0 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Do the block and uninterested stuff but also clear her history and then search for videos you want her to watch. Cover all your bases. You can also try looking up debunking and deprogramming videos that are specifically aimed at fighting the misinformation and brainwashing.

There are no laws stating that we have to watch or see ads, so forcing us to watch them feels like a huge overstep. Companies shouldn't be able to have this much control over a public service.

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Bro have you never watched a Futurama episode before in your life? They've ALWAYS made jokes about current events and pop culture. Those jokes a perfectly in-line with their usual humour.

That should absolutely constitute a stalking charge at the very least. But I recommend talking to a lawyer to be sure about what you can or can't do legally.

Hate to break it to you, but if complaints about one movie scene was all it took to get you to "leave" the left, then you were never really on the left to begin with.

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Tell them you're going to prank them, and then don't.

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I think it's worth being called a snitch to help stop a young girl from being abused.

Bro, I don't know how you missed this, but your church is the minority among Christians. I come from a large Christian family so I'm not saying that as someone who hates Christians, I'm saying that as someone with two eyes and common sense. And I'm also someone who is not straight so I'm also speaking from experience myself. Christians who ignore these issues within their community are only enabling them. I get that you feel defensive about your religion because it's a part of who you are so an attack on it feels like an attack on you, but if you really care about it then you should be motivated to work on improving it so it can live up to your love for it, instead of getting mad at people for being rightfully unhappy about a group that has a long, long history of abusing lgbt people, and which hasn't exactly done a lot in recent years to improve their reputation.

The ability to cure any disease/illness or unwanted mental disorder/illness in anyone nearby within a certain radius. Might as well focus on it helping others if it's completely random.

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Idk about other people, but I don't really know how the instances work and the instance name seems the least abstract. Beehaw was confusing because it's not called lemmy so idk if it's a different thing or what, and idk what .ml means or stands for. just looks like it's the default lemmy instance to me as a dunce who doesn't know how lemmy works.

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I'll be honest, I don't really see why this was needed atm, I think there are too many kids who need to be adopted before we try to focus on giving more people biological kids.

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It doesn't say anywhere in that article that leftists are trying to censor that scene, John just mentions other actors he knows personally who suggested that he cut it out of worry that it would be viewed as offensive. Not because people on the left actually called it offensive or called for it to be censored. So according to that article, nobody tried to censor it, just suggested that Cleese cut it, and their reasoning wasn't because it's offensive, but because they were worried that it might be considered offensive. It also mentions in that article how religious groups were the ones actually trying to censor the movie in the past. Cleese didn't want to cut that scene, so he didn't. It wasn't at risk of being censored considering he'd never had any intention of cutting it and the choice was always his to make.

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Because it has a different connotation. It's generally used by a different demographic, often to refer to themselves, and doesn't have the unfortunate history that "coloured people" has. Just because they're similar that doesn't make them the same. Most people I've seen using the term "coloured people" aren't exactly known for being not-racist. Most people I've seen using "people of colour" are, well, people of colour. We sometimes need a shorthand for people who aren't white but may or may not be black, and personally I tend to go with whatever the people being referred to generally prefer.

The cat eating the kittens if you touch them thing is a myth. The only times a cat might eat their kitten/kittens is if they're extremely stressed, malnourished, or if a kitten is ill or dies. And even in those cases it's still rare and the cat is more likely to abandon the kittens rather than eat them. A cat may decide to move her kittens and try to hide them if she doesn't like them being handled, but that's about it. And lots of cats actually like when their kittens are handled by humans for various reasons, so it's possible she won't have any issue with it regardless.

I'm not sure where the myth came from, but my guess is that in rare cases some feral cats or new mothers get so stressed by humans handling their kittens too much that they eat the kittens because they feel like the environment isn't safe enough for raising a litter and go nuclear, but I doubt this happens often even among cases of cats eating their young, and like I mentioned before the cat is far likelier to abandon the kittens rather than eat them unless she's starving. A cat isn't going to lose the ability to recognize their kitten just because they have human scents on them. They use more than just their sense of smell to recognize their kittens, and handling a kitten isn't enough to completely remove the kitten's smell. Cat's noses are too sensitive for that. Not to mention if that was all it took to get a mother to reject their kitten, then it wouldn't be so common for mother cats to adopt kittens that they didn't give birth to, or even baby animals from a different species. Their mothering instinct post-pregnancy is too strong for something like scent to be a primary factor.

Many flea treatments can be unsafe for newborn kittens because of how sensitive they are, so don't cover them in any mixtures you read about online without consulting a vet first. Don't use soap on them either, and submerging them in water isn't a good idea. I think the usual method for kittens that young is just using a very fine flea comb and dampening their fur with warm (but not too hot) water, then picking off the individual fleas by sight, since they're small enough for that method to be effective. Even if their fur is dark, the flea comb and a good light source can still allow you to see and pick them off effectively, and the water will cause them to gather in the drier spots, making them easier to find. Then you let them dry in a warm place to make sure they don't get too cold after. Kittens can be very sensitive to changes in temperature which is part of why bathing them outright isn't a good idea, and why keeping them warm after dampening their fur is important. Also you'll want to treat the mom at the same time, so she doesn't just give the fleas to the kittens again, and clean all their bedding and whatever their bedding is kept in (if they're in a box for example).

I highly recommend calling a local vet to ask over the phone about what methods to use to de-flea both the mother and the kittens, at the very least. Even better if you're willing to get them an appointment, the sooner the better since fleas can be dangerous for young kittens, even if you don't think they have many on them. The mother can probably be medically treated, but the kittens can't. Whatever source you're getting this "I read" info from isn't reliable, and while I try my best to do my research, I'm not a vet, I'm just a random person on the internet. so I would recommend consulting a professional first and foremost if you want to be absolutely sure that what you do is safe and won't hurt the kittens. Even if you don't want to pay for an appointment, most vets are willing to answer questions and give advice over the phone. Source: I worked at a pet hospital and often consulted the vets about questions asked over the phone.

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Idk about other people, but I don't really know how the instances work and the instance name seems the least abstract. Beehaw was confusing because it's not called lemmy so idk if it's a different thing or what, and idk what .ml means or stands for. just looks like it's the default lemmy instance to me as a dunce who doesn't know how lemmy works.

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You're right, it is an entertaining read lmao

You can ingest it, but you can't digest it and it won't provide much if any nutrition. It'll probably make you constipated though.

So many suggestions here are so needlessly complicated. Just put some tape on the end of a thin stick 🤦

Liftoff so far has been the only one that let me log in and also works consistently. I haven't tried connect but I can vouch for liftoff at least. I'll probably be trying sync for lemmy whenever it comes out though since I loved sync for reddit.

The first Resident Evil movie. Not because of the zombies, it was the laser scene that got to me. I was convinced that lasers would come out of any reflective surface to get me. I didn't like how they seemed to react to the guy avoiding them, making it impossible for him to escape, like they were intelligent and trying to kill him.

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What do y'all expect exactly? A ball bearing??

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Even if there are alternative ways to see the content of the comments, making it more difficult to access that content still does something and isn't pointless. The average person isn't going to go through the trouble of checking the wayback machine or some other external archive, or download any add-ons or what have you to undelete or unedit comments. Not unless they already know that the comment said something they're interested in enough to put in that extra effort, which is going to be a pretty small selection of people who might but probably won't look into your comments unprompted to begin with anyway.

It's funny how you never reply whenever people actually try to ask you what you think is extremist about Greta and her methods/views. Something tells me you've just been told she's extremist by some bad faith actor and you're just repeating that without enacting any actual critical thought about it.

I was going to mention that if it's still growing the user base there may be some less interesting tags, but damn. Yeah, those are just really dull in a random way lol.

Maybe you could set her up a plex library or something like that?

Here's a detailed explanation for anyone who's still confused:

リグマ is pronounced "riguma". Japanese らりるれろ/ラリルレロ (ra ri ru re ro) sounds do not have a direct equivalent in English, but English R and L sounds are the closest, and we tend to defaut to r for any Japanese words or romanization (aka writing Japanese words with the Latin alphabet, which is referred to as romaji). But their "R"s can also be interpreted as L for loan words or words from another language depending on the word. Riguma would be spelled the same as ligma would in romaji, and when spoken would be pronounced the same. Ligma is a joke disease people claim to have so that when someone asks them what it is they can reply with "ligma balls", which sounds like "lick my balls." リグマ ボールス would be romanized as "riguma bōruzu". Bōruzu is how they'd write the English word for balls, so "riguma bōruzu" sounds like "Ligma balls" and is how you would say/write it in katakana.

Nah I like it, I always hated tight clothes. I am all for a fashion era of comfort and room to breath.

Listen, I liked Sync's ui and I wanna go back to something familiar when sync for lemmy comes out okay lol

It's because it gives Lemmy the erection, not you.

You can make "willing to change and improve" part of who you are. I think far too many people interpret "be yourself" as "never change, improve, or self-reflect", when it should really mean something more like "don't pretend to be someone you aren't". Any changes you make should be sincere. Being yourself doesn't have to mean being stagnant.

Part 2

If you like video essays that aren't specifically about tea, or like social justice topics, then some good channels for that are Contrapoints, Shaun_vids, and SomeMoreNews. Their styles are quite different from each other but they cover a lot of the same or similar topics related to current events. Shaun_vids is the type to do a lot of in depth research about the groups he's talking about. He's more clinical, but also very thorough. Contrapoints comes in from a more emotional standpoint, not in the "feelings trump facts" way though, it's more like Hbomberguy is logically intelligent and tackles topics from that angle, while contrapoints is very emotionally intelligent, and tackles topics from that angle, addressing why different groups might feel a certain way and how they developed that mindset or how it influences their behaviour. Her video on incels is a great example of this, and is a really interesting video about those communities and the mindsets of the people who join them. I also really like her theatrical presentation, and she's very good at giving the other side of things a fair overview while not compromising her own views or being too gentle/forgiving with assholes or bigots. SomeMoreNews is the most confrontational out of the three. They also do a lot of research on the topics, but their style is very much like John Oliver, but with more of a news anchor theme rather than a talk show theme, and the host has more of a defined character that he plays rather than just playing "himself", though his personality does come through a lot too.

Come to think of it, John Oliver is another good channel in that genre since I think most episodes of Last Week Tonight have been uploaded on YouTube. He's very comedy focused but of these 4 his show has the most resources and as a result his show is possibly the most backed up by research on every topic he covers. Not that the others are lacking on that end by any means. But if you want actual on-screen citations from papers and studies, then his probably comes in first, followed by SomeMoreNews in second, and Shaun_vids (also known as just Shaun) in 3rd. Contrapoints comes in last but mostly just because the stuff she generally tries to tackle is the emotional side of things more than the statistical side of things (which can be just as, if not more valuable when tackling these topics. She has a reputation for deradicalizing a lot of alt right people for a reason), but that doesn't mean she doesn't cite her sources. She has an academic background and it shows. So it's not a criticism by any means, more a sliding scale of what each channel focuses on. So depends on where your preferences lie if that style of video appeals to you.

If you don't want to watch stuff about politics or social justice but still like video essays, then obviously VSauce is a good channel to binge, but if you want a channel that uploads more often and is currently uploading, then I guess it depends on what kind of topics you like. My tastes are really varies in this genre so I'd probably need more specifics if this is what you're looking for. Music? Movies? Theme parks? A little bit of everything? Debunking videos? Tv shows? Behind the scenes stuff? Archaeology? Space? True crime? Anime? Video games (as in it's an essay about the games, not a lets play or gaming challenge)? Let me know if you're interested in any specific recs in this genre or if you're up for a little bit of everything. The only channel that comes to mind that covers a wider range of topics is Folding Ideas, which is a great channel. But everyone else I tend to watch is usually more niche to some degree.

If you like more casual reaction content with funny people riffing off stuff they see online, then there's Chad Chad, Danny Gonzales, Drew Gooden, Cody Ko, and people in that general circle. They tend to reference other similar channels a lot so watching them can expose you to others if you like that genre. I only recently discovered Chad Chad who is really funny imo.

If you like less casual reaction content, as in movie/show reviewers, I have a lot, so if you're specifically interested in that let me know and I'll make it a separate post.

Some more random recs that didn't really fit into any particular category:

Any Austin. He does video game stuff, but not like any other channel, he does stuff like determining the unemployment rate of video game cities, or reviewing all the inns and restaurants in Skyrim, or talking about weird locations in video games that people don't usually notice or think about. One video series he has is seeing which video game characters in various franchises take the longest to drown. The topics he chooses are often very oddball but his delivery is so entertaining he manages to make the most mundane topics fun to think about. He takes the unemployment videos so seriously to the point of comedy, talking like he's a legitimate auditor and even printing out the reports and having a presentation at the end like he's at a meeting. He's good at making this so absurd that it's comical, but in a very deadpan kinda way.

DNSL. I'm not really sure how to describe him other than as a very successful troll who messes with people in online games. He doesn't go too far and most of his targets are assholes, so it doesn't feel too mean, more absurdist lol.

Sushi Ramen. He's like if a Japanese game show was a person. His vids are in Japanese, but with subtitles on most of his videos. He's very funny and has done some wacky things. It's hard to describe what he does exactly, kinda like Jackass mixed with a prank show mixed with some of the comedic diy style channels.

Scary Interesting. Stories about various disasters and tragedies. There are lots of channels like this, but scary interesting is the only one that I stuck with. I like the variety of stories, they way they're told, na how there aren't any bells and whistles, just some imagery put on screen to match whatever's happening or the setting, or from the event if available, and the guy telling the story. He tells them well without drawing them out too much or being sensational or over dramatic, while still including enough information to understand what's going on. Does lots of cave diving stories or mountain climbing stories, but also dabble in murders and disappearances and other various topics. Morbid but fascinating, and not all his stories have bad endings so it's not all depressing.

That's not all I have by a long shot but I tried to pick out the ones that stood out to me the most without getting bogged down in specifics, but if anyone wants more specific recs then let me know and I can elaborate or add on to what I've mentioned already.

I mean he's the only president I'm aware of who just came out and straight called the fascists fascists, and didn't backpedal when the fascists got mad.

I mean I only ever see the ones arguing with leftists actually admitting to being centrist, so if what you're saying is true then maybe the centrist arguing with rightists should consider improving their PR by being more vocal about it. Because y'all only ever seem to bring up your political affiliation when arguing with one particular side, so no wonder you've developed a reputation based on that.

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I mean, to be fair, bucket traps are a tried and true rodent trapping method, when done right at least lol.

I think with the "walk the plank" style bucket trap he'll need a pivot point further into the bucket so the rat has to get partway across before it'll fall, which prevents it from jumping back before it falls in. Can do this with a thin rod that goes across attached to the bottom of whatever is used for the plank part.

One method that also sometimes works is putting a ramp on the side of the bucket to let the rat up, smearing peanut butter a few inches below the rim on the inside, and then greasing the edges a bit, so the rat has to try and reach in to get the peanut butter and then slips into the bucket because they can't keep a grip on the sides.

Or he can go the Mouse Hunt route and just befriend the rat. I'm sure that couldn't possibly go wrong.

The issue is that right now one entire party has become an issue that needs to be solved.

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I think a major aspect that seems to be ignored pretty often is that "people of colour" is used a lot by non-white people, while "coloured people" isn't as much. Sometimes we need a shorthand for people who aren't white but may or may not be black, and I generally think that going with the version that the people being referred to prefer is usually the more respectful choice.

I think that you are the one who has zero understanding of how fast culture can change. There are a LOT of things that were considered acceptable 20 years ago but aren't today.

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I don't think any particular kindle needs to be cracked or modded, you just have to pirate the files and make them compatible with software like calibre then put them on your kindle that way. Same with stuff like kobo. I downloaded a bunch of stuff into my kobo glow to read on planes or during long trips when I don't wanna drain my phone battery.

I don't remember if it always did every time from the beginning, but it did last time.

This sort of question is better meant for the support community I think.