a Wild Conspiracy Theory About Senator Menendez

DirkMcCallahan@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 145 points –
Right-Wingers Already Have a Wild Conspiracy Theory About Senator Menendez

“They’re doing this to create the appearance of impartiality so that they can continue their jihad against Donald Trump.”


Or, maybe normal people think criminals should go to jail. No matter what color their jersey is.

If anything, he'll be treated with less deference than Trump.

(To clarify) from Dems because there's no giant cult of following, the appearance of jailing political opponents, or the office of the presidency to contend with.

It's a hell of a lot easier to deal with one of your own. Which is why the GOP (top to bottom) should be handling their corruption problems instead of sitting on the fence and occasionally falling to either side.

No. Democrats will show greater deference to Trump because they're useless at opposing Republicans.

Every republican is so vain they think the song is about them.

Charlie Kirk

Oh. Well he’s a fucking idiot with the education of a third grader. Of course he’s going to say batshit crazy things. He can’t hold a real job so he’s got to entertain the other dumb as rocks idiots out there that love batshit crazy. That’s how dude makes his bread.

I mean it’s pretty easy to punch a semi truck hole in this dude’s logic. Not just only on how none of what he said made one lick of sense. But also on, dude has a financial incentive to stir pot and the crazier the better. It’s the Jerry Springer effect.

The folks who eat this shit aren’t going to be reasonable thinking folks, so there’s not a giving them logic to change their minds. They just love conspiracy and thinking that the world is against them. Because that’s easier than accepting their own failures in life. Kirk supports that internal logic and gives them comfort. That’s why they love his bullshit.

actual impartiality will have the appearance of impartiality every single time, you screaming chimps.. and yes, your Baby Idol gets spanked even harder now because we're mad.. cry me a river..

That's the thing about this kind of conspiracy thinking. Regardless of the facts of the case you can always say they're faking impartiality with a prosecution or biased if they choose not to prosecute, or giving a sweetheart deal if there's a plea deal.

Try and trick us into thinking theyll apply the law equally by applying the law equally will they? What devious scum.

Why not fuck this guy? Why are people defending him? If they're fucked it's free game to clown on em.

What, is this one of those days that ends in a “-y”?