Trump under investigation for civil rights conspiracy in January 6 inquiry to politics – 300 points –
Trump under investigation for civil rights conspiracy in January 6 inquiry

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100% belongs in jail. Won't. Best offer will be house arrest @ Mar Largo. That motherfucker will also be granted "compassionate leave" to leave the property for whatever reason.

If, by some miracle, he could actully be put behind bars....forget it. He'd jump on a plane and screw to a "friendly" non-extridition country.

I mean I remember a tin of people saying there was no way he'd go to court for anything he did, or indighted, or arrested. So, I wouldn't completely dismiss the possibility. He's not exactly the GOP's golden boy anymore.

Appearing in court is literally 0 on an 10 scale. Means nothing to him and is a publicity stunt. Trust me. If, somehow, he were ever ordered behind bars for a conviction or contempt, etc....he absolutely will flee the country.

I'm just saying, people keep saying things won't happen to him, and then they do. The government kinda has a vested interest in making an example out of him. At least the Biden administration does. And Trump isn't exactly popular in most other countries either.

afaik nothing that has been happening to tfg is related to biden. It is mostly conservatives going after him, or independant in the case of Smith.