1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The wefwef app has a Reddit-style post/comment score in my profile though, and I have been wondering about where it pulls those numbers from if it's true that Lemmy itself does not (usually) keep a sum of those scores?

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Haha cool, unlike old.reddit this also looks great on mobile!

Looking at this cover art again now, it kinda reminds me of AI-generated art lol

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I read some interview about how they had to "nerf" the headcrabs by making them latch on to your chest instead of actually your face because it was too intense for VR, haha

Loved the game!

I looked it up now, and it does sound like Reddit made an exception for the reminder bot according to the bot's dev:

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Man, they are still not selling them in Norway, so only one shop has them as a "special import", and it cost 827GBP for even the 64GB version lol.

Oh well, not as if it is that useful for me since I am usually at home almost all the time after work anyways. I have barely even used the Nintendo Switch's portable mode.

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I dug around a bit and I this seems to be the source:

Man, that reminds me of an art installation that I saw many years ago, where an artist set up a bunch of home electronics in a completely dark room so that their LED lights looked like star constellations.

It was kinda beautiful and yet a reminder about all the "light pollution" we get from these devices, basically what you are talking about.

I tried to look up the name of the artist and that art installation, but couldn't find it.

Once I'm retired, maybe I can finally finish my backlog of 2000+ games on Steam

Honestly at this point if that happens often enough and drives even more "regular" redditors away from reddit (and hopefully to Lemmy), I'm all for it.

Yeah true, AI art is more "looks OK at first glance, but smaller details are messed up", while this one is the opposite of that so "smaller details are actually fine, but as a whole it looks quite messed up" haha

I'm not young either but I guess that's just emoji speak for "puppy eyes"? Although I've only seen it used in memes so I have no idea if kids are actually using it in messaging unironically...

"I'm sorry that my tea is not to your taste, a lifetime of junk food must have destroyed your taste buds ."

Oh right, I just remembered that Norway did make something like "bark bread" in the past during famines, and that linked Wikipedia article says:

The inner bark is the only part of a tree trunk that is actually edible; the remaining bark and wood is made up of cellulose, which most animals, including humans, cannot digest.

so he can get even faster food? idk

I look forward to when "multireddits" are implemented in Lemmy, I used that feature all the time on Reddit.

Although it'd still be an issue that the smaller communities are simply lacking in activity in general, I guess.

I do like talking to myself IRL too, but there's a limit to even that lol

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I wouldn't say that nobody ever should use straws, but there are definitely a lot of people who use straws even when it's not necessary, like when they're just sitting in a restaurant eating.

I can agree that having a straw is easier for takeaway eaten on the go or in the car too, for example.

After Sync released I tried even more other Lemmy clients because of all the other recommendations in the Sync discussion threads, and there are definitely a lot of great Lemmy apps.

But as an old Sync (for Reddit) user myself I also get the feeling of familiarity using the Sync Lemmy app, with the customizability to even adjust what each "step" of the swiping gestures does, while using other Lemmy apps I mostly feel like I'm locked to "getting used to the app". So I understand why some people are so happy to use Sync again.

That being said I do agree that it feels expensive to pay even for ad-less, and people may not like that the free version has ads. I will probably pay just for ad-less (not Ultra) once I have figured out if I like any of the other Lemmy apps better (or not.)

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I just got started testing Google Bard, so I fed this question to it and got this reply:

No, humans cannot eat wood. Wood is made of cellulose, which is a type of fiber that is not digestible by humans. If you eat wood, it will pass through your digestive system without being absorbed. In some cases, eating wood can cause blockages in the digestive tract, which can be dangerous.

There are some animals that can eat wood, such as termites and beavers. These animals have special enzymes that help them to digest cellulose. Humans do not have these enzymes, so we cannot eat wood without getting sick.

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? On all Lemmy apps I've used, you can just type the URL for the Lemmy instance your account is on, even if it's not on the "default" list.

I actually liked 3D movies and I even bought the Nvidia 3D kit to play my PC games in 3D, it was amazing (to me)!

But it was an imperfect 3D technology that gave many people headaches, so I can understand why it eventually got scrapped.

I do have a VR headset too, but besides Half-Life Alyx, there haven't really been any VR games I am so hyped for that I keep going back to play in VR.

"I am a doctor, I have a PhD in ancient memeology"

I did read some argument that for certain foods, if they removed the plastic wrapping, the expiration would happen so much faster that food waste would increase by a lot. I honestly have no idea if waxed paper would work as well though.

I do agree that hopefully alternative solutions can be found in any case...

I have been trying to replace as many of my synthetic clothes and textiles with cotton (or other natural textiles) as possible...

Integration with Google Assistant smart speakers is the main reason I would want to use Google Tasks instead of other Todo solutions. In particular, asking Google to add groceries to my shopping list while I'm cooking, so that I don't need to bring out my phone and tap it in manually since my hands are occupied or dirty.

But the integration has sucked for so long that I had pretty much given it up. Maybe if it really actually works now (instead of putting my tasks into various other Google services), I will give Google Tasks another shot.

Took me a few tries to find it because I searched for your spelling lol:

There's already an issue about this on Lemmy's github in any case:

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"what're you gonna do, arrest me??" -RemindMeBot, maybe

I've been playing Card Quest a bit, it's a card-based roguelike.

cue Persona 5 players having trouble finding the way to school from the train station at the start of the game

Ah yeah you did, my bad, but yeah you're welcome!

I looked up cellulose and it does say that it is used in some drugs and other consumables yeah, but it's still indigestible, so it wouldn't give you any nutrients to survive if eaten by itself, I guess.

cool ref bro

Card Quest (Android) has similar dated graphics, but I got kinda into it lately. It's a card-based roguelike, with a fixed deck that only changes with inventory/skill changes.

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You're welcome, glad that someone enjoyed my suggestion!

Yeah with Slay the Spire there is often some slight feeling of "I lost because I didn't get any good cards", but in this game I more often feel like I died because I messed up my resource management and priorities haha (still haven't beat it once yet...)

Ah, found it now, thanks! I guess because swiping anywhere by default just went to the next post, I didn't expect it to have an option for swiping the comments too.

Hmm, I'm getting "Connection refused", seems like they are having server issues?

I tried Infinity too, while I miss swiping to upvote and reply to comments, the swipe to move between previous/next posts was interesting, so I'll have to test it more to see if I like it!

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I bought a flip phone (Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3) a year ago, and it's so much more comfortable to have in my pants pockets that I feel like I will never buy a non-flip phone again...

But also what everyone else says: customizability, etc. I'm using Tasker to run automated tasks, and KLWP to essentially program my own live wallpaper.

Yup, I still visit Reddit daily because of the small subreddits for games I'm playing, which are barely active on Lemmy.

I mostly stay away from everything else on Reddit, but then again I already usually did that even before the recent API changes and removal of third party apps.

You could say I can try to contribute more to those communities here on Lemmy, but even on Reddit I never posted much and would just comment on random stuff once in a while. So it's hard to go from that to actively posting and commenting here on Lemmy...