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Joined 1 years ago


Yes, all plastics. Even bpa free plastics leak estrogenic chemicals into food, and fpod is often stored in plastic containers. Even milk cartons are lined with plastic.

Teflon(nonstick coated pans and pots) arr similarly terrible

Shoes with a raised heel is bad for your knees. (Easily measurably bad. Especially for running)

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Talking about torrenting... thats not even illegal. Lol.

And its certainly not proof of anyone then actually breaking the law.

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So this is next step for american republicans?

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Its NOT just smartphones

Its damn near everything!

Electric cars, other electronics etc

Some are just not "user replacable" (such as a cars batteries)

this law will change all iPhones. It will also change all tablets, laptops, EVs, e-bikes, and anything else with a rechargeable battery

Headphones, gaming mice, gaminh controllers. Its gonna be great

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Next we will see tesla bricking cars were users have done this

More E-waste!

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That gulf stream study is just 1 study. Hardly 100% reliable. Unless its repeatable.

Also they say 2057 or so, was most likely

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i dont think it was a secret for anything

but i once went to a job interview at a phone support line for an ISP in my country

it turned out to be ... a sales department. basically that's what they called it. all support calls had to eventually lead into selling something.

that just seems so idiotic i couldn't deal with it

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Well isnt grammerly not just a keylogger with some helpful features to put your mind at ease?

MrBeast is a youtuber iirc

Elon musk is some african dude who sells terrible cars

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Avg life span is 80+ in most countries..

Also if you only eat meat in the weekends then the rich peoples private jets will suddenly have no environmental impact

Firefox on android already has ublock origin available

We do in Denmark.

The english words are different because...

The farmers would call it by its english name. And the king and other fancy people would use the french.

Pig becomes porc

For example.

Eventually this meant that when the animal was alive youd call it by the english name. And when it was butchered you used the french name.

Or so i read once.

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Use firefox browser

Install ublock origin

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Americans needs to fucking quit their jobs and go peotest. Your country is shit and sitting idly by and posting memes about it, wont solve anything

Look at france.

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In the US there are 2 political parties

In Denmark theres many more. The current government is 3 parties, and theres a total of 13 iirc, currently elected parties.

You can (most likely) find a political party to represent you.

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Rip patreon youtubers

Isnt the syntax highlighting it as mever used?

So why would they wonder?

If that becomes a thing i will stop voting on posts and comments.

putting earnings equal to youtube... lol

i mean sure, it sounds great

but... their site is utter shit, if you use it as a video-consumption media...

I fucking hate apps!

Just make a proper web app, then everyone can use it..

I went to my doctor for an infection (i had a swelling in my throat)

My doctor told me to drink water...

I said.. "ok, thanks" and left.

Got a 2nd opinion.

This new doctor actually took a blood sample and gave me antibiotics. I was much better just a few hours later.

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Its not on their website either

It must be ... bad.

Its also 1750 bucks.. lol

Lets be fair

TOSs you need two lawyers and an ai chatbot to explain to you, shouldnt be legal vs regular citizens.

They cannot expect anyone to read all TOS they get thrown in their face throughout a lifetime. Let alone understand them. Its often not written super clearly and not all users can even read the language very well to begin with.


If you can read.. you can learn anything.

Sorry to the dyslextics out there. I know. It sucks.

I need a smartphone app to:

Access mail from my government

Log into any website as 'me' (taxes, car related stuff, my net bank, etc)

Buy a damn bus ticket

In reality i dont need my phone to be smart. But society wants me to

But i do everything i can to avoid getting apps from various companies. Membership bonuses etc. I hate it so much.

I do enjoy my smartphone in the car though, for google maps, music and taking a call. But.. i would much rather, if that was just built into the cars infotainmentsystem.

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Its a cgi trailer.. for a game made by a studio that didnt make the first game

I mean, it might be great, but we really know nothing


lead actress in the Terminator movies - Linda Hamilton


Fran Drescher, lead actress in "The Nanny" from the 90s. as well as other things, of course. but this is what i remember her from.

Obviously girl, that’s why we’re all here and you have 400k karma with a month old account

what's karma?

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Thats still only a few people.. compared to a bus?

Why not just have a bus??

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I just clap above them. Then they often fly an inch or two upwards... and get squished

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are you also aware that some phones do have 2 ports ?

just buy one of those

Not in school.

But i have written a .bat scipt in notepad on an unlocked laptop in a store

Then added the script into the startup folder.

The script would restart the pc after 30 seconds.

shutdown -r -t 30

(R for restart, t for time, 30 means 30 seconds) its harmless.. but also super frustrating

Write it in a notepad file. Save it as a .bat file

If i was forced to buy a ticket, i would prefer the cheaper one.

900 dollars... lol

Micro LEDs.

Consider an OLED, but no drawbacks, lower power consumption and no burnin. Already available but currently extreme expensive. (Samsung in korea sells one if i recall)

Solid state batteries.

More range on electric cars. Faster charging. Lower (or no?) Risk of fire, if poked. (Reminds me of the old subreddit "spicypillows"). Supposedly arriving in toyota cars by 2027.

Im sure poland is very very scared...


My wireless brother is also setup and forget. So long as you keep the same wifi name and pw it will alway work. Ive moved 4 times with it and theres not been as much as a single misprint or anything

Also a black/white laserprinter, bought in 2015

with a freer media/speech.


Its not an rpg

Its just an action game

Amazing combat and bosses though