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"Everyone is using IPv6"

It's barely supported. Most providers here "offer IPv6", but each has a different gotcha to actually using it, if it works at all and they didn't just route you through hardware that doesn't know what it is.

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I'm with the right answer here. / and * have same precedence and if you wanted to treat 2(2+2) as a single unit, you should have written it like (2*(2+2)).

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After playing Portal RTX and Quake 2 RTX, my opinion is that what we really need are games that fully embrace RTX as their rendering. Lower poly count, use materials more, lean in onto the cool lighting.

Games like Cyberpunk 2077 use RTX, but it's just painted over so it is very expensive for what it brings to the table. Sure it's more accurate and having reflections is neat, but it costs more than some shadow maps and doesn't beat good artistic design.

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I'm beginning to suspect "superfocus" is just what normal people do when they focus.

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So they're doing the same thing as that time they killed Edge and stretched its skin over chromium?

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Ah, Midnight Commander, how have I missed you.

Man. I recall watching the Computerphile video on monads and the first thing the presenter did was choose Haskell for example language.

Worst video of all of them, just some haskell masturbation. "Oooo, we can do infinite liiiists". Bitch that's called a generator.

If it's not made of tea, it's not tea. It's an infusion.

It's extra annoying to me because in my first language there's separate words for "tea-tea" and "some boiled herbs-tea" that are commonly used, but thanks to lazy translation people are beginning to call everything "tea".

Well you know how it is. Everyone who knows what's going on left, everyone else just watches TV and believes them because why wouldn't they.

Reason is "Game state is hard".

If you want to save, you gotta be able to take the current state of everything and serialize it, then read what you've serialized and put it back. If you only do checkpoints, you can make assumptions about game state and serialize less.

Generally, it is much easier to develop AI and such when you never have to pull it's state out and then restore it, because if that is done improperly you get bugs like the bandits in STALKER forgetting they were chasing you after a quicksave-quickload because their state machine is reset.

With checkpoints, you can usually say "right, enemies before here? Dead or dealt with. Enemies after here? they're in their default state. Player is at this position in space. Just write down the stats and ignore the rest."

And autosaves just make it one less menu to fiddle with.

That's fair. Personally, I just have a grudge against math notation in general. Makes my programmer brain hurt when there's no consistency and a lot of implicit rules.

Then again, I also like Lisp so I'm not exactly without sin.

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No, no, I know what hyperfocus is, it's the reason I no longer touch creative writing with a ten foot pole after getting bombarded with "but you wrote this one in an hour and it is awesome! just write another one!" :D

I meant that I am wondering if normal people just get the same productivity but without it being flipped on or off randomly, provided they don't get distracted by something. You know, kinda like learning that it's not just a tv thing that people can say "okay, let's do this" and actually sit down and do "this" and not have to beat their brain into submission first.

"Complicated names for simple features" seems to describe Haskell crowd pretty well.

Thank you for a straightforward explanation!

Shame they only ever made the one movie though.

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"What's up everypony?"

Yeah, I was wondering that until modern games started changing voicelines to reflect the characters' gender.

The moment Drifter referred to my hunter as "Sister", all those doubts were cured.

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Think there also was a big switch from torrenting to using the online streaming sites. Wonder if that's affecting the count.

Huh, that's interesting. In russian, the general word for "small fly" is "мошка" (moshka). And plural of those is "мошкара" (moshkara).

Always fun to see related words.

The devil is usually in the details.

OSS rich text editors work, but then you send out the document to someone who has Word and they complain about the formatting since it doesn't translate some times. Messenger app experience usually goes "Native Windows > Web app > Linux", at least in the few corporate I used. Stuff like Lark not even being up to date with their web app and Telegram having strange interactions with some window managers.

It works and I gotten people to use raspberry pi instead of their windows computers, but it just feels very unpolished overall.

And then there's the whole package/flatpack/snap/cosmopolitan thing

Mordor itself, Russia. Technically, most ISPs support IPv6 here but as I said each has something weird in config that makes using it... Fun. I don't remember specifics since I'm mostly looking at it from consumer side, but I could try finding the article (in russian) that talked about it.

My current connection doesn't have IPv6 at all according to, although I'm not 100% if it's because of provider or Cisco AnyConnect blocking shit.

When you when you sign up for internet here, you get a dynamic IP, it's been that way for... As long as I can remember, really. Definitely more than ten years. I know in Moscow people used to get white IPs way back when, but that's long gone. Not really a problem since most people don't host anything.

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Python has stricter rules about what can be cludged together and how.

Yaml is... Kind of nebulous, which is not a good thing for a data serialization format.

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Yeah, I find firefox tends to leak memory when you have youtube tabs open. Still using only firefox unless testing for compatibility but it is a thing.

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The game does have a bit of a balance problem, but as usual the players are not the best at designing the solution.

  • Railgun was overpowered, since it did literally everything without any risk. The funny thing is - you can still do things it did before, you just need to actually use the unsafe mode.
  • The armoured bugs are a bit overtuned, the devs have announced they will be looking at them, but just giving you an OP gun is not a way to fix that.
  • Shield was probably alright as it was, but the current iteration of armour doesn't really make up for the lack of it.

Agreed. Fourth panel would leave the scene to the imagination and imagination is better at this.

Oh yeah. Wonderful memories of psyching myself up to do Thing and then suddenly getting nagged to do Thing and dropping in absolute negatives on the good old motivation.

That's a wonderful example at the end there, gotta remember it when I talk to people who don't get why I was standing in doors dressed and couldn't go outside.

Yup. Wonderful memories of childhood when people were asking me "what are you trying to achieve" and I'm just sitting there thinking "I just told you I can not function like you want me to".

In slav languages, you just go with how the neologism sounds. "Computer" ends in hard r, so it's masculine, for example.

Every once in a while there's going to be shit like with "coffee" though. It sounds neutral-gendered and is officially neutral-gendered, but there's been a big period when people believed it should be masculine because of the source language or some shit. Still a lot of people arguing about it.

It's not about the DM button being moved, it's about all the UX they broke in halves. They changed how swipe works, they changed how the DM list works, they changed how search works, none in a good way.

For a lot of "power users", changing how swiping acts goes in direct opposition to the muscle memory, so that's annoying. Some functionality is just gone or is made much worse, like no longer seeing images in search and no longer having autocomplete for the filter terms there. You can no longer look at the DM list and then go back to active DM because swiping there was turned into a dumb back button replacement.

And above all, this is just a canary in the coal mine moment - they do not care about their current app, they will do whatever they like and people are understandably uncomfortable with that.

I feel like it's a little disingenuous to call it "Doom Tech" when it's modern GZDoom with proper full 3D and shit.

But it is true that it's way more systemic than anything AAA in the genre.

From what I understand about the providers, they really don't like it when you're generating outbound traffic. Sure it's advertised to be symmetrical, but the actual hardware they place here can get bogged down if you start hosting a popular site (or seeding too much).

And of course, if they can charge you for a static IP then defaulting to dynamic is imperative, isn't it? Pretty sure they'd try that with IPv6 too just to keep the income stream.

Regardless, the actual issue with IPv6 around here seems to be that the providers either don't know how to or don't care to implement it properly. Sure I can tick on "IPv6" in my router, but that doesn't mean I have an unbroken chain or routing hardware that supports it connecting me to the great internet.

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Imagine actually having ipv6 available through your ISP.

...and ever if my ISP actually provided one, getting a static one costs money so there's no difference in the end.

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If it's any consolation, the last mission is generally considered to be the weakest part of the game.

Why not simply discard them?

Break it up with the daily dungeons/raids. Also, ARR is the longest slog to ever have slogged - they cut it down significantly already and it's still a massive slog.

Take a break, return for the actually good expansions later. It will still be there.

True, thank you.

Yeah, I have 300 hours from doing all the quests up to ng+ but I couldn't bring myself to repeat all that. Especially the temples.

...and also I am very impressed by the engine. Fallout 4 would have me running into LOD version of the world if I sprinted for too long, Starfield handles setav speedmult 500 like a champ. Makes exploring a breeze.

Yes, this is it. I had to do some unspeakable things to lemmy via stylus to get it to look decent.

Funny, I still don't have a mastodon because I couldn't decide on an instance.

Wasn't that episode based on a real story from some company?