Has anyone here stopped drinking?

neamhsplach@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 41 points –

I stopped drinking on the 18th of March 2023. Because of where I live and how my culture socialises, this was a huge step. But to be honest, in hindsight it was just something I'd been putting off for a long time. The hangovers did just become a nightmare to deal with, plus I didn't feel like I was doing well with my personal relationships because of it. I'm glad to have all that time back, although I miss part of the social aspect. I'm working on creating a sober social life but it's very early days.

How has your sobriety journey been for you?

I absolutely loved using r/stopdrinking as a resource. Now that I'm not on reddit so much I'd love to find a new community here! Has anyone created a sobriety community on the fediverse yet?


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Congrats mate! I quit in 2020 after over 20 years of steady drinking. I wish I could get that time back. Sometimes I miss the taste and how a drink or two allowed me to focus on one thing at a time but I don't miss being hungover or wasting money on it.

Ayy don't concentrate so much on the time you wish you could get back, rather concentrate on what to do with your upcoming time. "What can I do?" is a much worthier investment than "What should have I done differently?"

Yeah for sure, I'm trying to make the most of the time I have left.