Made a post on r/ModCoord yesterday why mods should keep their subs closed no matter what. it reached the top of the sub then it got removed lol to Reddit – 269 points –

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Of note, old.reddit doesn't display the "this post has been removed" message while new.reddit does; in old the post appears to still be up and normal.

This is fairly standard, though, whether or not that message shows in old.reddit has always been wildly inconsistent.

yep I used old, because on new I don't see the image, only title + post removed message.

some of the comments are pretty good too, at least the ones with positive karma

The only way to tell if a post was mod removed on old reddit when direct linked, if there is no mod removal message (itself a cowardly indicator), is if the thumbnail shown turns blank and shows the "snoo with ?". Reddit appears to purge thumbnails from removed posts.