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Joined 12 months ago

I love pixel art and am a retro nerd, and I still don't like that change.

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There's really no reason to be mad at them in this particular instance. Their client is Chromium-based (Electron) so they will optimize their new features for that engine first. There's probably less than 5% users who Discord from browser, let alone Firefox, and I think I'm being generous with that number. Additionally, some things are harder to implement (or even impossible) in native web rather than Electron, that has all the NodeJS integrations.

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Counter point:

Product (noun) - something that is made to be sold.

The software in question is not for sale, therefore is not a "product", and this post is not an ad.

Idk why people like the old reddit UI and at this point I'm too afraid to ask.

Actually, I'll ask it anyway. Can somebody please give me a comprehensive explanation?
Is it just nostalgia? I would understand, I play retro games with CRT filter on.

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Asking nicely and tolerance aren't the only other options or even necessarily the opposite of violence. Sometimes, it's just a necessary measure and last resort. Beating people rarely changes their mind, other methods must be used, like reasoning and education (preferably even before the person has gone fascist). Obviously, the reasoning isn't gonna work with everybody, in which cases you do whatever must be done to ensure safety.

Think of fascism as if it's a zombie pandemic. Once it's in progress, you save those that you can and liquidate those that are too far gone. But the real method against a zombie pandemic is to have preventative measures in place, like not letting Umbrella Corp. develop the virus in the first place.

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I haven't used soundboard yet, but I'm pretty sure it isn't "just" an HTML5 file upload. Perhaps it's as you said, they run checks on the file being uploaded. Maybe it will work, maybe it will crash in some use cases because they don't have a polyfill for some specific API they use. So instead of dealing with user complaints about crashes they just disabled the feature.
I'm also not sure why you're upset with Discord for implementing DRM for uploaded files. If they don't, they will get sued by the companies enforcing that DRM, so hate on those companies instead.

I've been playing this on Vita and Switch for some while now. There's probably a port of this for anything, at this point. I think there even was a JS version that runs in web browser.

Try Connect for Lemmy. It's pretty close to Sync. So much so that it comes off as a clone at times.

I would say yes, it's out, but fortunately, it still hasn't hit critical mass. We can still make it if we invest more into medicine and move to Madagascar.

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Ah, so it's, like, a brutalist, function over form preference?
I can focus on content much better when the UI is breathing. And I prefer clients that have images already expanded, to save me the clicks.

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If I had to guess, your formative experience with technology was via touch screens.

Not at all, actually, I'm in my 30s and I've been geeking out over technology ever since Win95. Even some DOS, but barely, all I knew was prince.exe. I did, however, skip bulletin boards as internet became widely available in my country after their time.

I have Imagus installed so I only need to hover over a link to see the picture.

So do I! But it doesn't work reliably with all the links, unfortunately. But to be fair, you still gotta move your cursor all the way over the link, so is the click really saved at that point?

And btw.

Can’t stand this trend of only using the middle third of the screen.

If I open the old UI on my 1080p screen, the content still only uses about 2/3rd of the screen, it's just that the gap is in the middle, so it's not very efficient either. I will agree that vertically, it fits more information.

I have worked as a UI/UX designer for a couple years and I have always been fighting my boss over making the company software way too cramped. He was always pushing information density. But I would point out to him that every single design guideline shows that UI is better consumed when there's some breathing room, and we would compromise as the result.
Nowadays we have massive screens, we don't need to cramp lots of info into a 640x480 CRT display. But I can see how an old-reddit-UI-inspired new UI can be as info dense and at least look modern. Maybe we should strive for that. Unless of course nostalgia, that thing is unbeatable. Off to replay Prince of Persia (1989).

That's Trisha, isn't it?

I was probably thinking of Plague Inc.

That's a rather hostile approach to this conversation. I suggest we try to understand each other's point of view, instead.