
3 Post – 132 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

πŸ€žπŸ»πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ βœŒπŸ»πŸ™πŸ» πŸ€œπŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸΏ 🐧πŸ–₯

His true colours are on full display, yet many still try to say this is not genocide.

It's sick to the core.

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Why anyone would buy into this crap is beyond me.

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So when Israel was given it's land via the Balfour treaty both sides were happy for a while. Yea some were pissed off but didn't act out.

Then when Israel got settled and comfy they decided to try to grab the rest of "their" land even though this broke the treaty.

Since then the land grab has gotten blatant and they've created their own laws to justify it, to the point that even me saying this is seen as antisemitism even though it is totally truthful.

Well done Israel, what did you think would happen.

The ICC still want a word too!

Apartheid is still alive.

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Why would you support / advise these fukn ahats?

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Great quote there and totally right.

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Here we go. ...

Linux is the kernel.

Gnu refers to the userland tools.

Many say gnu no longer really applies as the userland tools are provided by more than GNU's specific set.

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If you're a new user you'd be better off moving on from here and not paying much attention. It's a hot topic full of opinions that everyone will want to force on you.

If you really want to swap out the init system there are some things you need to know.

First, do you need a desktop environment(DE)/window manager(WM)? If so you'll need to find a DE/WM that is not going to demand you use the mainstream init choice which currently is SystemD. If you want to use Gnome from your chosen distro repo's then chances are it will pull SystemD with it.

If you want Gnome but not SystemD you're gonna be building that beast from source every update and for the most part you'll need to go direct to Gnome for any issue/bug you fall over and this too will be painful.

Simpler WMs will be more forgiving and will only rely on either xorg or wayland and will happily run on any init.

There will be other packages out there that also demand you use SystemD, so you'll have to find them and decide if you need them or if there are alternatives that don't have a hard dependency on SystemD.

All the current usable inits are written in C or C+ (except for GNU Shepherd, this is written in guile).

The benefit of swapping out the init system is mainly down to choice, necessity but again this all boils down to what the installation is for and what will it be doing.

For a good run down of the features of the init systems refer to these 2 urls: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Comparison_of_init_systems https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Init

All of the init's (except for epoch) provide parallel service startup so if boot time is a focus test each to find the fastest for your platform, Not all of them provide per-service config.

For example one can cobble together: minirc, busybox, syslogng, crond, iptables, lighttpd.

And the end result would be a relatively secure webserver with a small footprint, you could further extend this with nginx to sit in front of lighttpd to provide waf and cache features.

The biggest bug bear with SystemD is that it writes to binary log files and even though it can be configured to generate plain text, if it falls over in a bad way you will still only get a binary log file and if you're in a situation where your only access is say busybox for emergencies. In this instance your only option is to boot from another systemd distro and mount the broken install and run:

$ journalctl --file /var/log/journal/system.journal

Other than that many take issue with SystemD trying replace parts of the system that many say don't really need replacing like sudo, fstab, resolv.conf, etc but again these statements get full of opinion and don't help us truly way up the differences and some of the SystemD alternatives misbehave or become hard dependencies other projects which makes it harder to disable parts and swap out to your chosen package.

I've tried to be more objective with this response and keep as much of my personal opinion out of this, But here is mine:

I don't really like it but to make it easier to get support for my OS I put up with it, I daily drive arch and so must accept it. I could rip it out or run artix, I've gone down this path and got fed up with jumping hurdles to get what I wanted so went back to Arch and now I disable parts of it I don't need/want, have it generate text log files, use openresolv and other choices.

This fucking pariah of an mp needs to be taken out of office now.

Hamas is an ideology. Even Israel recently stated this and said you can't stop an ideology. This dovetails perfectly into the sentiment of this article. Both together, plus idf actions show genocide is really what they want.

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But all 5 points can be said for all other distros running a DE.

Putin would blame the west for a shart in his nappy.

Now that Apple are aggressively displaying their monopolistic attitude to anything 3rd party and their wanton greed. I wonder if we'll see regulators going harder on them.

I very much doubt it and fully expect the regulators to effectively say "Oh well we told them and gave them parameters!"

Edit: All their products are fucking over priced, When YOU purchase YOUR phone YOU should be able to do what YOU want with it. Disagree? FUCK YOU

Apple are clearly fleecing anyone who purchases their shit and will continue to fuck you at every opportunity.

Manic street preachers : if you tolerate this your children will be next


Why do we need to know why yet another person has decided to stop using some Linux distro?

This is pointless content for the sake of it. You even made one previously about why you started using the distro back last August, and that was just as pointless.

Please stop.

Never pay ransomeware demands.

Bitwarden+vaultwarden server = free enterprise access πŸ‘

As a 49 year old IT worker I think you guessed well lol.

Sorry but it's a blatant gen x spreadsheet program!

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Can't say I'm surprised, he can be a reactionary douche.

Sounds great but needs more contributors to gain trust so that it can be used in production.

If your winamp is still functional, I'd just suggest you convert all mp3pro to wav using the disc writer plugin and then use ffmpeg to convert to mp4 or normal mp3.

Then you won't need to worry about the mp3pro codec issues.

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Until my distro forces wayland on me I'll stick with xorg+XFCE. I've played with sway and hyprland but I need my application choices to actually work well. (no I'm not going to list them).

As for the cube desktop in the image: We had this with compiz and learnt then that this is pointless.

Why are we back there?

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The community is fed up with hearing about distro hopping as it does nothing and goes nowhere other than to yet another distro.

My God, I felt sick reading this.

I've made a few posts to arch forums and never faced issues.

Perhaps it helps that I work in enterprise tech support so I'm used to providing a lot of verbose info about a given issue I'm facing when requesting help. I also show what I've done in an attempt to resolve it.

Many of the so called toxic responses I've seen on there have been to posts that I would say don't follow rules or just give very minimal info.

Trilby is also one of the best responders on there but have had a few blunt responses from others.

When the ratio of civilian death to hamas death is far greater, you need to realise something is fundamentally wrong with the actions of the idf.

Additionally, reports of Jewish attacks on Palestinians are up too, which was high even prior to the war.

All that will happen is more people will join the cause to fight against the occupation of Palestine.

You all want to see an end to attacks you saw prior to the war, but you need to realise all that will happen is more hostility due to the wanton destruction of their home.

The leaders the idf seek are in Qatar, but they already knew this, which is why for weeks, the world was told this is a war against hamas the ideology they now state can't be destroyed!

Seems like to me that here we have the same thing that USA did with the wmd excuse.

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You clearly didn't read did you:

The makedeb Package Repository (abbreviated MPR) is a user-maintained repository of build files (PKGBUILDs) that can be built with makedeb and then installed with APT.

Whilst I understand your point Iggy/miles sonkin the defacto leader is on record of saying the following when talking of treatment of women:

Let's not kid ourselves this is Pavlovian conditioning!

I can't see why anyone would allow them to retain access to anyplatform.

Looks like a cult, acts like a cult, it is a cult!

Boost for lemmy is what I use. Just add your accounts and then change the account.

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Absolute twat yet some lap up his words and fall to lick his boots.

This isnt rice, it's that fine chopped pasta that can be used as rice!


I came across this article way back when I was searching for a true to the name USB-C hub in that a device that gives you more than 1 usb-c socket!

When I read the article I gave up searching for them and now refuse to by anything that resembles a USB-C hub due to this article and the lack of true to the name USB-C hubs.

I have a bunch of USB-A to C adaptors and a USB-A self powered hub that gives me 7 USB-A ports πŸ‘

The reason why people think nix has a larger repo is because nix has only 1 repo for everything, were arch has 3 main and 4 testing and then the aur. If arch lumped everything into one repo it too could say it has 80k+ packages.

Vscode, the chrome browser with a ide suit. No thanks

Some helpful links:




Suggest you run a small virtual lab to get your head around things.

It is doable, and there are articles out there about sysadmins running it with great success in a mixed environment.

Good luck, admin πŸ‘πŸ»

Have you checked the source git repo to see if that was updated?

If the app you speak of is a -git type then the aur page will have an old date but the repo where the source is will be new and current.

It could also be that the app you speak of is abandoned, try sending a msg to the maintainer.

Bitwarden+vaultwarden, harden the chosen VPS, set SSH to use keys only, then setup fail2ban for webserver and ssh Also consider putting ffsync on it as well for extra browser benefits.

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No it is not a system issue. User made an assumption and got a slap as this is not windows.

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Just one junta supplying another junta.