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Joined 1 years ago

IDK their religion allows straight up substitution magic, they turn wine and crackers into pieces of their dead god. Why can't thorns and pieces of wood turn into the implements that killed him?

you're at least a decade late for that concern. why do you think chatgpt is so good at solving recaptcha?

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Rent is up, grocery prices are up, gas is up again, pay hasn't kept up with inflation, corporate profits at all time highs and Powell at the Fed is literally trying to weaken labors negotiating power, but sure it's the media brainwashing people...

"I've only had old.lemmy for an hour, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."

...I know.

What i'm saying is that Chatgpt is good at captcha shit, likely because it was fed the data from all the captcha we've done.

And I know captcha is different from recaptcha, if you want to be pedantic, which you appear to...

That's the thing, reddit doesn't need to be profitable for the venture capitalists to make their bag. They're trying to cash out at the IPO and have no concern for it after that.

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people who just… don’t like what they do

it's worse than that!

An art critic took a critical eye to his art, there are some negatives pointed out but overall it's a rather benign and positive review. This mob was unleashed because he dared to offer actual mainstream attention...

If we start excluding self centered dick bags from the title artist we are going to run out of artists really fast...

I think this analysis completely misses the why.

The why being that America is a racist country that would rather have less prosperity than social cohesion.

That white Americans will run away from cities rather than live near a person that doesn't look like them.

That white Americans would rather close pools than share them with black people.

That white Americans rather the government let them starve than get over their "racial resentment."

American history is written in genocide, bondage, and fear of the other. This is always where it would lead because we culturally refuse to deal with or acknowledge it.

”Both options are cliffs!”

But they are though.

The cliff drivers aren't getting off the bus, even if we vote them down this time, if we don't change the system that allows them equal opportunity to drive us off a cliff they will eventually force it off the cliff.

Biden has long supported the system that allows it, prides himself on being able to find a middle ground with them, and though he talks about not going over the cliff has no long term plan for dealing with those that do, because again he believes in the system that allows them to want to drive off the cliff.

I believe I've stretched this metaphor about as far as it will go, but I'm going to try stretching it further.

There are actually two cliffs, fascism and climate change, even if we pull the bus away from one cliff we've still got the other in front of us and basically no one is even pretending to deal with that.

And to leave the broken bus scenario, I'm just going to say if you believe that a trump win will destroy American democracy, that we can't defeat his corrupt, senile version of fascism then the next republican demagogue will have no problems.

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I'm disappointed in it and will go back to one of the ad free, free apps...

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Wow. There are literally zero details in this article and everyone has labeled the cop a murderer.

If they stopped randomly murdering innocent people, people would stop assuming it...

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You need to train your algorithm.

When you hover over those videos there will be three dots in the lower right hand corner use either not interested or don't recommend this channel to clear the right wing trash from your feed.

On videos you do like you need to do some engagement, watch complete videos, thumbs up (or down it doesn't matter) and comment.

Do that for a few days and your feed should clear up.

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Is the freedom of association counted under your definition of free speech?

If a private entity doesn't want to host your content they are exercising their right to choose who they associate with...

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"If 10 people are sitting at a table being civil to 1 nazi, there are 11 nazis at the table."

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I've been down this rabbit hole and found nothing specifically for podcasts, but a lot of pods get posted to YouTube channels, which is a solved problem.

Bing chat has saved edge and bing search for me, it just works. I ask it a random question, like how many spiders you'd have to eat to have eaten a pound of them and it just tells me and shows the work. I don't need to look up how much a spider weights and then do math myself, it just does it.

Firefox is still my main browser, but I'll open edge to ask dumb questions and I have a lot of stupid questions and it has answers without me needing to dig through bullshit to find what I need.

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Right wingers are going to lose their minds over this, but that scares me more than amuses me at the moment.

They will lose their minds over literally anything, they created this whole conspiracy out of thin air and hatred of women.

Someone already got decapitated by their son over MAGA conspiracies this year, so meming about it feels really really reckless to me.

That happened anyway, avoiding making fun of them (by pointing out what they say is nonsense) won't make their delusions go away.

Here's my problem/concern have you read their privacy policy? I want no part of that, would being federated with them mean that they get to siphon up all of my data too? If so I don't think the defederating goes far enough...

I overall liked the article, but feel the ending failed and it doesn't do any better at finding a solution than the Yang article it talks about.

Like many such pronouncements, Yang’s argument supposes that male identity is effectively served up at a cultural condiment bar. Wounded and hostile men can simply order up different core elements of their identities, now that the undifferentiated forces of gender affiliation are granting permission for them to cry, to go to therapy, and have feelings. In lieu of adopting Yang’s model of masculinity as a glorified college elective, many young men gravitate toward Shapiro and Peterson’s masculinist politics of all-purpose cultural affront.

The article then goes on the end basically the same thing...

It’s admittedly hard to envision such a thing in a culture-war discourse so heavily invested in the idea of imperiled maleness, but a good place to start might be a frank acknowledgment of how much of this peril is self-imposed among gender-anxious men. Indeed, pace Reeves and Yang, boys and men in America are not all right—not because women are outearning them or outperforming them in some mythic sphere of gender fluidity. No, American boys and men are suffering because an American culture that outlines how to perform manliness following a solitary, stoic script of violent self-assertion is ruinous. If men relieve themselves from shackles of masochism and chauvinism anchored in this gendered ideology, they might learn that the most crucial role we could play in society is to free ourselves from this fundamentally unrewarding and self-harming image of ourselves

cool, but as mentioned the men that need to hear it won't be doing that, so it isn't actually a solution.

If you don't care about them matching, thrift stores can have some really good deals.

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It’s sad to see that everyday users have gotten habituated to these constant workflow braking updates.

I've never understood this problem, people talk like it has a mind of it's own and i just don't get it.

I'm running windows 11 pro and have never had updates interrupt my shit.

Updates show up in my system tray, then it updates overnight when i sleep.

So just so I'm understanding you, you think it is appropriate for people with ~90 days of training to be administering sedatives on the side of the road under orders from law enforcement, with no doctor involvement?

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You know that and the water wars any kids you have will need to fight it...

Yes they're used, but they're not THE ONLY method of control as it was in this disaster of a sub.

I'm a daily youtube user and this has been not been the case for me.

My feed, outside the occasional straggler, is pretty free of nonsense.

If there's no porn how come I had to get a user script to block all the god-damned porn?

The infinite feed bug kept forcing porn into my face so often i still don't feel comfortable looking at lemmy at work.

The users reddit lost are the whiniest ad blocking power users, I'm included in this group so don't take it as an insult, maybe 3% of total users.

Reddit is still doing fine, long term the writing may be on the wall but the venture capitalist just need it to make it until September.

I'm conflicted, are you trying to outjerk the with a your joke or are you an idiot...

doesn't matter i laughed.

Sanders came very close to winning the Democratic nomination two election cycles in a row,

That is some revisionist history, because he did not. He did better than any openly socialist candidate has in 100 years, but because of the rules of the DNC was not actually in contention at any point.

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Hey it happened once. He couldn't shoot for shit, but someone tried...

I'm pc exclusively and can't image gaming on a keyboard and mouse.

I've never had wrist pain from a controller, but it's every time with a keyboard.

Clearly you don't realize how much a billion dollars really is then.

He could literally lose 99% of his wealth and still be islands buying rich.

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You can't black instances though, instead of blocking 100 communities you can just block one instance...

As someone points out above, this just gives them the power to not authenticate real videos that make them look bad...

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How does one go about getting invites to private trackers? I have yet to figure it out. The advice generally given is "know somebody" but I don't so...

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He did no such thing!

As I recall when asked by a black person what he would do for black people he literally said they weren't black...

After a quick bit of googling I don't even think he ever said anything positive about BLM and after being elected had one meeting with it's representative that disappointed BLM... So yeah.