Bubble Water

@Bubble Water@beehaw.org
4 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


this is why diversity initiatives are important. a team of all white dudes is gonna have some blind spots

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I have similar trouble with taking mean interactions personally. As a result, I really limit my commenting and mostly read stuff. Sometimes when I do comment I won't read the responses for a while. For some reason putting some time between me and the conversation makes it less scary to read mean stuff. And I don't respond to mean comments, even if they're misrepresenting what I said.

Anyway what that person said to you was seriously messed up. I hope it doesn't stick with you for too long.

was this your 10- year reunion? I'm gen-x and graduated with a class of 100. we have not had any reunions at all. I feel like I'm missing out on this American experience.

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I'm American and yesterday I realized I made a mistake on my taxes less than an hour after I filed them. Some googling told me it's not a huge deal, just have to file an amended tax return after my initial one is accepted but I can't ignore it because the IRS will know I did it wrong because they will have received a form from another party with the numbers I forgot to put in. It's baffling to me why it's a weird negotiation to pay taxes instead of them just telling me what I owe since they do know what I owe.

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I love this. So many countries are troubled by population decline yet aren't doing much to make the future hopeful for people. I read somewhere that in the USA gen Z is more YOLO because they see no point in trying to work towards owning a home, raising children, etc. under the current conditions.

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I wouldn't bother tbh. Studies have shown that when people are given facts that contradict their beliefs they just end up doubling down.

Just got back from my trip to Chicago and wow I really enjoyed the vibe there. I live in the Pacific Northwest and it's so different! The cta was so convenient (even though the ticket machines wouldn't take any of my cards so I couldn't buy a day pass). The architecture was really interesting and the locals were pretty friendly. I would like to return and spend more time exploring, as I only had one day proper to spend in the city.

Back home now and we're starting a cold snap and the heat in my building still hasn't been turned on. I feel like I'm in a Dickens novel huddling over my desk and blowing on my fingers to thaw them.

just turned in a month long freelance project! looking forward to having my free time back.

Feeling really tired after having my parents stay for a few days and then going to a concert. I am only able to tolerate like 1 or 2 max extra things in a week so I'm struggling to finish this one out. Also struggling with guilt over distancing myself from an Israeli friend a little while ago (unrelated to the recent conflict there- I just felt drained by our communications). I checked in to see if she's okay but I don't really want to get back in touch. I feel like a shit person.

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My brakes started making a horrible BBBRRAAAHH sound so I had to be brave and call my mechanic today. Luckily I can bring it in to get fixed tomorrow but it's so stressful dealing with car stuff. I'm babysitting my nephews and Wednesday and my parents are coming into town on Thursday evening so that's fun/stressful. My quiet routines are quite disrupted this week.

I have some online friends who have really been irritating me lately because they message me all the time about stuff I don't want to engage with and if I don't respond they'll find me thru other apps and message me there. I have uninstalled a couple apps and am ghosting them for a couple days until I can stop feeling so grouchy about it but unsure of my long term plan.

"People are likely still contagious when they test positive, and that hasn’t changed, said Jennifer Nuzzo, director of the Pandemic Center at Brown University’s School of Public Health."

My child was still testing positive midweek even tho her symptoms were improving and she was fever free for a day and by the new guidelines she should have been back in school spreading it to her classmates.

I have a Samsung as well. It's quite old and in order to print I have to:

  1. press print
  2. wait for it to try and fail
  3. turn it off and then on
  4. press print again
  5. push the paper in right as it's trying to grab (otherwise it won't grab any).

If I don't follow all these steps it won't print. I bought a 2 pack of toner, though, so I am not allowed to get a new one until I use it all, which will take forever since I rarely print because it's such a pain.

Congrats mate! I quit in 2020 after over 20 years of steady drinking. I wish I could get that time back. Sometimes I miss the taste and how a drink or two allowed me to focus on one thing at a time but I don't miss being hungover or wasting money on it.

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I think we live in the same city, one that recently awarded 40k a nonprofit who in turn is giving it to a shady org to sweep the camps. This is the first local election where I feel super strongly about the candidates, mostly because of the cartoonish hijinks going on.

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when I was 14 I spent the night at my bff's house and snuck out with her. took a taxi to the next town over to this guy's house (he was probably in his 20s) to smoke weed. this was back before it was legal and he answered the door with a gun. neither of us knew him at all but despite all this we went in and partied with him without incident. dude was paranoid as hell tho

if I didn't know better I would say you were born with it

My neck and shoulders have been really hurting me lately. I got a prescription for massages from my dr but I suck at making appointments so I might just be in pain for a while. Going to Chicago solo next weekend and that's a little scary. I need a life coach but just for like little stuff haha

*Edit- just remembered I have a high deductible plan so I won't be getting any massages.

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I finished a meeting that I was dreading for WEEKS. It went ok.

during the twitter exodus my friend was fretting over not being able to access a beloved twitter account's tweets and wanting to save them somehow. I told her if she printed them all on acid free paper she had a better chance of being able to access them in the future than trying to save them digitally

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Not even a little bit. I'm still in awe of the universe, aware of my own insignificance, and terrified yet resigned to my eventual death though!

Thank you, I'll do that!

For real. I remember when I quit Facebook I stopped getting invited to things because people would just make FB events and call it good. Like close friends wouldn't even realize I didn't know about an event. Even now there's an outdoor events group I wanted to join but they only organize on Facebook and I don't want to make an account.

yep they're all in bed together and so shady! have you been by the "dog park"? what a joke. also did you hear the city manager is claiming he didn't see the email warning them they need to use the 1 mil in homeless funding or lose it? he had responded to it the same day. they have no intention of actually helping the unhoused, clearly.

Matsutake/pine mushroom

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looks smurfy! post an after pic when you're done!

been raining super hard here and when I entered my home yesterday after work I got hit with a strong mildew smell. I must have a leak somewhere and this feels expensive to fix.

oh ya I voted for Teresa. anyway, cool to see a neighbor on here!

I watch new eps of Castaway Diva and season two of The Gilded Age every week. Castaway Diva is a super soap operaish kdrama and sometimes the plot devices are so unbelievable I roll ny eyes but the characters are cute. The Gilded Age has beautiful sets and costumes and the plot is okay but the acting is terrible (with a few exceptions).

I've also been churning thru The Expanse, which was recommended by someone on Beehaw. it's pretty good, kind of hard to connect with the characters but interesting plot.

yep elementary school in the 90's. we rang a little bell when we got to the top. it was fun!

ye I know how to configure my notifs settings. my issue is wanting novel information all the time so I pick up the phone and start scrolling

Yes mine has gone all wonky just within the past few hours. It's not every post but many of the most recent.

Just watched a trailer for The Expanse and it looks so good! idk if I can make it thru 6 seasons tho. I'm a serial series abandoner.

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I'm just thinking about going to the movie rental place and trying to pick something to watch. The stakes were way higher back then.

woke up to a sick dog this morning AND I had to go into the office today :(

oh wow that is wild about your bank. reminds me that some stuff at my work requires 2FA via app so idk how I'd get around that

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oh wow I have not heard of the ceramic ones but I do remember them having high hopes for the gold ones. now the problem is in the near future it might be harder to find machines that have cd drives

I mostly watch Kdramas but I have watched a couple CDramas and Thai Dramas. What are you watching right now? I just started the KDrama Twenty-Five Twenty-One, which is set in the late 1990's during the IMF Crisis.

Yeah for sure, I'm trying to make the most of the time I have left.

I'm driving home to the beach to visit my parents. hoping to avoid the onslaught of fireworks this weekend since they're illegal at the beach, tho I will be driving home on Independence Day. I always thought they should give us the next day off to recover from lack of sleep.