Dry Herb Vaping vs Bong hits

Jake Farm@sopuli.xyz to Trees@lemmy.world – 31 points –

I have been looking into dry herb vaping as a reusable some what healthy way to consume trees but I have seen some mixed reviews. Some say that vaping is even more potent that combustion while others claim that most dry herb vapes suck and only giant ball vapes can compare to a bong hit. Is it purely subjective or are there ways to figure out what is a worth while rig before buying it?


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I bought the smaller brother from Storz&Bickel, the Plenty Vaporizer. Tried it for a week and went back to traditional methods because it honestly wasn't for me. It felt like wasdting a lot of the product.

Still have to try the Volcano, but first we need legalisation...coming soon^TM^

I got the plenty and the Volcano, my volcano gets used daily, my plenty gets used a few times a year when I'm in between volcano bag orders. For either device the dosing capsules from storez and bickel makes them more efficient.

If you hate the original Volcano bags as much as me, I highly recommend Best Boons. They’re a much better material and super quiet compared to the crinkly assault on my (and my cat’s) ears.