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Formerly /u/neoKushan on reddit

Yup I'm with you here. I love KBM and it's my preferred way to play for most games, but when it comes to driving I'd much prefer a controller with analogue triggers and a stick (unless it's a sim racer, in which case a wheel of course) for that extra precision.

Unfortunately I can't think of a good design to give that level of control to just one hand. Analogue keys are a thing but they sound awful, nowhere near enough precision due to the short travel of them.

I'll never understand why people put Steve Jobs on a pedestal. He might have been a very astute businessman , but by all accounts he was a horrible human being and a colossal prick.

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This makes me laugh because I work for a UK company that was bought out by an American company, who's trying to treat the UK staff how they would treat US staff - and it's not going well.

Our American colleagues cannot fathom how much time we take off for holidays, especially around Christmas. They also got a shock when doing some recent "restructuring" they couldn't just fire a bunch of UK folks.

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But confusingly, Trump has continued to send Vance out to campaign events all week, while the Republican presidential nominee has remained largely out of the public eye. Given Vance’s low appeal, it’s unclear how this strategy helps the campaign.

Trump is going to blame Vance for the failure of his campaign, calling it now. He'll have the usual shit about dems as well, but he's going to scapegoat vance and throw him under the bus just like he's done with literally everyone else before him.

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The whole McDonald's coffee debacle is constantly misreported, but I think it's becoming more known that McDonald's are in fact the bad guys in that one.

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I know this will get hate, but I still enjoy LTT.

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I switched to using wireless headphones a good decade ago and I've never had a set die die to the battery going.

I've had plenty of wired headphones die bectthr cable became frayed or loose though.

I am still surprised at the lack of a headphone jack in the Fairphone, but I don't agree that wireless devices are somehow more prone to becoming e-waste.

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There's a lot of people in this thread that are either slightly delusional or utterly gaslighting themselves.

Reddit is not going to die over this. Reddit was always full of bots and shills astroturfing, none of that was new. And while many great contributors have left the site for good, the traffic to the site hasn't really dropped. The vast majority of (actual) Reddit users were using the main site and app, despite how terrible both are.

Sure the quality of content has objectively dropped, but do you think Reddit cares as long as traffic doesn't?

We're all here talking about Reddit and saying how shit it is now, how spez can go fuck himself, having ourselves a great little circle jerk, but Reddit gives no fucks.

It's time to get over our ex. She's moved on, she doesn't miss us and it's time we moved on too.

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This actually is an improvement. Not everyone wants to be on camera and for those folks, getting pushed off to the sidebar often means they're overlooked.

This at least means they're given the same importance as anyone else.

No idea what the rant about presentations is about, when anyone presents it becomes the main content and everyone - camera or not - gets pushed to the sidebar. You can also pop out presentation content to give it it's own dedicated window.

I hate teams as a communication platform, but the presentation and meeting views are actually pretty well done compared to the competition.

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We desperately need a company like Mozilla to take the reigns of something like Lemmy. The original developers are far too biased and short sighted to see the bigger picture, it needs to be an independent group that promotes more open source development.

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Several years ago I got an email about my rockstar account - someone had guessed the password and logged in, they were trying to change the email address. Luckily I'd managed to stop it in time and recovered the account.

Several years later, I decided to give GTA Online a go, I logged in and found I had billions in cash and loads of property and cars. I guess that they must have been nodding while using my account.

But I didn't get banned so free stuff I guess?

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In 99 cases out of 100, you won't be able to hand craft assembly better than a good compiler can - partly due to compilers being much better and partly due to the skill level required. 20 or 30 years ago compilers weren't as good and a reasonably competent person could craft more optimised assembly but these days compilers are pretty damn good and you need some extra level of ability to best the compiler.

However, there's still that 1 time out of 100 and given how resource intensive ffmpeg is, it's worth spending that extra time to hyper optimise the code because it'll pay off massively.

They were already at 283k followers when they said they'd add it in if they hit 300k. Sounds to me like they wanted it to happen.

I'm pretty sure the developers have already planned this out and that "the sex update" isn't going to be anywhere near as hardcore as the article implies. The Sims had sex, remember.

It's worth pointing out that the wiki article lists several examples of Microsoft using this approach but I wouldn't class many of them as successful.

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I don't think anything she does is behind his back, I think he's fully aware of it. I'm not saying he agrees with it or anything, just that their relationship is pretty fucked but their reasons for staying together is between them.

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This needs to be higher for visibility. The story of Google killing XMPP is a good one but it's utterly bullshit. XMPP was a mess, Google didn't kill it, it killed itself by having fucked ecosystem that didn't do anything better than numerous proprietary standards at the time.

It's not like XMPP was EVER dominant, nor was Google talk - even man messenger was more popular at the time and that's also dead.

And to top it all off, it didn't help his body odour at all. He stank.

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Yeah, it's not a good thing and I'm getting sick of people on here trying to gaslight themselves into thinking it is. The same people saying that this is good are also mocking X and threads for losing users. Nobody's claiming that's good for those platforms.

We want growth, more users and more instances is better for Lemmy overall.i don't buy this arguments of "people are just not using their alts", I mean fuck off, that statement was pulled from OP's arse with nothing to back it up.

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How the fuck do people think that it's okay to climb into heavy machinery?

It'll be just the source code, not the source assets.

It's a lie anyway, LinkedIn isn't better on the app. Nothing can make it better, it's just shit.

Unity already has a business model, it's licensed to the developers. That's how they have operated for years. This change is retroactive and frankly dangerous.

I pay for a smattering of VoD services, I don't lose sleep over watching something that isn't available on them.

If corporate greed didn't force a hundred different services on us, then it might be different.

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Why are you fixing his PR's? Reject them for now following your own practices and link to the documentation about those practices that the PR violates.

You're not holding up the sprint doing this, he is. As a team, you agreed these practices and everyone needs to follow them. If he refuses, raise it with his line manager.

Either his Line manager will put him in line, or he'll agree that the standards you decided upon don't need to be followed. Take your pick.

Ar least the conclusion of the article was basically "a third world war would be bad for investors", so it wasn't wrong there.

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I'm really trying to understand what's going on here in a way that makes sense, even if it's a twisted kind of sense.

My best guess is that each of these burners are a different size and some have multiple rings and that by turning the knob left (Anti-clockwise), you're going from smaller number of rings to larger number of rings - however, the rings start at their highest heat level. So looking at the bottom right dial as an example, the first "Notch" on the left is the smallest burner on the highest setting, then as you turn left more, it'll dial down that burner until you get to the second ring on the burner - starting at full power for that second burner and continuing to lower power until you get to the 3rd ring, then it's same again for the 4th ring.

Is that right? am I even close? I don't understand why you'd go from smallest burner to highest burner anti-clockwise, but go from lowest burner-power to highest clockwise. That still doesn't make sense to me.

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As much as there's an Activision fuckup here, there's also a Hasbro fuckup. When you do a deal like this with a publisher, part of that agreement should include provisions for the source code - either directly sending it or if Activision didn't want to share its proprietary code, indirectly via an Escrow service.

This is absolutely Sony's fault. Sony owns the platform, Sony took the money, Sony signed the terms and agreements with Discovery that let them pull the content users paid for.

No he's right, Yuzu's Devs were openly encouraging piracy. It was all over their discord.

That's why they settled so quickly, they were fucked otherwise.

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As a partially sighted person that's unable to legally drive, an autonomous car is an absolute dream to me and would give me a personal freedom many currently take for granted.

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A lot of people complain about the clickbait headlines or that he's hamming it up for the camera. He does get a lot of hate.

I personally find him entertaining and I like most of the other presenters. I don't mind the clickbait headlines because they're all clickbait, it's like a running joke itself.

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And as a Poly person myself, let me just say that that's perfectly okay and you should be proud of yourself for accepting who you are.

It's entirely possible that 24,000 VM's didn't count as "large" by VMWare standards.

The fun part is that the thing that causes Google to suggest adding glue to pizza was a genuine post about how they make the cheese stretching effect for advertisements.

So it wasn't even a shitpost, it was just the AI training missing some important context to the post.

That's fine, but if one of your employees comes up with a revolutionary product that makes billions and you choose not to compensate him in any meaningful way, don't then get surprised when they leave to join another company and definitely don't sue them for doing so

You legally own what they produced, but you don't own the individual.

RuPaul had come under fire previously for being anti-trans, but it's okay because they apologized on Twitter by posting the wrong flag (literally a flag for trains - and I'm not making that up).

Regardless of your stance on the issue of a bookstore with a no-banning-books mission not banning books, RuPaul clearly is not an ally and this isn't surprising.

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I mean, this is mostly borne from a fundamental misunderstanding of what "Private Browsing" mode is and was meant to be.

When you open an incognito tab on Chrome, it literally says "Now you can browse privately, and other people who use this device won’t see your activity."

It also says

Your activity might still be visible to:

  • Websites that you visit
  • Your employer or school
  • Your Internet service provider

Fuck using Chrome and I'm not defending Google at all here, but they never once claimed Incognito was anything more than it was.

A former employer actually did send lawyers after me for a bad Glassdoor review. The dumb thing is that it wasn't even my review.

This is beyond stupid.

Wow, guess the Saudis overpaid with that $1billion, they must be kicking themselves

No it's because being found liable for copyright infringement can cause serious fines. So when you're 95% sure something isn't infringing, but that 5% chance could cost you a couple of million dollars, are you going to take that chance?

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