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Joined 1 years ago

Why should anyone care about RCS? The trend has been to get everything into data instead of carrier owned services for two decades now, we don't need another SMS (it will likely always be a fallback). What we should move onto is a carrier and device type angnostic universal standard protocol over TCP / QUIC like XMPP or Matrix, with SMS as the backup.

When you get a phone you can get an phone system account and a telephone number already. Modern apps in the Google ecosystem should already recognize you are already signed in with Google and sync your contacts. Since almost everyone is already in the Google ecosystem, if Google supported it they could have extended their XMPP implementation in Hangouts to allow messaging directly via XMPP to those contacts and SMS for anyone not yet in the system (similar to how Signal did, Apple does, and Google does now with RCS). Unlike Apple, since its just XMPP, users can still add friends and be added by friends on other XMPP servers (ex. their ISPs, their own, or a third party). They could have supported or jumpstarted a new very simple open source alternative app for that portion for AOSP if the EU complained. Eventually Carriers could have supported passthroughs for those still on feature phones and other users of SMS to use the number@carrier accounts to hit XMPP users with generated SMS numbers for non-SMS users (pushed either by business necessity or part of a government / teleco org like GSMA staged removal of SMS and telephone numbers). It's all data at the end of the day.

Instead, they developed a whole new protocol to fluff the telecos and keep the now badly managed telephone number system even more necessary allowing spammers and allow the problems of legacy SMS to continue.

Apple, Google, and Samsung should all be shamed for not supporting fully open protocols and necessitating dependency on user harming stacks.

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Lemmings has been a popular option thrown out too.

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A giant electric "luxury" truck is still a giant "luxury" truck. Buying one over the other is like buying a cruelty free synthetic beaver cap over a cap made from an actual beaver. Yes it probably is better, but you are still wearing an ass on your head.

It's 2023, most people live in urbanized areas where a truck is similarly ridiculous, especially the modern "luxury" models. Those that actually use their vehicles for hauling things at a farm want real work trucks and tractors (regardless of engine type) with lower and longer beds.

ASFAIK Signal doesn't support RCS, only Signal protocol, after they dropped SMS.

Man I feel old, back in my day we weren't allowed to use anything more powerful than a TI83 on most exams and the answers were on scantrons or paper due to fears of using the internet to cheat. These days with GPT I'm surprised that's not even more of a concern.

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This shouldn't be this funny.

I mean it is pride month, let him dig in those heels! Silly wording aside, where the heck are Reddit's PR team and why hasn't the board put controls on Huffman at this point? Where are the adults in the room? Man this going to fill the minds of conspiracy theorists for a decade.

Open source software might not directly be used in the workplace but if someone can't adapt from LibreOffice to MS Office they won't be able to adapt to MS Office updates either. It's been decades since productivity software had significantly different feature sets for most users. That weird legacy Excel formula the Finance Department uses will need training no matter how many years of Office experience a new hire has.


  • As you pointed out way too many data permissions
  • While I'm not in the "everything for-profit companies does is inherently evil" camp, Meta has done some sketchy stuff.
  • It's mostly microblogging from what I can tell, and that's best in smaller instances or instances heavily moderated / filtered to feel that way which Threads likely won't be
  • It's name, even though it won't really be mixed threads like the name implies, will mess up momentum for the Threadiverse to mean AP actual threaded apps, and terms are hard.
  • I'm sure their TOS, privacy policies, or moderation policies aren't going to be any better than other Meta apps.

That being said, I do like:

  • They are planning to federate via AP unlike Bluesky
  • Meta is trying new things other than VR.
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Aren't these archives protected explicitly under several points in US Title 17 Section 108?

Why not switch to something not owned by Facebook like Signal (or something on an open protocol like Element)?

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Can CSAM distributors use it as a test suite for workarounds?

Edit: first draft was too declarative where I meant to pose the thought as a question.

Major software foundations like Mozilla, and other large institutions, should be hosting their own instance and have official communities. Even on silos like Reddit, you'd have several alternate subs for the same topic. Before multis were a thing, it was in the same boat.

I would like to see instance features like "see this story in x other communities" links for reposted link posts though.

On the microblogging side of the fedi, "fedihire" and "jobalert" hashtags seem to be frequently used for job postings, and "getfedihired" and "jobsearch" for those posting that they are looking.

Thanks for posting this, really highlights all the hard work, and congrats @nutomic!

27.3k as of right now, that is crazy! Its nice to see the instance counts going up for both lemmy and kbin, hopefully communities can be more spread out too to prevent defederation like we saw this morning.

M365 is an option even without Windows, but LibreOffice and/or NextCloud could work too.

What would be nest is a feed aggregatior that combos as a lemmy / larger fedi client. When reading your feed, there can be a comments button. The button would do a quick lookup to see if there has been any discussions tracked on your instance for that link and if so let you choose on of the results to join a discussion and a start new thread button that has a workflow for posting the link in a community you select.

There is a lemmy seed script you can use as an admin that gets you a "default sub" experience

Finland via Hetzner IIRC.

I think Lemmy being decentralized and not having user karma by design already gets a pretty good base. With the concerns of censorship, admin drama, and protecting marginalized groups, the rest has to come from your instance admins and moderators of communities you follow. With the nature of the platform, you can create toxic places but those are easily defederated and/or blocked.

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Thank you Ruud!

Frendica and Pixelfed.

Neat story, but we need a Nitter / bot for Twitter links like we have with the Piped bot for Youtube links.

Your post reminded me there is a playlist on the NATO channel of members of the varying armies sharing each other's field rations.

You really should. has a lot of resources.

Even if that is an accurate number, there are only ~56 million Americans living in census defined rural areas. With some actual planning we should be able to get missing backbones from our urban areas (which should be getting far more funding). Wireless is also a gamechanger, with microwave, 5g (and nextgen 6g), and Starlink, and that can really reduce this cost since not everyone needs fiber. If we can incorporate requirements for new backbone lines with any greenfield rail or highway projects we can get wireless coverage out faster and cheaper.

Your profile says exactly what I'd expect Myspace Tom to say, so thanks for being a friend to all!

I've never heard if it either but I too am not on TikTok and I use ad-blockers nearly everywhere.

And emulation is so much easier, so if you don't make legal access easy, you are stopping an easy revenue stream.

Neocities is trying to be a modern reincarnation

I don't usually watch that genre but I'd totally watch that video.

Is that Myspace Tom in your avatar?

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I think this is true for both platforms - instances don't federate communities (start polling for updates) until one user searches for that community. It takes a second search (at least in v17 lemmy, might be fixed in v18) to get the community to start showing. In Lemmy I think when an instance starts federating a community it also pulls the latest 20 posts, but given your example I'm guessing that must not be true for lemmy pulling in kbin magazines (not sure which side isn't doing it, I'd assume the kbin side since lemmy instances seem to be coming in with those 20 posts).

The graphic design on this is fire.

There are niche communities that haven't migrated that I'm okay with using a crappy platform to stay in contact with. That being said I've been using teddit until I need to post.

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Awesome, glad this is finally getting cleaned up, I wanted to hear about announcements, but it was getting so spammy so fast I unsubscribed and was just checking in from the local feed. I'm going to resubscribe. got closed. From what I gather it seemed like too large of a task to tackle right now. They are recommending to use pinned posts with links to other posts if that gets too large as a workaround.

How do you prevent that? I think that might simply be inherent of unrestricted news communities, not necessarily the platform itself. You can have a more restricted news community that disallows click bait or polarizing titles or only allow posts by approved users (or go further and lock to instance like beehaw).

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With NACS becoming more and more universal, and soon to be a true standard, will we also see fast charging of other devices like e-bikes and lawn tools using the standard?