
6 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Ah, yes, typical reddit addict having withdrawal syndrome.

Don't look back...

23 more...

This POS needs to disappear.

9 more...

You should definitely stop doing "more", also.

Religion is the biggest scourge against humans. Controlling behavior, brainwashing the young and stolen untold trillions of $$. Fuck religion. They all need to be labeled as cults and treated as harshly.

99 more...

POS nutjob. Our government is so broken. 🤨

3 more...

You're hanging with the wrong type of friends if you don't chatter about who "blew up the bathroom?"

5 more...

JJ is a pedo sympathizer.

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

2 more...

I hate the GOP... but, go boy! Go!

File in every state!

1 more...

Fuck this moron.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

3 more...

Ah, yes, Jim "I like pedos" Jordan. Our politics is truly nauseating.

I've had multiple cats throughout my life for the past 50 plus years.

As an adult, I've had several cats of all varieties of colors. One of my longest living cats was an all black. His name was Knight.

Fairly recently, I owned a beautiful calico named Autumn based off the colors of leaves in the fall season. When she passed away I had the crazy idea of getting an all white cat so I could call it Winter.

So in November of 2022 I found an 11-year-old from a shelter that had been in that shelter for one year. All white and very beautiful and loving. I included a photo to pay the cat tax.


1 more...

Wish the old coot would drop dead.

Know why all these old pieces of shit never suddenly die in office?

These fuckers have FREE access to great healthcare.

Countless amount of Repugnants can't even grasp how they're fucked over every paycheck by paying into their company health coverage, while these puke balls in DC, get a free ride.

As a white ex-FF, now Paramedic. I'd be glad to jump on Mr.Braxton's fire truck for a response and hand him the keys to Town Hall when we get back to the station. Disgusting, pathetic, and embarrassing display of humanity.

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Mail order.

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Trump should be treated the same as the shit that goes down my kitchen sink and I flip a switch to shred and drain it.

9 more...

Brainwashed Trumpers are in such bad shape they'd literally need professional cult deprogrammers... is that still a thing? They are utterly impossible to reason with.

3 more...

Fuck Trump!

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I know it's not highest quality.

For me, the imperfect sound is what makes a nicer experience. Slight hum, little pop once in a while, teensy skip, etc.

Not to mention that I'm far more inclined to listen to an entire album because of the need to interact with the vinyl to set the needle and flip sides.

1 more...

Exactly how does the president do that? He cannot expand the court on his own. Congress doesn't have enough Democrats to do it. None of the current justices are going anywhere unless they die.

14 more...

How about fuck Russia.

28 more...

"Hey, you!"


I did 24hr shifts a minimum of two days per week. Most times I did three days per week with 24hrs of OT. I did that from 2000-2017.

Now I do simple 4 x 10hr days.

15 more...

Yes. Must tune out any bullshit that doesn't belong in your personal bubble.

Vote, but, ignore politics as a whole.

Try to avoid news.

Figure out a way to get out of the house. Doesn't need to cost $$. Walks. Visit a local park.

Realize you do not have to put up with anyone's personal drama. Not even family.

Get a cat. Unconditional love. Easy maintenance and can be fine alone for long days or even a long weekend with the proper prep.

Live for yourself!

3 more...

Hell yeah....I've been dying to wear shorts at work. I could provide numerous examples of Fire Departments that wear shorts....but, nope...EMS peeps are stuck in pants. BS!

2 more...

Pence is a POS

Morning, from Boston (https://i.imgur.com/lKdsiLm.jpeg)

1 more...

Fuck this nutjob...all the Kennedys need to go the fuck away.

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That's not a thing.

Ha, so what? Let me guess... lawsuit settlement for $0.44 per person. Pathetic.

Paramedic. Possible by trying to sleep between emergency calls.

100% belongs in jail. Won't. Best offer will be house arrest @ Mar Largo. That motherfucker will also be granted "compassionate leave" to leave the property for whatever reason.

If, by some miracle, he could actully be put behind bars....forget it. He'd jump on a plane and screw to a "friendly" non-extridition country.

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Healthy people make a healthy society. That in turn makes a healthy, stronger country. Very simple to understand. This is why the United States will never do the right thing. Just like gun control.

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Sunrise. We live close to the ocean on the East Coast of U.S.

Since I leave for work by 0515 I see plenty of sunrises.

Scammy McScam Man

Ha, yeah, I hear ya. I'm well aware that my state (MA) is tremendously better in many aspects. That's why it hurts my soul that people like Mr.Braxton need to fight against overwhelming odds.

Guess your eyes were closed?

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!