
2 Post – 162 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Many of us have already overcome it! All of them are holding us back though.

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Almost every atom in your body has been part of other living organisms thousands if not millions of times before.

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Single-use plastic packaging! All packaging now comes in a set of standard ISO sizes and satisfying some engineering constraints and requirements. You get a Coke from a convenience store - it comes as a 0.5L glass bottle. You finish with it, put it on a rack inside the store with all the other empty 0.5L bottles to be taken back to the factory to be washed and inspected for chips and reused. It could be filled with Pepsi next time! Just slap on a new paper label.

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Hate these bubble envelopes! They cannot go into paper recycling because of the plastic liner, and cannot go into plastic film recycling because of the paper wrapping. The two are glued inseparably together and can only go IN THE TRASH!

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The year is 2025. A massive geomagnetic storm has fried all forms of technology, wiping out hard drives and solid-state drives alike, and scrambled all backup tapes. Coincidentally, a new plastic-eating bacterium has munched on all the compact discs without anyone noticing.

Humanity will rebuild...

The computer chip manufacturing pipeline has been restored, but there is no software to run them. In a dusty office previously owned by a lawyer from a long-defunct dotcom, a treasure trove is discovered. Five metal cabinets filled with paper: the printed Linux kernel source code, in 5-pt comic sans font. One brave soul will enter to transcribe. Mistakes are not an option. We all thank you for your sacrifice.

The yyyy-mm-dd format (ISO 8601) is the only one that is unambiguous, because no one so far in history has ever used the yyyy-dd-mm format (at least until some xkcd-reading jokester probably will start using it just out of spite). I use ISO 8601 everywhere. It has the additional benefit that filenames get sorted correctly in lexographical order.

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So what does this mean for Western gunslingers? Is it always better to draw second? Well, not quite. Welchman also found that the 21 millisecond benefit of reacting quickly was totally overwhelmed by the 200 milliseconds it took to react in the first place.

I am fascinated by how the experience of other people can be completely different from mine, alien even. We can look at the same situation and come up with exactly opposite conclusions. I keep trying to put myself in the shoes of the other, figure out how they think. The behavior of u/spez is abhorent to me, but here's how I would imagine he thinks about the community list of demands:

<AH mode>

Bringing the API pricing down to the point ads/subscriptions could realistically cover the costs.

The costs are reasonable and down to earth! We've been extremely generous. Our prices are in line with industry standards. The app devs are greedy and do not want to pay. In fact they are so greedy they are choosing to shut down and go out of business rather than pay their fair share! Also some apps are ahem inefficient. Those devs could stay profitable if they just code their apps better.

Reddit gives the apps time to make whatever adjustments are necessary

The apps had plenty of time. We've been perfectly transparent. The API changes were announced months in advance. The first bills do not arrive until months from now in August, and are not due for another month after that. The apps have enough time if they are serious about working with us.

Rate limits would need to be per user+appkey, not just per key.

Rate limits are for the free tier. The paid tier is a flat fee per 1000 API calls without rate limit.

Commitment to adding features to the API; image uploads/chat/notifications.

We are always working on new and exciting features! We have so many mod tools in the pipeline. All the hottest features will appear in our native app first, which is where we can best ensure everything stays compatible. Have you tried using that?

Lack of communication. Why were disabled communities not contacted to gauge the impact of these API changes?

We are always in communication with our communities! We've been discussing these API changes for months, collecting community input, and interacting with our users in AMAs!

You say you've offered exemptions for "non-commercial" and "accessibility apps." Despite r/blind's best efforts, you have not stated how they are selected.

We communicate with developers on an app-by-app basis. We have already confirmed the inclusion of two accessibility apps! We support accessibility for blind people!

Parity in access to NSFW content

Cannot be done for lawyercat reasons.

Now that we have addressed all of the listed community concerns, we are looking forward to welcoming all of you back to reddit!

</AH mode>

P.S. the fact that u/spez specifically stated that "old.reddit.com isn’t going anywhere" confirms in my mind that old.reddit will be gone within 9 months. Screenshot this.

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There was some scare in lemmy development circles recently about script injection vulnerabilities. The various apps and frontend developers "solved" the problem by peppering untrusted user input with escape sequences all over the place. User submits post? Escape title! Receive new post from a federated instance? Escape title!

Obviously if you escape the title twice and display once, it will show up weird. The problem is that the various devs haven't agreed yet which parts of the messaging protocol are supposed to be already escaped and which are not. Ideally all user input should be stored and transmitted in raw form, and only escaped right before displaying. But due to various zealously-cautious devs we get this instead:

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Got charged $100 for "dental hygiene training" during annual dentist visit after dentist walked in and asked "Do you floss?" - "Yes." - "Good. Floss every day." and walked out. I only know of this charge because insurance refused to pay and they sent the bill to me. I know it's definitely about these two utterances because this was the only interaction I had with this doctor at all. Everything else was performed by dental students.

I now refuse to answer any questions that do not directly pertain to the immediate procedure.

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I wanted to go with this, but had to go even bigger. The largest mine truck according to the wiki is BelAZ 75710 (as seen in the picture) which has "59/80R63" tires that are merely 402.7cm big.

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Echoes of the Eye expansion to Outer Wilds. I managed to avoid all the spoilers, watched some playthroughs but thankfully didn't study them too closely. Importantly, the streamers never looked "up" during the parts of the gameplay that I've seen, so to me it appeared just like another normal environment (well, normal at least by Outer Wilds standards). I already loved the original game, and decided I must play this for myself.

So when I entered through that doorway for the first time I was genuinely stunned. "You fuckers, you really did it this time. You actually went ahead and did it!" I mean... ::: spoiler spoiler Space habitats have always been a staple of science fiction novels, and they have appeared a couple times in video games already, like in Mass Effect and Halo, but there they were only used as background - the actual playable area was limited. Never before this had anyone successfully implemented a life-size Bishop Ring with the full "You see that mountain? You can walk there!" boastfulness. And sometimes that mountain is on the ceiling. And when the water breaks, oh boy... :::

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Air defense missiles are supposed to have a proximity fuse, such that the missile destroys the target even if it is not a direct hit. Either the fuse here failed, or the drone was too small of an object to trigger it.

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American says: "We have democracy in our country. I can stand in front of the White House and shout "Down with Reagan!" and I will not be punished". Soviet replies: "Oh, not a big deal, we also have democracy. I can stand in the Red Square and shout "Down with Reagan!" and I will not be punished either."

Top 25 AI jokes from the paper appendix:

  • T1. Why did the scarecrow win an award?
    Because he was outstanding in his field. (140)
  • T2. Why did the tomato turn red?
    Because it saw the salad dressing. (122)
  • T3. Why was the math book sad?
    Because it had too many problems. (121)
  • T4. Why don’t scientists trust atoms?
    Because they make up everything. (119)
  • T5. Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
    Because it was feeling crumbly. (79)
  • T6. Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself?
    Because it was two-tired. (52)
  • T7. Why did the frog call his insurance company?
    He had a jump in his car. (36)
  • T8. Why did the chicken cross the playground?
    To get to the other slide. (33)
  • T9. Why was the computer cold?
    Because it left its Windows open. (23)
  • T10. Why did the hipster burn his tongue?
    He drank his coffee before it was cool. (21)
  • T11. Why don’t oysters give to charity?
    Because they’re shellfish. (21)
  • T12. Why did the computer go to the doctor?
    Because it had a virus. (20)
  • T13. Why did the banana go to the doctor?
    Because it wasn’t peeling well. (19)
  • T14. Why did the coffee file a police report?
    Because it got mugged. (18)
  • T15. Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?
    In case he got a hole in one. (13)
  • T16. Why did the man put his money in the freezer?
    He wanted cold hard cash. (13)
  • T17. Why don’t seagulls fly over the bay?
    Because then they’d be bagels. (13)
  • T18. Why did the chicken go to the seance?
    To talk to the other side. (11)
  • T19. Why was the belt sent to jail?
    Because it held up a pair of pants. (11)
  • T20. Why did the chicken cross the road?
    To get to the other side. (7)
  • T21. Why did the computer go to the doctor?
    Because it had a byte. (6)
  • T22. Why did the cow go to outer space?
    To see the moooon. (6)
  • T23. Why did the man put his money in the blender?
    He wanted to make liquid assets. (6)
  • T24. Why don’t skeletons fight each other?
    They don’t have the guts. (5)
  • T25. What do you call an alligator in a vest?
    An investigator. (5)
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I had to, I just didn't.

Btw, old reddit used to display the exact upvote/downvote counts ("x upvoted, y downvoted") for posts AND comments in the "title" attribute of the total number, visible as a tooltip when hovering the mouse over it. All that "x% upvoted it" for posts and removing the counts entirely for comments was nonsense pushed through by the previous reddit jerk CEO on 2014-06-18 against all community opposition (what is it with reddit and dumping unpopular changes in June?).

If you gonna recreate old reddit, please do not include these later CEO meddlings in it! One of the best features of lemmy is the display of exact counts (which was also a major advertised draw of voat.com and raddle.me before it). Let's keep that in!

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All they had to do was offer API keys with Reddit Premium. Plug-and-play into your 3rd-party-app of choice. Can't believe those dum-dums chose to kill off their golden goose instead.

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I was gonna reply the "S" in "ISO" stands for "standardization" but apparently ISO doesn't stand for anything.

Can't wait until they pass a law banning "smoking within 10m of another person outdoors" so we can play "chase the smoker!" game and they have to run away from us or face a fine.

At a red light, it is the responsibility of the first driver in line to check their phone. It is the responsibility of the second driver to watch the light and honk to let the first one know when it changes.

This is like that Key and Peele sketch where they rob the bank by working in there for 20 years.

The cows aren't running around and breeding freely like deer. We will simply finish eating them without breeding any more. The entire population will be gone within a single generation.

The original Pepe "feels good man" frog

probably is illegal in well developed countries

That's indeed the case here! I always found the wording of it cute:

New York City Administrative Code, Title 10: Public Safety, § 10-108 Regulation of sound devices or apparatus

It is hereby declared that the use or operation of any radio device or apparatus or any device or apparatus for the amplification of sounds from any radio, phonograph or other sound-making or sound-producing device, or any device or apparatus for the reproduction or amplification of the human voice or other sounds, in front of or outside of any building, place or premises, or in or through any window, doorway or opening of such building, place or premises, ... is detrimental to the health, welfare and safety of the inhabitants of the city. ... It shall be unlawful for any person to use or operate any sound device or apparatus in, on, near or adjacent to any public street, park or place, for commercial and business advertising purpose.

Doesn't mean it doesn't happen ALL THE TIME in some parts of town.

Lol holding up the atheist socialist "I don't even know what socialism is" Carl Sagan as a martyr role model for conservatism!

All the 3pa's shut down business the moment the actual API prices were announced. This wasn't a protest move, the prices were simply 20 times higher than what they were promised and impossible to work into their business model. Reddit couldn't have overcharged and continued as normal - it was a deliberate move to kill off 3pa while pretending they are not. Reddit COULD have charged this API price to users directly via Reddit Premium, but failed to do so.

With distributed hash tables it is manageable. You do something like "store three copies on three peers" and as long as one of them is online the post is accessible. This is actually better than the way lemmy does it now. In principle each lemmy server stores the posts from its communities, and a copy of each post from communities its users are subscribed to. But since all instances are federated so well, in practice each of the 1000 lemmy instances stores a copy of almost every post ever made. That's like 100GB x1000. With a DHT, the amount of space used on each user's device is on average the amount of posts one user makes x3, no more.

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I'm guessing they do not want you to go in and take photos of the screen because they cannot control the safety of PHI of other patients - like if you go in behind the counter and somebody else's profile was pulled up on another screen that ends up in your photo, or you rush to the keyboard and start flipping through records before they can stop you. It is reasonable to expect to receive copies of your PHI in paper or electronic (email? flashdrive?) form, I wouldn't demand more.

What is odd is that the papers they have given you are missing dates. I am guessing this is not malicious intent to deceive on their part, but rather some odd deficiency with their computer system which they are too embarrassed/unable to explain. When it prints it doesn't come out the way it shows on the screen. Given how they have tried to fix the problem by writing in the dates manually, they are not trying to hide the dates per se. I would just let it go and accept the papers as is, unless you have specific reason to believe the dates are incorrect. You could even ask them to write a statement at the bottom to the effect of "dates are correct as shown, written by hand to circumvent a computer problem" with the office signature/stamp. Then even if it comes to legal proceedings or whatever, the court can treat handwritten documents the same as printed ones.

The numbers I heard is that reusing a bottle is less energy intensive than melting it down. It's sanitary if you sterilize it properly by heating to >100°C, which is still much less energy than heating it to 1723°C to melt. As for water, I try to think on a 100 year time scale, where water is a renewable resource, but plastic is not.

It's true that the energy savings will be wasted if you end up trucking the pallet of glass soda bottles all the way across America! But you shouldn't be trucking bottles that far anyway - you should be sending rail tanker cars full of syrup to a bottling plant in each state and use local water to mix it.

Had a functional iphone 5 I wanted to give away to someone, for use as a child phone or temporary replacement for a broken phone. Went to my local buy-nothing group, found several people asking for a free iphone to replace a broken or missing phone, every one of them saying "any old phone is fine, 12 or above". I'm still using iphone 8...

Palpatine: Copyright was invented to protect creative works, yet eventually it destroyed 90% of them. Ironic

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which can be sparse depending on your idea

Yes! Which is why my idea is to have a collection point at every point of sale. And the first aim will be to reuse the packaging, not even recycle it (melt it down)! This is why ISO standardization is necessary - you don't want to keep track of Coke bottles and Pepsi bottles, they need to be identical. The same truck that delivers a pallet of bottles from the factory to your store will take the pallet of empties out.

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It's like... I keep imagining what if I were a Manchurian Candidate CEO and tried to destroy the entire value of my company as surely as possible before being found out, what decisions would I make? And I must say, what spez and musk are doing keeps surprising me at every turn, because even in my imagination I have not come up with schemes as effective as theirs.

a new (imo better!) way to govern and distribute power in online services

I'd argue federation is the old way, the original way the internet was built, and the centralized walled-garden ecosystems ran by FAANG is the new way. Email, usenet, even http and world wide web itself are examples of federation.


Sadly, they only live about 2.5 to 3 years.

To some this is an advantage, if you are not ready to commit to 15-20 years for a dog or cat.

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The show For All Mankind did a good take on the problem IMO. Being gay wasn't illegal per se, but gay people could not be employed at NASA. They still joined, but they kept their orientation hidden. Then the security forces used the justification that gays keeping secrets were vulnerable to blackmail to go on witch hunts to seek and root out gays, and to defend the decision to ban gays from employment in the first place. It was a circular argument through-and-through. The base reason has always been prejudice. Didn't help that in the show there were real Soviet spies running around trying to find gays to extort for NASA rocket secrets.

That's what I used to think as a kid - westerns standoffs are an outgrowth of Old World duels, a formalized custom performed by traditionalists, even the baddest bandit secretly being a gentleman at heart. The showerthought here is that the order of events is also perfectly explained by taking legal considerations of justified self-defense into account.

But then you have to watch Picard 😢

I'd love to use ISO sizes, but even if I know that I need a 40-622 wheel, there is no way to search for it on the storefront if every single seller made gross mistakes in labeling their product! I have to ignore the specs shown entirely and make educated guesses based on title alone. For example "WHEEL AL 700 FRONT ALEX AP18 QR Silver UCP" in the picture is almost certainly a 700C wheel and NOT an 18-inch wheel. The "18" in the title probably stands for 18mm rim width, which means that this wheel will fit my bike and tire, but is a bit more narrow than ideal 23mm. The sellers must be copying the title verbatim from the manufacturer, and then haphazardly filling out the specifications without knowing or understanding the actual numbers. The ISO size is not mentioned at all.