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Joined 1 years ago

As someone signing up for, my reasons were:

  • It sounds official or at least less obscure than ".ml" or ""
  • It sounded inclusive (we're all part of the world, so to speak)
  • It was in the list of default instances of Connect for Lemmy

Otherwise, I didn't give much though to which instance to pick.

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Or simply that prices have become insane. Good phones used to be around 400, taking me a few days to think about it and say yes. Now they are beyond 1000, so I will do my best to avoid having to upgrade and go with custom ROMs again. In the meanwhile, we also lost exchangeable batteries, external SD cards, and microphone jack, and we gained more Google spyware and bloat.

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Couldn't agree more. I went from a Google fan boy to a Google skeptic during his reign.

So posts are going up, users go down. I know that millions have been purged, but the loss looks much more organic.

For Search I use Duckduckgo (free).

For Mail, Calendar and Contacts I use Fastmail (free or paid, I use the paid version).

For file storage there's plenty of alternatives (Dropbox etc.)

For browser I use Edge, but it is also built on Chromium. I will make my choice once the recent Web Environment Integrity topic has become more clear.

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Pretty incredible. What happened in early 2022? It was not yet the time of GPTs, so?

Hhaa, what do you post about?

Too bad as I just found it a week ago, but totally understandable.

I had been on reddit since 2013. Didn't look back since they took away the API.

Honestly, once apps are improving (though current ones are actually pretty nice) and more users are here - what would I be missing from reddit? Nothing. When I need old content I use Google to get it from reddit, but for anything new there is not a single feature I miss dearly (might be different for moderators).

Ha, yeah. That's what's holding me back the most. Somehow it worked with Twitter.

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It really does offer a lot for the very low price of 1000€, astonishing.

God damnit. I though Samsung got better.

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Thanks for that, looks pretty nice. Though I'm concerned now trading Google might block your account for using it.

What happened that made her hated?

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Yes, I played gw2 for a long time. Unfortunately, I didn't like how WvW played essentially as big blobs stuck together. Pvp was interesting, but missed some objectives there. I'm currently trying WoW, it also has its many flaws, but is a new flavor for me.

Yeah. Fully replaced reddit for me, besides some old content via Google.

I moved to Fastmail a couple of months ago and it is fantastic. Much prefer it to Google Mail, besides the privacy improvements.

Ha, that brings back memories! Had a few of those. Amazing they are still in use.

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Yep, same thing for ClickUp, a competitor. Pretty much the only thing they talk about and seem to work on is AI, which comes at a high price and does not really add much benefit.

This used to be pretty common. And to be fair, I prefer this model compared to excessive cash shops. (WoW also has one which I don't like, but at least there is no item shop. Though I'm sure they would if it not caused too much of a backlash)

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I'm worried that after years of layoffs, they have become a custom. It feels like companies were deliberating laying off people for longer before that, avoiding bad news. Nowadays, 'everyone' is doing it. And nothing prevents them from over hiring and firing in large amounts over and over again.

Ha, no problem, thanks for the explanation! Makes sense!

Yes, makes sense. I didn't fully realize how they rolled it out.

That's interesting to see this steady decline way before the most controversial changes.

That's my assumption as well. Man in a suit checks out the machine? Bump it up. Couple checks out? Bump it up.

That's nice. Besides clearing the two rows part for obvious reasons, was it business class, first class, or coach?

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Fastmail is king.

Interesting, I joined recently, followed a couple of people and hashtags, posted and got responses which I didn't expect as I was there for a day.

Yeah, that makes sense. Definitely beats flying private jet in the eyes of the public.

What are usual numbers on Facebook and Instagram? These numbers sound extremely high. Is the app being heavily talked about in your circles?

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What does it do? Reuse the session Id from your browser session?

For me it is lack of commercial interests (ads hidden in post), lack of bots, and lack of "funny meme and jokes' posts.