"No words for this": Legal experts pan Aileen Cannon's "outrageous" pro-Trump bias

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 451 points –
"No words for this": Legal experts pan Aileen Cannon's "outrageous" pro-Trump bias

Judge Cannon has appeared confused by basic legal concepts and indulged the Trump defense team's wildest arguments

Over the course of seven public hearings related to Donald Trump's classified documents case, a picture has emerged of Judge Aileen Cannon sometimes appearing prepared for legal questions but at other times having difficulty comprehending even the simplest concepts.

In the view of prosecutors and several legal experts, her tendency to repeatedly ask the same question or miss the point of an argument is proof that the Trump-appointed judge is ill-suited to handle a trial that has already been delayed, repeatedly, by her willingness to grant hearings over the Trump team's most far-fetched requests. The case's slow progress, they argue, plays into Trump's strategy of pushing it past Election Day, and then, if elected, stopping it from ever happening.


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Did you see trump was convicted on all counts in the NY false documents trial?

I was surprised too...

I just hadn't realized it was a jury trial, but that's definitely a positive surprise

New York yes, because Florida our Georgia will be much harder to get a conviction out of a jury.

Facts are facts bro. New York was a jury trial and the Trump team HELPED SELECT THE JURORS. This is exactly how the unbiased system is supposed to work.