2 Post – 153 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a geek, finding my way in the fediverse.

Damn, got removed from your job by down votes. Sorry, that sucks.

Remember when small trucks were small? I remember. My 2008 Tacoma (which used to be a small truck) seems about the same size as a 90s model Silverado.

I remember the late 90s Tacomas and S10s. I want them back.

But, I do think we hit critical mass because newer ones seem to be shrinking again... I think.

Not who you're replying too (and not vegetarian/vegan) but I've always said that people who eat meat should have to kill and butcher an animal at least once so they learn where it comes from and how it gets into those tidy shrink wrapped packages in their grocery store.

It's not pleasant and too many people don't understand it.

But, I grew up quite poor where hunting often determined if we were eating so I have a different experience than many. I'm still a big softie though and, while I will do it, I definitely don't like it.

I once had a keyboard with a "Works with Netware!" sticker.

Alas, I can't find any networking gear that has a "works with Linux" sticker so I'm just out of luck on that "Internet" thing all the kids are talking about.

Yeah, I still get spam/scam from back in the day when your phone number, address, and email were all public in the whois and it was regularly scraped for targets.

I tell everyone to do the privacy guard/redaction.

Generally speaking, programmers like to program (many do it just for fun), and many dislike review. AI removes the programming from the equation in favour of review.

This really resonated with me and is an excellent point. I'm going to have to remember that one.

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I feel your pain.

Years ago I threw a party for work friends and acquaintances where I had 30 confirmed and 10 tentative (from calendar invite). I bought a variety of drinks (alcoholic and non) and bought/cooked food for about 50 to ensure there was plenty.

... 4 people showed up.

That was the instant that I stopped giving a fuck. Ever since then I've adopted the approach of "I'm going to do something, you can come if you want, but I'm not planning for you". Or, more commonly, I just don't organize anything :)

EDIT: I should note that this was a recurring yearly party that got bigger and bigger over 5 years until it just died. Pre COVID.

I teach a programming class to young adults (18-25, usually) and was flabbergasted last semester when I realized that a couple of them didn't know what a directory hierarchy/file system was.

My suspicion is that the ease of use angle of "just tell me what you want and I'll find it" led to this. Not saying ease of use is bad, but I expected more from people wanting to learn programming.

And I'm over here meticulously organizing my music library into folders by band, album, year, etc...o the humanity.

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I tried to recover my Mojang account and migrate it three times. Each attempt gets a stock response asking for certain info (receipt, email, username). When I provide this, I get a response from a different support user asking for the same thing I just provided. After three to five back and forths (with the same questions and the same answers) I get busy, frustrated, and leave it for a few weeks.

Once I have time, I start over and the exact same thing repeats again.

I wrote it off as a loss last year with an asterisk of "another reason to fucking hate Microsoft"

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Check his pillows

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My neighbors have a turkey. Every time I walk through the kitchen I look out the window to see if she's in our yard. If so, I run out to pet her.

Also, if I'm working outside she trots over to see what's going on and, of course, I have to stop to pet her for 15 minutes.

She just walks up to me and sits down expecting pets.

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Should have put a H on it so everyone would know.

The sad part is now the thief will get all the hornet honey : /

Inshallah is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that sentence.

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Ah, delete the windows partition. That should keep me safe.

Fun fact, they short changed the horse:

Over a short period of time, they calculate, a horse can exert up to 14.9 horsepower.

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“Even before birth, all human beings have the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory,” Chief Justice Tom Parker wrote.

That's how it looks to me.

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I think you're overestimating the technical knowledge of a broad portion of the population : D

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I dropped prime after the announcement... Who's next?

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Seems I've been watching too much Resident Evil.

Doing the quick scroll through my feed and had to pause for what I thought was the umbrella logo.

Next "logical" step: periods are murder and shall be punished by Alabama as such.

Did you see trump was convicted on all counts in the NY false documents trial?

I was surprised too...

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I feel personally attacked by this comment.

I instantly distrust anyone I see open carrying in public. Hunting or on the farm? Sure, makes sense. In the grocery store...ehhh.

The weekend after it became legal here I saw a guy in cut off jean shorts+beater tank with a 22LR Beretta Neo in a drop leg holster at a local diner. I can only assume he's an elite operator.

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When I got mine, the doc said I should wait about two weeks then "ejaculate as frequently as possible" before returning for the scheduled checkup/semen test.

Doctor's orders! 🫡

When it got banned in my area the "expert" witness supporting the ban was someone who owned a pain management clinic that primarily prescribed pills.

... No conflict there, no siree.

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It's pretty easy to get registered to perform weddings in TN... And many other states.

Universal life Church is well known online ordination "place" that has been accepted with zero scrutiny in two other states by me and in TN by a friend.

I'll just leave this info here, do with it what you will.

I mean... Expiration dates are mostly a lie anyway. Just do the sniff test, probably fine.

But, on topic, I do appreciate the post since that's weird.

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Welcome to the club, good to have you.

Cookies and coffee are in the break room.

Occasionally it's caused some problems with the tracking crapware that the spouse's company uses in their web platform. Since they work from home and it breaks the main site they use for work, I've had to add some exceptions.

I've also seen it occasionally cause problems on websites that rely on tracking garbage and outright fail when they're blocked. Usually I just never go there again but in a few cases it's been something I was forced to use so I just disable the pihole for five minutes, do what I need, and hope to never visit that site again.

I think there have been maybe eight of these occurrences in the past five years so it's not a continual annoyance. No big deal and definitely worth it.

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Currently migrating a massive monolithic Java application to microservices... The circle of life continues.

Want to just swap jobs in ~5 years to keep the cycle going? You can migrate this project back to a Java monolith and I'll migrate your monolith back to micros :D

But maybe you get a bonus, worse, problem from the chiro? Got to look on the bright side : D

I was going to make a remark about the price of dirt, then I remembered buying non-clay soil for the garden. In retrospect, it's cheaper than dirt.

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For years I've desoldered components from electronics that are destined for recycling/trash. I haven't needed them more than a few times but it's redeeming when I need a specific thing I've never needed before and can pick one out of my component box rather than buying a pack of 100 and never use 99 of them.

Tiny momentary SPST switches are definitely the most common thing I use from the bin but I've also reused some LEDs, capacitors, and resistors.

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That's what "they" want. This isn't going to be a negative to hardcore trump loyalists.

Isn't this same thing going on in Paris?

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The timing on this post is insane because I was just pondering the topic last night due to some recent health issues the partner is having.


The inside of the can is lined by spray coating an epoxy lacquer or polymer to protect the aluminum from being corroded by acidic contents such as carbonated beverages and imparting a metallic taste to the beverage

Guess it depends on your definition of "plastic" and if someone would colloquially refer to an epoxy lining as plastic. Not here to debate word meanings but there is definitely a liner inside aluminum cans.

Be careful about "boot camps", and I say this as someone who teaches at one on the side (coding, not security). A lot of them are kind of like degree mills - pay money, get stamp, maybe worthwhile or maybe worthless.

If you go that route, do a lot of research. The biggest thing I'd look for is that the instructors work in the field full time and teach on the side (because they love sharing info and teaching the next generation). Hire rates for grads is also a good indicator... But take close note of where those hires are at and ask if it's not published.

Any time I've come across these kind of programs where the boot camp instructors only job is teaching, the info is usually 10+ years dated and relatively useless past the absolute basics.

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This has been commonplace for decades. The government agencies went big into it after 9/11. Funny thing was that I found out about it from a competing company telling me about how the company I worked for at the time was doing it.

I should note that I'm firmly against it, just that it's not new.

It's illegal to spy on your own citizens in the US, but completely okay if someone else does the spying and you buy the data.

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The spouse does most of the shopping but I was in a Harps the other day and saw that a medium (shrinkflated) bag of Cheetos was $8.75 USD.

Harps isn't super local but... Holy shit. Who can afford Cheetos at that price? I used to buy them as an occasional treat but fuck that noise.

EDIT: for fun I just searched Walmart and they're $5.94 there. I'm still not spending that much for a garbage treat.