1 Post – 20 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The level of professionalism from this company is in the world is anyone doing business with them? All the news from this kindergarten are not even funny anymore.

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12.3 billion miles (19.9 billion kilometers)

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Since nobody read the damn thing: it was a key talking point

Finger’s only child was a son, Fred Finger, who was gay and died in 1992 at age 43 of AIDS complications. Bill Finger was presumed to have no living heirs, meaning there was no one to press DC Comics to acknowledge Finger’s work. But Nobleman discovered Fred Finger had a daughter, Athena Finger. That, he said, is a showcase moment of the presentation he estimates he has given 1,000 times at schools. “It’s the biggest twist of the story, and it’s usually when I get the most gasps,” Nobleman said. “It’s just a totally record-scratch moment.”

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I can only guess, but it looks like a circle-jerk in these ultrarich-by-creating-nothing-of-value "tech-bro" spheres. Even the articel suggests

Bunker life is a well-documented fixation among tech billionaires, particularly those who identify as doomsday preppers. There's also a fascination with buying large estates in the Pacific and even owning small islands there.

Once you reach a certain level there is nobody who dares to question you or your believes. It's all yes-man trying to get a piece of your cake.

tree fiddy

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Do you mean Jitsi?

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Divide and conquer.

Just a little correction: Murena is the distributor, e/OS is developed by e-foundation.

So, not really "Murena on Fairphone4". They ship some Nextcloud-Apps with their branding. But you could also just buy a FP, root it and use the official e-OS built. Wizard and stuff is the same, the Nextcloud app is by e-foundation.

Still very good info.


I have no clue what this is about. Can someone please explain?

Is it still possible to install Winndows 11 without network connection? It was the optimal solution for local account Windows back in the day.

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What changed? I quit maybe 2-3 years ago, but at the time it was one of the most helpful and friendly communities out there. Maybe not in the hardcore-endgame-bubble, but the feedback from saplings was always positive.

Sorry, but this is just horrible journalism and should not get any attention. Zero relevant content, bad spelling, just rage-bait.

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I bought the smaller brother from Storz&Bickel, the Plenty Vaporizer. Tried it for a week and went back to traditional methods because it honestly wasn't for me. It felt like wasdting a lot of the product.

Still have to try the Volcano, but first we need legalisation...coming soon^TM^

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tree fiddy...billion...maybe

Thank you, kind stranger. (yes, that was a redfuck reference, deal with it. MUAHAA-HAA)

One! One sitting member! Do you see the problem here? What are the other members doing in the mean time?

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It is not. It is just diversion. You have to be clear, these people have a very strong agenda. You give these irrelevant people attraction with every single mention.

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Why? Why do we waste time with this kind of trash journalism? Its not relevant, its pure garbage. Stop wasting your time with trash journalism like that. Vote it down, ignore it, it does'nt matter. Please!

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