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Joined 1 years ago

I think the felon should drop out, personally.

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If I recall they rape him, so that’s fun and wholesome.

“Death panels!” the conservatives shouted. “The government will have death panels!”

The rubes ate it up, not realizing they had death panels the entire time and paid more for them.

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You force me to check out my own groceries. Fine.

But don’t get pissed when I have a lot of groceries and have to move my bags because you gave me one square foot of space to bag everything. That’s often my biggest frustration. The robot thinks I’m trying to do some shady stuff, and I’m not.

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I know I’m not the only one who has been saying that this type of move makes perfect sense for governments and news organizations, but I’m going to go ahead and take credit for this.

You’re welcome, guys!

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Right after he unveils his healthcare plan and right after infrastructure week.

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Weird how every one of these tests shows most people use the money to better themselves instead of wasting it all like right wing media would say.

Super weird.

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He profited from the secret service (and by proxy, us) the whole time he was president when he made them pay full price to have rooms at his garbage resort in Florida.

This should not be a surprise.

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All I know is that basically every IPO I’ve seen has eventually made the product worse. I have no data to back this up, just feelings, but still. As soon as a company starts worrying about shareholders, corners start getting cut or prices start going up for no reason.

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“Our cheese is so good they had to disqualify us” would be my new slogan so fast.

“Could be?”

We know it is. I don’t wish for Covid again, but remember when all the waterways started clearing up (didn’t dolphins show up in Venice at some point?) and the smog cleared in places that haven’t seen a blue sky in decades?

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A great solution is just to stop buying from Amazon. Like, anything.

Chances are you did survive before Amazon was a thing. It’s possible.

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A CEO said something? We better listen to them, they are a CEO! That’s important!

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Hopefully things will get better, and also let’s hope the “shocked face” thumbnails for the videos go away. I don’t care if the algorithm says they convert better. I skip right over.

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“Reporting fiction as fact” is basically the business statement of Fox News.

This is great.

I really wish more news sites set up their own instances. At the start I realize they wouldn’t be getting as many eyeballs, but it seems to make a lot of sense to have a or something. Then Wolf could have

Instant “verification” that way, too.

But we’ll see.

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Please just give us what we want: micro-transactions to paint the taxi different colors and then a skin for $50 to change the taxi into a London black cab.

Then it will truly be AAA

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Crypto: “We don’t have or want government oversight.”

Also crypto: “Please, government, help us get back our made up money!”

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So he’s just been sitting on them for two years?

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Wells Fargo upset over some fake inputs?

Maybe they should have just created some fake employees to do this work like they opened fake accounts for people who never asked for them.

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Something I didn't think about until I saw someone making a post about it on Mastodon is that you may not have to worry about just YOUR PC, but what happens when you are on a zoom call or using another screen sharing app and THEIR PC is taking screen shots?

Now you just can't worry about your own machine, but every machine out there that might interact with you in that type of way could be capturing data. And if you accidentally have your email up or maybe a password manager, could their PC just be gobbling that up without you knowing?

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Samsung: We make fun of Apple until we copy them outright.

See also: removing ports, having a notch

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“Why didn’t we sell more phones this year? We are supposed to have infinite growth!”

“Sir, basically every human has a phone and doesn’t need a new one every year.”

“…no, that can’t be it.”

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So…move to Texas and start mining like crazy to get a better payday than what the crypto will be worth. Got it.

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I’m stealing this joke from someone I saw on bluesky or Masto (I forget), but:

Why would he take a pay cut?

He real scared about that sentencing.

The Biden administration expects Iran will also launch dozens of cruise missiles and dozens of ballistic missiles targeting Israeli government sites, not civilians or religious sites, a US official said.

TFW Iran is doing war stuff more humanely than Israel has been for the last seven months.

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Russia in hotdog suit: “We’re all trying to find the guy who did this!”

It seems like the only time you hear about Embracer is when they are cancelling games or closing studios.

What even is their purpose?

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Et tu, Ken Burns?

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Leans into mic


“I need to remain fully focused on platform safety. It’s a good thing we didn’t fire the whole Trust and Safety team, right Elon?”


“…we did WHAT?”

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Anyone who thought the Switch 2 was going to match up to the PS5 or Series was lying to themselves.

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Every republican is so vain they think the song is about them.

It’s always stupid when these kids have to deal with this, but it’s especially stupid with this student because his hair looked awesome (if the photos we see are what they are upset about).

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I used to interact with twitter at least a dozen times a day. Probably double that, really.

Since January it’s been 0 times a day.

Oh well.

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The biggest thing in the last couple of weeks is Microsoft showing off the half baked Recall "feature" that let your computer take photos of basically everything you do. The idea that you could search for something you did in the past using normal language is interesting, but the implementation was terrible. So that's a big strike against MS, so much so they now are recalling the beta release of that. MS doesn't have a good track record with things that are supposed to be local that somehow end up not local; I believe there was a big issue on xbox where local screenshots were still being monitored by the cloud somewhere. MS also loves shoving ads down your throat and turning back on features you have explicitly turned off. There's no trust.

Apple certainly has their own issues, but as others have said, they have at least outwardly been a privacy first company, at least in marketing materials. They were one of the first to build in "secure enclaves" into phones and PCs so biometrics couldn't get off of your device, for example. There's a bit of a history, earned or otherwise, that Apple isn't doing bad things with your data, so when they say their AI junk is private it's easier to swallow.

That said, I still have yet to find a use for any of this AI junk across all platforms. I wish it all just stayed in the realm of intelligently making your photos a little sharper or whatever and not hallucinating things out of whole cloth. I'm actually happy my iPhone isn't new enough to take advantage of this new stuff.

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It seems like a no-brainer to just make a better Switch, so I’m hoping for the same things as you. I really hope they see that the best thing they can do is the most “boring” thing: just make it more powerful. Give it maybe a better screen and more battery life. Maybe update the joycons (but still use the form factor because people have multiple joycons and wouldn’t it be nice to just use the things you already have?). But also let me play all my switch games. And maybe recent releases (uhh Zelda) could easily work on this system with better framerates.

Stuff like that is all I need. We tried the Wii, and it was fun for a time. The Wii U was interesting but obviously not the right choice. But the Switch idea is so excellent it just seems like they’d be fools to try and change it up significantly.

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If only it were that simple. WE are all the test subjects in this case whether we like it or not.

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Ugh, do we have another year of hearing about that dumbass wall ahead of us?

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