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Joined 13 months ago

Running Kamala would be making the same mistake they made back in 2016. She is polarizing, and extremely unlikeable. Anyone that worked with her or her department when she was in law in CA has nothing but bad things to say about her.

Running Kamala would be giving Trump a second term.

I’d say this strongly depends on the industry.

In an entertainment or ad sales product, I’d completely agree with you.

In a medical or financial product, the bug will take precedence.

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I work in the medical industry. Any software that controls any device or reports any data used in the OR is absolutely treated this way.

There is a great way to monitor employee’s performance. This one weird trick will save you losing your best employees!

Are their tasks getting done on time and with quality work?

Congrats! You just learned how to treat your employees like adults.

Now kindly fuck off and let me continue to work in my underwear.

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Is anyone surprised? Brilliant engineers going to work at Google expecting to work on world changing software and instead work on selling more ads.

How miserable.

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The slow march back to cable is unstoppable.

Pirate everything. Share everything.

Piracy is an access problem, not a consumer problem.

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You aren’t paying for the smartness. You are actually getting a subsidized TV that should cost a whole lot more but is being sold for cheap since it is also a data collection device.

Non smart TVs are more expensive than their smart counterparts.

The only answer is to never give your smart tv access to your network and to use an external device for streaming.

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I didn’t actually believe this, but it was fun to entertain the idea.

Here’s why. At the time, there were a bunch of very odd coincidences. I’ll do my best to remember the best of them.

  • The CIA/NSA (one of the “secret” agencies) put out a budget report showing a large amount of money that was not trackable, in the billions.
  • Coincidentally, the section of the pentagon hit by the “plane” was reportedly where financial records were stored.
  • By “plane”, I mean object. If you watch the 1 video that got out (all other videos were confiscated) from the nearby gas station, the thing that hits the pentagon does not look like a plane but instead a missile.


  • reportedly, the owner of the twin towers took out a massive insurance policy against the buildings the day or week before 9/11 (I forget exact timing)
  • also, the building was covered in asbestos, the cost to remove was in the billions, and the cost to keep the building occupied always also increasing


  • building 7 (I think that’s the right one) collapsed under what appeared to be demolishing conditions
  • building 7 was never hit by a plane or anything else, it just dropped like it was purposefully demolished

Edit: forgot one!

  • the towers were obviously hit by planes, we have plenty of video evidence of this. The controversy is around how the towers actually fell. This is where the “jet fuel can’t melt steel beams” meme comes from.

There are more, but it’s been 20 years and my memory is hazy.

Overall, there were some oddities around the whole event that, when allowing yourself to think completely outside of reality, make sense as to why it was an inside job.

Finally, personally I believe the Saudis did it in cooperation with Bin Laden and their goal was to bankrupt America. They did a pretty good job, from their perspective.

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I actually like daily standups. I know many don’t, but they can be really useful.

What did you do yesterday. What are you doing today. Any issues for the group?

Then get back to work!

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I may be ignorant about this topic, but has Tencent ever done anything for gaming other than buy up already successful companies?

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Say it louder with me for the people in the back.

Piracy is not stealing.

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Leadership is hard. Really hard. It is very easy to be a bad leader, hence the common perception of bad managers. Everyone can identify bad leadership, but ask someone what makes a good leader. It is hard to define and hard to do.

Leadership also requires taking responsibility for others. Many people do everything they can to avoid responsibility.

Put these two factors together and it becomes pretty obvious why most people shy away from leadership. It is hard and when something goes wrong it is your fault.

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This just in, people don’t like ads. At all. Most people.

It is time to find a new business model that works. I’m not smart enough to know what that is so that you don’t piss off users, but whoever figures it out will be a billionaire.

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Let me guess, they define antisemitism as anything outside of fully supporting Israel’s genocide?

+1 I guess.

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I’m just here to say fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Google.

I still believe their naming conventions has destroyed the brand.

Grandma that wants to buy a toy for their kids can go to the store and buy the next PlayStation. Xbox… which one do they buy? They don’t, they buy the easy option.

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Call me an old geezer, but I can’t stand videos for about 95% of all video game guides. They are either too slow or too fast, and include 10 mins of talking for “and the hot key you are looking for is H”.

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TikTok has been an extremely successful propaganda outlet

Instead of being unresponsive, be a time waster. Be hostile. Keep agreeing until they try to get information out of you. Is your name John but they ask for Greg? Say, yes this is Greg.

I turn these calls in to entertainment opportunities. And it may be confirmation bias but after having done this for a couple months, call volume has dropped dramatically.

Maybe this is a bad idea. But for me, it’s been fun.

My favorite so far was to keep agreeing and saying yes, then to turn on porn silently, then slowly increase the volume and ask if they can hear that. Get mad at them for making you listen to it. Keep turning up the volume until it is deafening. They will hang up.

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  1. People on the internet suck. No matter what, there will be someone that is upset with your words for some reason. This opens you up to harassment.

  2. I just don’t want to.

  3. I hesitated replying to this post because you are responding by redundantly @ing the user you are replying to. That is a mega pet peeve of mine and I hate it.

Have a nice day!

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As has been repeated repeatedly, the first casualty of war is the truth.

Do not believe either side. Only independent reports.

If I was Hamas, I would absolutely call whatever happened an air strike from Israel.

If I was Israel, I would absolutely call whatever happened a failed rocket explosion from Hamas.

Do not believe either side. They are both lying.

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Give the porn industry time.

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Celebrities. CrossFit. Comics. Crypto.

I just can’t see a use case for voice shopping. There are almost zero instances where I want to buy something without having a visual of that thing in front of me at time of purchase.

I could possibly see something like “buy another stick of deodorant”, but even then I want to see if there are deals or some other options and would want to check the price at a minimum.

Seems like yet another MBA idea.

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The few times I’ve been back since the initial protest I’ve noticed content quality on r/all is considerably worse.

It isn’t dead, but Digg didn’t die overnight either. Reddit is absolutely dying.

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Beehaw seems designed with the intent of being a specific type of echo chamber. And there is nothing wrong with that. But the fediverse wouldn’t miss yet another echo chamber.

Do as you want.

Celebrity worship. If you spend all your time on instagram or TikTok following the latest trends and being emotionally affected by the behavior and actions of a “celebrity”, then we probably have nothing in common and I probably don’t want to have a conversation with you.

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A vast majority of people I’ve met through work and other social activities simply use the default messaging app on their device.

As much as it fuels your conspiracy boners

If you want to discuss this topic further, I’d be happy to. But not if you’re going to causally throw around insults.

You don’t know anything about me or my work experience.

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Reading between the lines, the days of adfree streaming are coming to an end.

Assuming this continues, expect the big player to start including ads and, the next step will be removing adfree plans entirely.

Get you torrenting and Usenet skills up to par. You’re gonna need them.

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Even that claim I find dubious. Yes, your data won’t inform targeted ads on Facebook, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be used for targeted ads elsewhere on the internet.

Oh agreed, the scale and performances requirements to serve ads on the modern internet is a really challenging problem.

My point was simply that these brilliant minds are being wasted on this objective.

Stop using social media. Yes. Good idea.

Stop using the internet entirely? No. Bad idea.

In a post about misogyny, you being misandrist isn’t helpful.

All of Wikipedia on a thumb drive

List of winning power ball numbers for the past 2 decades.

$20 cash to buy bitcoin

That’s enough. More than enough money to never work again and info to help stop 9/11, etc…

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I might disagree with you. Check the date on this wonderful article: https://jezebel.com/have-you-ever-beat-up-a-boyfriend-cause-uh-we-have-294383

It’s called genocide, ethnic cleansing, or an apartheid state.

Give me 2-3k per month for 18 years plus cost of living increase at 5%+ per year and I’ll consider it.

Otherwise, nah. Im good. I enjoy my free time and all the extra money I have due to no kids.

He would absolutely not be in a jumpsuit on the side of the road doing community service. He would be assigned 1000 hours and then “work” with a charity putting his “skills” to use.

I’m speaking from experience. I had 120 hrs of community service and I did computer work for a well known charity.

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Yes. Drastically. It is almost as big of a difference as when Reddit flipped, overnight, from pro Bernie to pro Clinton in the 2016 election.

Comments and post quality took a nose dive. And I don’t mean the typical summer change, I mean drastic and significant change.